VN - Ren'Py - No More Money [v3.5.1 S3 Ep.5 GE] [RoyalCandy]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's... fine. Decent animations, excellent renders, good sex scenes. I have two major gripes about this game.

    1. This game requires a RIDICULOUS amount of suspension of disbelief. "I'm 20, I've only ever had one job, working at my dad's now defunct company, but I instantly get hired as a Real Estate Agent??" At least getting hired at the club was sort of believable, I suppose? Also, the girlfriend getting breast implants? How did that happen? Totally unnecessary first of all, she looked fine the way she was, now she looks like a damn barbie, but also how did she afford that? That shit is expensive.

    2. OH MY GOD CHILL with the panorama shots. It's like every other image pans now. If I wanted to watch a middle school slideshow project, I'd make one. Just use still images, its fine

    Editing to say: Having played a little further, the panorama thing actually makes the game borderline unplayable. It's incredibly stupid that I have to wait for the image to pan EVERY SINGLE SCENE if I don't want to miss anything. Please, please, PLEASE stop doing this. It doesn't add anything to the game.

    Anyways, the game is fine, certainly feel free to play it, but it also has a few issues that I found pretty annoying.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This has very attractive ladies with smoldering story but good amount of fapable material. This is one game that can go 2 ways at the begining so you can play it twice and have very different game play
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    the models, (even the MC looks good) the OST, and the animations are all very amazing. I never gone back to patreon to support a dev since Dual family and been a cow... yeah yeah... I was. but i will support RoyalCandy for sure. I love the work done.

    Keep going please!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    EDIT FOR 3.1:

    Now the dev has gone and introduced some stupid crime plot and I've lost all interest. There's still no decent action with the mom or sister and no matter how much savescumming I did there's no way around this dumb mafia shit. Bumped it down to one star because that's what it's worth now. Give me mom and sister content or fuck off back to patreon cumguzzling.


    What's here is great. The renders are sharp, the women [mostly] believable, and the storyline is engaging. No one is hopping on the MC's dick right in the first scene........I mean no main girl.

    And that's why the low score. We're on episode five of season two and there's been virtually zero action with the two main girls (mom and sister). It's obviously accelerating at a good pace--probably five or six hours of game right now--but at this time the game isn't worth playing. In a couple years, when there's real action with the main girls this will be a 5/5 no questions asked. Just not yet.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly one of the best experiences I've had when it comes to adult stories, Just an amazing achievement.
    First of all, Kudos to the dev for making the main character super relatable and not a naive soul in a lost world, kudos for just knocking it out of the park with how the inner relationships develop between the MC and Family, makes this all the more relatable.
    Really love the slow pace of the story, Quirky dialogue that is a joy to read, and absolutely BANGER Music on top. Probably the best music I've ever had in a game. Incredible CG work, Really engaging narrative, Actual Choices and Consequence, and you've got something very special brewing here.
    My only cons are the actual sex animations which can get a little better, and that sometimes side character plots seem a little rushed but these are minor criticisms to an overall fantastic experience.
    Would definitely recommend, and excited to see how this progresses.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Samu Al Hydit

    (For v2.5.1 S2 E5 GOLD EDITION)

    • Renders are high quality. Devs definitely love to show them off with panning shots.
    • Dialogues are well-written and actually interesting to read. Caught myself chuckling here and there everytime MC banters around with other characters.
    • Story takes its time to develop character relationships, especially the main casts. I've seen people complaining at how slow the incest stuff is, but I personality like the pacing. It really feels like the characters know how taboo yet exciting incest is, so they have to carefully thread the waters and (try) to avoid making irreparable mistakes.
    • So far, the game allows me to cheat on the girlfriend with a bunch of gorgeous ladies, and I love it.

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    • Characters need more varied facial expressions. While what we get right now is fine, the game would feel better if the casts are more expressive.
    • Even since Season 2, the game is filled with unnecessary and annoying panoramic shots (the ones where the camera goes right to left or bottom to top slowly). It's fine when they're used to show off the gals' new outfit and (to a certain degree) when riding a bike, but everything else just ruins the pacing of the game. I don't need to see a 20 second panning shot of MC knocking on a door. A still image would've been fine since I could see every nook and cranny in detail, especially in sex scenes.
    • Just a small nitpick, but I wish the game would mention that MC still has a girlfriend more, so cheating could feel a lot more thrilling. Maybe have the MC thinking about his relationships when he's alone or something.
    Overall, it's an enjoyable game filled with interesting cast of characters to interact with. If you're looking for an instant hot incestuous sex though, this game isn't for you.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love these game was all good. the story was awesome and nice character buildup. The animations were good, The amount of content was good, overall great game to play. The plot of the game was good, the decesion making of the game was also good,
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly this looked just like every other "moved to a new town with my hot mom and sister" kind of game on here, but it's a lot more than that. The renders are great and the story is pretty good too. I especially like that both paths feel equally fleshed out; there's no "true" path that you're supposed to take. The character interactions in this are fantastic. It's clear a lot of effort went into making this game and I don't have anything negative to say about it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, the game has been really smooth. The storyline has keep me interested especially with the split it has in the beginning. You can play it cool or go all out and see the MC progress in a devious manner or a more well manned take and it lets you see the different interactions. So far RoyalCandy has done a good job with this one.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Impious Monk

    This is a great game, it really deserves more than 3.5 stars. I think some people are upset it's taking so long to nail mom and sister, but it's not like there's nothing happening. There's a ton of sex with various women, conflicts, intrigue, etc. to keep you interested. And the sexual tension with sister is so good. Every scene with her is gold.

