I think I know the reason why the Ashley fix in Day 85 doesn't always work. It was implemented to correct that you should have been Ashley's boyfriend by the time Day 85 starts if you'd had sex with her after the Ashely/Tatianna/Connor dinner party and had made the correct choices after that to keep her sweet. At the start of Day 85 the fix works as:
Line 106: if ashleygirl == 0: (should have been at least 2 by now)
Line 107: if ashleyevent >= 7: (MC calls Ashley next day after having post-dinner sex)
Line 108: $ ashleygirl = 2 (now you're dating)
Line 109: $ ashleytext = 1 (
would normally be 5 if the Ashley path is solo and you text/call her whenever the option is given - see Day 69 reference below)
On Day 85 there are two checks as follows:
Line 823: "Call Ashley" if ashleytext >= 1:
Line 825: "if ashleytext <= 2:"
This option pops up after you speak to Rupert at the Elita Magazine offices. If you've only just become Ashley's boyfriend courtesy of the fix above
DON'T CALL ASHLEY - she'll ditch you.
Line 936: if ashleygirl >= 2:
Line 937: if ashleytext <= 4:
If you
DON'T CALL ASHLEY then she'll call you. You'll lose 25 relationship points but have a chance to recover and not get ditched by opting for "You're right, but... I'll tell you... it's been a hell of a day."
The better option is to go back to Day 69 and call Ashley the day after you had sex with her after the Ashely/Tatianna/Connor dinner party - as you'll pick up any additional stats (fixed in this version at the end of Day 69). With the correct choices on the Ashley girlfriend path you should have the following at the end of Day 84 (1.2):
ashleytext = 5
ashleygirl = 5
ashleyevent = 7
Feel free to use any of my "perfect" Ashley girlfriend saves from the end of 1.2 (attached) if you don't have a pre Day 69 save:
9-1. Ashley (no perv - Adele plan - Tatianna/Connor bad)
9-2. Ashley (perv - Adele plan - Tatianna/Connor bad)
9-3. Ashley (perv - Adele plan - Tatianna/Connor good)
9-4. Ashley/Kim (perv - Adele plan - Tatianna/Connor bad)
9-5. Ashley/Kim (perv - Adele plan - Tatianna/Connor good)
Note: removed the replacement "02 Day 85.rpy" attachment as setting "$ ashleytext = 5" would mess up any Ashley/Yvette path. Don't have a save for the dangerous Ashley/Yvette path
[/QUOTE wish help like this would go into a ptoper walkthroigh or hints