I found out about this game ages ago. Probably the first "adult" game I knew.
And was never able to play, since I had no clue what RAGS was. Then I knew, and still couldn't play, because the damned thing never worked (RAGS itself. Didn't worked for any game)
Of course, F95 to the rescue! Looked thu and thru, followed all the guides/tips/tutorials, and finally could make RAGS work.
I have to say this game is the worst kind.
Spend the whole night at it, trying, retrying and over-retrying, making characters over and over (since always managed to fuck it up at some point, and the engine isn't that helpful). Then spent the whole morning just playing.
The worst kind of game: it keeps you going "just one more day" to see what happens. "Okay, just another and I'm done". "wait, what's that? Ok, there goes another day".