Water Flute bug fix by Steam User: VoxNihili
"Were you able to get past this? I just reached this part myself and my earlier fix didn't quite cover it. If you're still stuck on this, here's another workaround in lieu of a patch (same disclaimer as before, I only made sure it worked, I haven't done any further testing to make sure it didn't break anything else):
Navigate to:
Open up a file called Items.json. Navigate to line 77, it should show the following:
{"id":75,"animationId":0,"consumable":false,"damage":{"critical":false,"elementId":0,"formula":"0","type":0,"variance":20},"description":"You can feel the blasphemy when you play it.\nEffect of decorating at home: HP+30 MP+30","effects":[],"hitType":0,"iconIndex":202,"itypeId":2,"name":"Water_flute","note":"<ICS カテゴリー: Woodworking>\n<SG説明:【Water flute formula】\nMaterial: Speaker: 2 Tattered_flute: 1\nCthulhu's_favor: 2 Deep_one's_scale: 2 \nCthulhu_gospels: 1\nQuantity: 1\nSynthesis category: Woodworking\n>","occasion":3,"price":0,"repeats":1,"scope":0,"speed":0,"successRate":100,"tpGain":0},
Replace that code with this code:
{"id":75,"animationId":0,"consumable":false,"damage":{"critical":false,"elementId":0,"formula":"0","type":0,"variance":20},"description":"You can feel the blasphemy when you play it.\nEffect of decorating at home: HP+30 MP+30","effects":[],"hitType":0,"iconIndex":202,"itypeId":2,"name":"Water_flute","note":"<ICS カテゴリー: Woodworking>\n<ICS カテゴリー: 製造物品>\n<ICS レシピ>\nSpeaker: 2\nTattered_flute: 1\nCthulhu's_favor: 2\nDeep_one's_scale: 2\nCthulhu_gospels: 1\n</ICS レシピ>\n","occasion":3,"price":0,"repeats":1,"scope":0,"speed":0,"successRate":100,"tpGain":0},
Save it, then launch the game. You should be able to craft the Water Flute now, which will let you advance the game.
Be very careful to make sure you don't accidentally touch any of the code around it. You can keep the document open in Notepad so that you can undo any edits with Ctrl+Z in case anything breaks (if that happens, undo the edits, save the document again, then launch the game again). Let me know if that worked.
(For anyone who's curious as to what this does, it looks like the text in the "note:" field is what the Item Combination system uses to generate recipes. For the Water Flute, the note field looked like a copy and paste job from the Water Flute Formula object instead of being formatted as it's own item that can be crafted, which I think is what was throwing the error. So I took the ingredients for the Water Flute and put them in the same format with the same tags as the Wind Lute so that the Item Combination system could parse it correctly.)"
So that's two bug fixes for the two most Game breaking bugs found so far. I HAVE personally not yet TESTED IF THEY WORK but some steam users said that they do.
Still sucks that the word wrapping is still shit and some item/equipment descriptions (effects) are unreadable due to it.