I'll save you the time, If you don't like the story at this stage, you won't like it at a later stage.
In terms of missing too much of the story. There is a game (Play the Renpy version) called "Follower" that is basically the prologue.
The prologue was to give new players a summary of what happens in "Follower" so that they can play this game, without needing to play the previous game. In terms of telling the major event of the previous story, the prologue were 100%
In terms of the language, English is not Honygames native language, but it's good enough to get the gist of what's being said and it is definitely improving as well.
This is the best game on this forum in terms of interpersonal relationships between a cast of 55+characters. Tell me of any other game on here that has a cast this big. And no two characters are the same. Every single character on this list have a different personality, that everyone playing the game can tell you about.
TLDR: This is currently my favorite game on this forum. It does have flaws, but is still pretty awesome. I realize that this game is not for everyone, so if you don't like what is out there already, this game is probably not for you.