It's only with the patch and is extremely disappointing because it has no consequences. A normal person after that moment might go up to Lizzie's room and question her. instead Brian does nothing.
You can get that scene at any time in the game that the bedroom is empty, so there isn't a spot to put it in the walkthrough. It's not a new scene, either. You're only seeing it now because you applied the incest patch, another reason it can't be mentioned in an official walkthrough.
To Royal... you still didnt fix the bug that doesnt check for the flag where in the party night if you kissed Brandy she asks you where the bathroom is, and you show her, and get to kiss her... instead it jumps straight to the MC sitting on the couch...
Actually I was wrong, for anyone that waited for that scene to get fixed, Royal did indeed fix it, however you have to start from the beginning, and get rid of the save files from the appdata folder, or it will still count as broken.
To Royal... you still didnt fix the bug that doesnt check for the flag where in the party night if you kissed Brandy she asks you where the bathroom is, and you show her, and get to kiss her... instead it jumps straight to the MC sitting on the couch...
It might break. You need to start over for some flags to be turned on properly. There was no way of me knowing what flags should be turned on so I can fix them
That’s not in the walkthrough because that’s the way you use the patch. After you insalled it, you can now finally find Jeane’s secret. You can find the key whenever Phill is not home and Jeane is.
It's only with the patch and is extremely disappointing because it has no consequences. A normal person after that moment might go up to Lizzie's room and question her. instead Brian does nothing.
Nevermind, i restarted the game and it's just fine now. One more problem is that when you choose to undress Amie at the end of the bottle game, its doesn't give you RP and LP like it said in the walkthrough
It might break. You need to start over for some flags to be turned on properly. There was no way of me knowing what flags should be turned on so I can fix them