
Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
I wonder, was any new content with Mother/Son pair added since they were introduced to the game?
As was metioned (but since I'm the Dev I might as well confirm), no Frankie and Eddy haven't gotten much time together so far. Don't expect them to get much either, at least in this game, since that's not really our thing. His character is all about fuelling her character as a Mom, that's all. We'll see if he gets to be anything more than that in future works.

If you mean Francesca and her mama’s boy son, then no. Just a dinner date at Noemi’s restaurant so far. Hopefully more Francesca content cuming soon
She's on our list of things to get to, indeed. We'll have more about that in our 2022 roadmap soon.

Rn they're focused on Noemi afaik. Then they will branch out to others, probably after this Sal route is done. They have talked about this in detail before, I don't remember where, if you browse the thread you may find it.

I wouldn't expect anything very soon but I think once Sal content is finished that would lead to much more spread-out progress rather than the current character-by-character focus style of updates is my guess.
Yeah, still focused on Noe for right now since she's in every facet of the game. As I just said above we've got our eye on braching out more (as we wanted to by late 2021 but we've not been able to), but we've got our 2022 roadmap in the polish phase so it'll all be discussed at length then and there. We won't be dropping the Major/Minor character focuses for a while yet though, there are still plenty of arcs that need buiilding up before we're at the point we can pick any next scene from nearly any/every part of the game and get a fistful of serious sex and story progression both, so until then we're not so free as to pick and choose (or let the supporters pick and choose) which arcs can be mixed and matched and still get x-rated and exciting versions worth packing. All in good time.

Too much Asana, is she being rushed or something?
Nope, she got the same amount of time and treatment Damon got, Sal is getting, and if we were doing over from back then Beck would have gotten. It's simply that she's an easier character to get into sex scenes, both because of her personailty and closeness to Noe. That's all.

Soo what are the chances of getting an update this weekend?
Slim. We've already said to the fans (and publicly) that the artist says it'll still be another couple of days before it's ready, and there's nothing I can do about that. It'll be ready when it's ready, as soon as possible and soon indeed I hope. Believe me, I'm the most mad and upset about this. Hopefully we'll see a release for the beWildernauts by Monday/Tuesday, if tomorrow isn't possible. *Noe's trademarked sigh*.
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Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
Noooooo :( It's understandable but unfortunate. They don't want to give an unfinished release but it definitely feels bad.

For people who don't know they have a policy of giving releases to previous month's Patrons on promised releases if it gets pushed to next month so don't think it's a money grab.

What I can see though is that as the releases get bigger, they're having a hard time meeting deadlines. The pressure to deliver one game a month alternating between AoH and Noe seems to be getting hard now that Noe demands more content, best we can hope for is for AoH to just be finished so Noemi can have all the shine till they work on a new game.

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Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
Noooooo :( It's understandable but unfortunate. They don't want to give an unfinished release but it definitely feels bad.

For people who don't know they have a policy of giving releases to previous month's Patrons on promised releases if it gets pushed to next month so don't think it's a money grab.

What I can see though is that as the releases get bigger, they're having a hard time meeting deadlines. The pressure to deliver one game a month alternating between AoH and Noe seems to be getting hard now that Noe demands more content, best we can hope for is for AoH to just be finished so Noemi can have all the shine till they work on a new game.

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Yeah, it sucks, I'm right there with you. It quite literally makes me sick, but it's not in my control to fix alone, so coping and doing my part is all I can do. Doesn't help at all I repeatedly feel the fool and a disappointment when we miss deadlines.

We do have a policy of making good on as many promises as we can, and we will again with this one. If this was a "money grab", it'd be a piss poor one honestly. It only hurts us to miss deadlines and we end up making less overall for it, and we already struggle to get by on finances so doing stupid things on purpose isn't good for us nor do we do it. If what we wanted was money alone we'd just go back and get industry jobs making AAA games. It'd literally make us 10x-20x more money for less stress and way less responsiblity, but then we wouldn't be making Noe anymore and that would suck hard, so we keep on trying as beWilder.