    I liked RoyalCandy's renders in No More Secrets, but in this game he's gone next level. Gorgeous women, scenes all set up well, lots of moments to sit back and admire the view. And he uses animations really well.

    Plus the music adds an additional layer of emotional appeal. There aren't a lot of games that use music this effectively.

    Five star game!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, need to progress the club story with his boss. Would love to see where that goes. Very good renders. The Story line is what keeps me coming back to visual novels for more. Good job.

    Any additional character(s) would be great. I know it makes for a large size with the renders, but worth it in my opinion.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 2.3


    Good story with a lot of choices you can make. The music in the back is also very good.

    Art: Very good renders, I like the sister the most. The mother is also very pretty and the animations are very good.

    Overall my rating for this game is a 9,3 / 10

  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game was going pretty good in season 1 but a few models were changed in season 2 with ugly ass replacements and the story has still gotten no where. Plot points keep getting brought up and then either dropped or we're waiting so long for something related to them that you'll just end up forgetting about them.

    I'm a huge fan of slow burn games but damn if this isn't glacial burn..
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    To episode 3, season 2.

    Renders are great. Writing is good enough. Story progression? Filler hell.

    It is the game of a dev, who added to many characters and has no idea how to develop them. And this is also the game of a dev, who has no idea how to develop relationships at the first place.

    For one, there is no sexual content with the main girls - which is okay. What is worse, there is no romantic progression with any of the main girls. There are no dates, no open feelings, no interactions. The last five episodes are iterations of the same cycle "girl is interested and makes a move - MC is surprised - nothing happens - WOW, IS SHEFORREAL - girl makes a move".

    Again, and again, and again- stomping on the same place without progress.

    This game will, eventually, be good, given the development time - and dev is working hard, putting out updates every month. However, now it is the perfectly frustrating experience that I would not advice to even try - you will only destroy your impression of the game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I was a bit disappointed TBH as my expectations were a lil high since NO MORE SECRETS is 1 of my fav AVN's. This 1 lacked the witty dialogues, polished story & memorable characters that made NMS so awesome . The only advantage this has over it's predecessor is the sex animations.I will definitely recommend NMS if u haven't tried it yet but this 1 not so much
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This is not as good as previous games, the story is lacking a bit side characters are not interesting and zero sexual content with the landlady, roommate
    as a + very good graphics
    - too many useless animations, RoyalCandy should focus more on the story
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has good consequences. MC is logical and supportive of everyone. He fits in both ups and downs, no awkwardness.

    Each episode is like a whole chapter in itself, has lots of content.

    I love the slideshows of some episodes, gives me some sort of Life is Strange vibes to it. Fills me with life and that is refreshing.

    Only downside is that you cant see the CG image fully after the slideshow effect which is a bummer.

    The slow corruption is really good. Not really corruption upon just one party, but towards the MC as well.
    Lots of humor too, and I love them. Especially the friendly fights with the sister/roommate.

    I usually skip a lot of dialogues in games recently, but this one gets me reading with each line. Writing must be too good to get me reading.

    Animations are decent but needs improvement.

    Plot is mysterious rather than being filled with breadcrumbs and details.

    Characters renders are amazing.
    Everyone is a beauty in and out.
    Except for the GF, she is still shady to me.
    No flashbacks, just words coming out of her mouth so cant really know.

    Wish the game had a harem version, even though I hate harem, but this game is an exception for me.

    Overrall the game is great. Will wait and continue to play further updates till its complete, hopefully.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    2nd season and still zero sexual contact with main characters is a way too slow-burner for me. Since I'm not interested in any side-characters it makes it a "no sexual content" game for me. And all I left with is a soapy drama, that I never liked to begin with. Maybe dev could add more tension at least? Because it feels like there is not even that much of sexual tension between main character, just a mild curiosity. So while I like the visuals and overall quality, story seems way too slow and somewhat boring. There's almost no sense of progress. But it's just just my humble opinion, don't take it too personal.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of S2 E2, playing the good guy path

    This has quickly become my most anticipated release of the month. With a lot of devs having moved to releasing 1 or 2 updates per year having a developer that releases updates with hundreds of renders every single month and keeps his patrons informed about his progress almost daily is incredibly refreshing and his work ethic alone makes me want to rate this game 5/5.

    And I think the game deserves that rating anyway, it’s a major step up from his previous game, which i personally didn’t like.

    The renders are good, not exceptional as they look a bit soft but still very good, and the models are great.

    The story is of course the selling point in a slow burn game. It’s original enough and I think this one has one of the most realistic dialogues between family members out of all these games.

    Don’t get me wrong, the story still has a lot of the usual tropes and it still suffers a bit from porn logic but I think it’s reasonable when you’re writing an incest plot, not like you can take inspiration from real life events.

    The only thing that could be improved is making the updates more cohesive… as it is now the character development doesn’t feel linear, after every update the relationships seem to take a bit of a step back.

    If you like games that go straight to the point and have lots of sex scenes this is probably not for you, otherwise I really recommend trying this game and I wish the developer good luck in reaching the next goal on patreon to start doing this full time, hoping it will lead to even better updates
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Absolute masterpiece! The plot as well as the background character storylines is incredible! The best part is the music though I would honestly find myself vibing to the tunes chosen for each particular scene very well done. However, I should first point out that this game doesn't have many sex scenes so far if that's what your looking for. This game is very much more story based which honestly i'm not even mad about because it's so well written.

    The character designs are top notch! Only input is i wish the DEV would put in more animated scenes like walking along the beach during a certain scene or maybe having some actual moving water during shower scenes with the water droplets on their skin. Just a suggestion, so far this game is phenomenal and I look forward to seeing how the story progresses. 5/5 stars!