Nope, not forgotten, just gone. For now. I mentioned him in the post directly above yours (4th reply from the bottom), he's got more stuff to come sooner than Damon or Asana, but since he's already got 2 updates worth of content while Brad, Roy and the 3 girls each have 1 or less (Main Story could also use more content), he's not quite as pressing to see to right now. Since that's the case, and I can forsee a time in the nearer future (not too soon though) when some versions will benefit from his more advanced progressed scenes and sexy helping to round out the fun while the earlier scenes of other arcs are being set up (a lot like how Asana's stuff has helped move the Sal arc along recently). That's when he'll catch up to Damon and Asana, and then after that we'll see which of them gets back on the whores (sorry Noe) first when the rest of the characters have had a bump.
No problem, if that's how you prefer to play things. However, if you check the post above there is also a part whe I point out the game is wrongly missing the ntr for some reason, as it is there and will be too. However, if you're only interested in ntr sex scenes, then by all means keep waiting/ignoring for a while yet as it'll be a while before we can get those in given we've just reached pur pause on Asana. I'll leave it to you to decide for yourself.
Well, you're not wrong that the game is mostly more cheating than ntr (I've explained my faux pas and learning experience with the title before), there is some ntr content to the game, so it probably should have the tag. I would expect that by the end of the game, should I get to do all I would like for it, there'll be a sizeable enough amount of it too in some respects. There likely will be some stuff to do with Brad, and as of this version we've openned the path where Noe's new woman lover can fuck somebody else despite her protest (scenes coming in the future when people aren't pissed over Asana being back again).
As I just said to defd, I wouldn't get too excited about it all coming out of the floodgates in the immediate future but it's not like it won't be there or that it's not something to get excited for in general / be forewarned about. I think the tag is prudent to add, if not now then someday.
You're both welcome. Glad to have been of some clarity.
Well thank you, cheers for the compliment, happy to hear you enjoyed it.
First things first though... When you say "hot Asana Noemi sex", I assume you mean the scene in her bed? If so, that comes after the Advanced Class scene, or at least it should, so let me know if that's what you mean and if it came first because that'd be a bug. A very strange bug. That scene should only play after you choose then Asana Love path over the Sex class path.
Anyways, to your main question/point, yes, it's only a choice of keeping things focused on Asana and Noe's relationship, or opening things up to a swinging/sharing sex class path in the story. There are a few reasons for this, both as part of the story and for developemental purposes. As fun an idea as it is to include a Damon option, if we only had the time, Asana already has 3 paths now and we're behind on content across the board. The complexity of adding another subpath and the versions it would take to do it to some satisfaction just isn't worth it where we are now, especially since if you add Damon, people will want eck too, and even Sal likely. It's too much. Instead we've got 1 plan for a good, properly serviced Sex Class path for those that are into more swinger/sharing Open Mindedness, since we pulled the full arc that was to focus on that out of the game already. At least it'll get something.
The other reason it's clearly labelled that Brad is to be involved is because Asana herself pushes it, since she knows what the class entails. She's too nice a person to let Noe do the class and not have Brad at least know about it, since it involves more than what she and Noe are doing alone (even that she wants Noe to tell him about). To her, she sees her love with Noe as helping her friend find new aspects and happinesses within herself, something she doesn't want to squash prematurely by forcing her to confront Brad with it before it's time, but she maintains he should be informed when it's possible. If she thought it was just a fling of new sex experiences at the expense of Brad, then Asana would be a lot less happy to do it.
She also doesn't know about Damon or Beck and what Noe is up to with them (if she has choosen to do stuff). If Asana did, she'd very likely have a different opinion of Noe and all that is going on. I'll be very clear here and say it's not the fact that Noe has multiple partners, she's cool with that as long as everyone is in the know, but the why and the how of having them and Brad not knowing a thing would insult her (doubly so for hate-fucking Beck over dumb bets). That's not open and honesty, or loving behavour. She's not a willing party to that. That's why since it's highly likely Noe will end up with another guy during the class sessions, Brad's got to be there or Asana's not letting her do it. Also, I'm not even going to get into the aside that Asana, seeing Brad as a sweet and atrractive man, would also like to get to fuck him some too, but that's also real.
So yeah, you can kick Brad out of bed in his own arc early on, but that choice doesn't perclude the fact that Noe (by which I mean the player through choice) might want to let him back in (or begrubdingly do so in a case like this) if she changes her mind later on or it's push on her by others. She does still have something with Brad and they are moving towards marriage (for now) after all. You're free to not want Brad anywhere near Noe's business (and I don't mean Little Toscana) but if that's the case then the sex class just isn't for you at this point I'm sorry to say. I went to a lot of effort to clearly signpost that Brad would be involved so that people wouldn't fall into that situation without knowing that was what was coming, that's about the best I can do for now for the various reasons I've just semi-ranted about.
I hope this goes some way to explaining the whys of the choice. It'd sure be nice to be able to do limitless possiblities of parterns, but since it isn't, we hope it's clear why this is the way we plan on doing it.