Honestly, I don't think it's much of AoH's fault if at all. This version of Noe has somethings that needed a lot of work, and that's my doing by asking for them so I can make certain scenes I believe will be worth the effort (I'd list them but I don't want to spoil things, I'll point them out some other time), but all in all Noe is still getting the same amount of content/time/focus as before. When AoH is over I don't expect it to be a sudden big swing around since AoH time will mostly go to pre-production on Game #3 anyway. We do want to get some back-to-back NTR versions out in that time but it''ll not likely but on double or triple time, simply better time for a while.

The real big issue is our artist and half the team couldn't keep up on rent lost his family home (after other stuff) and has had to upend his life to move 700+ miles away and has for most of the last year been stuck on couches, guestrooms and working part time out of a back office loaned to him by people not even knowing he's making Adult content. He's had to go back and forth between his new home and his old homeland a few times since too and awhole lot of other personal shit that's really his business to talk about not mine. I'm I know he's not happy about it either...

... And yeah, he really should get a leg up and get on with it. Sometimes, as his business partner, who's life and liveihood relies on him, I do want to give him a kick up the ass and yell at him to get on with it, but at the same time as his friend, who sees hjim as an important person in my life, who know's he's struggling at times and who can't do this without him, I also want to not add to his problems and make his life harder over what at the end of the day is our choice to spend (some might say waste) our lives making porn. Nice porn. Porn we like. Porn we are so happy others like and that we want to make a whole big beWilderse world of people can lose themselve in when the need it, but that is ultimatelly porn at the end of the day.

So yeah, that's a big part of the problem... He tells me things are getting better for him and he's settling down again soon. I hope all is well with him and we van get back to at least some stability again soon, even if it's not always month-to-month, but close enough to be proud of once more and to be credible again too.

*Sigh* Back to work now. Noe's waiting...


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

Roadmapping 2022: Noemi's Toscana Rebirth’s Path Ahead
Hello-hello, one and all. Come on through and settle in cosy, because today’s a rather big day of news, insights and delights to cast our hearts and tenders forwards too. Yup, it’s that day of the year again for Team Noe and us, their dedicated suppliers, as , today’s the day we lay out what we aim to achieve with the year ahead of us! Who’s ready for a feast?
Alright then boys and girls, for real, let’s settle in. This may well be a big bite to chew on post wise, and we highly expect to be pointing back to it all year as we measure up and focus in on what’s before us. This is our roadmap for the next year, the next 5 or so versions ahead (not including v0.17 still in the works), and it is of course subject to changes as situations arise, fall and shift as things do. We hope it’s as exciting for you as it is for us, so let’s get in and go for it.

2021 – Getting Here
The last year had it’s ups and downs all over the world, but all in all it was a good year on the whole for Noe and NTR. We set out a map rather like todays and we went about ticking off plenty on that list throughout 2021. Sure, we didn’t get it all done, not to the extent that we wanted, but we had some real fun getting most of the way there. Last year we brought a trio of NTR’s character arc to a high spot as we added in a lot more steamy, sexy and x-rated action across a number of characters and fetishes. We even brought the Main Story arc passed Act 1 as all of Team Noe has gathered, got their feet wet and forced Sal to step up in their warring. Yet, with all that we’re still on the early side in the game’s over all development, with so much potential, sex and story still to come. There’re still character arcs to push up and into the action, gameplay to spruce up and sex up, and overall a lot more heat to fire up in the kitchen until we can’t stand no more.
So then, with all that in mind, here’s what we believe is the next best bounds to take forward to lift up NTR to all it can and will be.

Top Line Road Map
Picking up from where we left off with last year’s goals, there’s still plenty we want to achieve and accomplish, and so our plan is to carry on in a similar vein as before. We’re pushing the so far underdeveloped arcs ahead, but also making sure to not let the time go by without some impact, by which we mean the hot action that we’ve built up towards in many areas but haven’t yet really cracked into hard yet. Gameplay wise, we’ve got areas to fill out with content that’s worth finding (sometimes repeatedly) and making the most of the depth to both sides of Noe’s in and out of uniform days. Both play handily into what we’ve got coming this year.
The top line takeaway from today’s roadmap should be this: It’s going to be all about the Girls, Girls, Girls this year, by which we specifically mean Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey, with some attention also going to other girls who work on or like to visit Easy Street. Noe will of course be at the centre of it all, but for the time ahead, a lot of what we see of her will be her leadership on show as she’s supporting the other girls on her team, or being the target of schemes by others when it is her scene’s to shine. We’ll get into that more a little below, but first let us hit on our priorities and why this is to be, shall we?

Top 5 Priorities
For those who have followed along last year, we had ourselves 5 things we wanted to achieve that we believe were the best things we could do scene/arc progress wise to improve NTR the most. In no priority order, they were in simple terms:
More Main Story and Sal content, more sexy and sex overall, inclusion of more girls than just Noe in the sexy stuff (Asana), more scenes to find and enjoy on Noe’s day off arcs, and to specifically get some spotlight on Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey so we can expand the tactics of the gameplay through content incentives.
We’ve made good progress on some of those (enough to let them rest this roadmap), some can never be done enough, and one, the last one, we didn’t get to do nearly as much as we wanted in time. We’ve taken them on board again, thought on them, shaped the content development we’ve made already based around what a second go at these would be, and here’s what we’ve got. Our Top 5 for 2022:
- A much bigger focus on Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey, adding scenes to them, encouraging more diverse playstyles at the restaurant while we take a deeper reach into the main supporting cast’s characters/issues/potential futures in the beWilderverse.
- More sex and sexy stuff, as always, including both spicy, exciting warm up scenes for newly deepened arcs, and explicit hardcore scenes for those ready for them. We always want this, no matter how much we do it.
- More participation in the sex and sexy with girls other than just Noe (and after 2021 Asana too). Scenes with other girls in the focus of the action rather than Noe, as well as more scenes with Noe as the focus too.
- Continue what we started previously with the warring restaurants theme, both through more villainous focused content and gameplay outcome additions.
- Keep the gameplay improving, not just through rebalancing, but also via key expansions to the Downtime section, more opportunities for tactical play, strategizing and roles for the girls during the Restaurant Manager section through content incentives / broader stats control, and simply more outcome content to reduce repetitiveness.
Those are the things we believe will be the biggest bang for the buck when it comes to raising the game up as high as we can in the year ahead, before we look to the steps beyond and going even bigger. We hope you can see how last year’s progress has naturally led us to these, and we hope you are all just as excited about what potential they offer up to us as well.

Scenes and What to Expect
So then, we’ve got our priorities above, and from there we can pull out some goals that should bring a whole lot of what we want to the table. Now, what will it look like to turn wishes and wants to progress along the path? Well we’ll be tackling things in three distinct tracks: The Team Noe girls, Noe herself, and the Gameplay. To do so, we’re keeping the Major Focus and Minor Focus split since it’s working for us well currently, and as we do, here’s a bit about what we want to achieve for each.
The Team Noe Girls – This was one of the items on our list from last year that we wanted to get the ball rolling on, and because we didn’t manage it, it means a lot of this year will be on them and getting Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey’s character, personal stories and sex lives lit up and catching up with Noemi’s. We want to get at least 2 of the 3 up to about half a dozen scenes or so to start and the other as much of the way there as possible, getting more of them to shine through, show more what’s on their minds in their worlds since they don’t have Noe’s troubles but instead their own, why they may or may not make the best team for Noe to lean on, and of course get in some x-rated action for them too. Noe will have a big part to play as a friend in each of their stories, but it’s time to get them some love too. This’ll take up a lot our year’s scenes, but there’s still room for Noe too. So what about her?
Noe Herself – As our heroine, she’s still got plenty of our attention and a place in almost every scene we can think up. Of course she’s going to get the best (or maybe to her the worst) end of the “sticks” we’ve got coming down the pipe. While many versions will have something for, even a heavy leaning towards, the other girls at Little Toscana, we’ll be cutting in Noe with that content where she’ll have the most impact. Since the other girls are still getting early scenes, which will have x-rated encounters, it’ll fall to Noe to bring us the harder of the core content. For that we intend to bring back the Beck arc early, as we feel we left it off a little too soon compared to the treatment Damon and Asana got. We’d like to add in a handful more scenes, show off the split paths to be found there, and of course enjoy the fact it’s already developed enough to enjoy adding more body-to-body happenings. Also on Noe’s side of the action, we still have things already in progress to bring forward to at least a boiling point, particularly on the Sal front, which is where we’ll be bringing things like the 4th point on that priority list above for the most part.

The gameplay aspect of NTR is important to us, and in the year ahead we hope to improve it and pull it up to a new level of fun, as it connected even more with the way the game unfolds and grows. We’ll be adding to the pools of outcomes with every version ahead this year. We’ll be rebalancing and updating things as we go as always. We have the Stress system in our sights for a tightening up certainly. Yet with all that in mind there are some specific key improvements in our minds to come.
Downtime Phase – Noe’s days off are a lot of fun, and in 2022 we have ideas to expand her life outside of the restaurant to the limits. Most of the content ahead here will be on the Team Bonding options. With some upcoming progress under our belts with the Team Noe girls, we can finally expect to remove the “Coming Soon” activity from the list and replace it with the final set of things Noe can spent her days on, each allowing her to improve the 0 skill for her girls and thusly allow for a range of new tactics and builds for the Restaurant phase. We won’t spoil these activities right now, but they are some interesting ones that’ll help get Noe into some new things, as she and her girls each pull one another to be more like the other in some ways. We’re aiming to bring this side of the game up to about 40% of the minimum planned content this year too, so it should be good times ahead.
Restaurant Manager Phase – Tying in with all of the above, the Restaurant Manager will be getting a lighter touch in terms of new additions (mostly simply new outcomes), but we hope to see that it will naturally grow into the potential that’s already there. With the addition of new scenes for all the other girls, that means at last some real incentive to pass around the waitress job and juggle your girls in various daily tasks. Even more so now that players will be able to round out rough edges and 0 skills in time. Moving the girls about, mixing up who waitresses or going all in on one at a time, building skills to cover all weaknesses so girls can hack each job well or supersizing strengths even more. We hope to see some more tactical joys like those to be found in the Restaurant phases soon. On top of that, we’ll be adding in batches of new outcomes for all girls on all jobs. We recently added in the Nerve UI, which shows where we have holes to fill in, and so it’s our focus to go broader to break up the repetitiveness in the early phase of the game by adding more to the already achievable Lv1-3, rather than push deeper into Lv4s but still staying relatively shallow across all jobs. We expect this will all make the gameplay fresher, particularly in the early few in-game months of the game.

Stretch Content
Phew. Ok, we’re running really long by now, so it’s time to wrap up soon. We’ve listed all the important goals and plans already, so you can see we’ve got hopes and big plans to really catapult NTR up to a new high. We can say right now it’s going to take all year to get through this, every version we have packed. Of course, there’s plenty more we want to achieve, but we’ve tried to be as realist as possible with what a 2-man team can do in just 1 year and 5-6 versions at most. It’s 95%+ assured we’ll not get much more room to jam more content in along the way, but we never know what the future may hold. Just in case, should we get a shot at a bonus version along the way or some such, we do have plans ahead too.
If we can get into any stretch content, we want to provide more of what we’ve laid out here today. Should we get a chance in 2022, we’d like to make it so all 3 Toscana girls make it to the half dozen mark, add a little more to Sal than we have included above, get some Main Story in as well, and perhaps find a place we can add a shot at both one of the Team Noe girls and Noe herself too all at once. After that, getting some Brad arccontent is high on our want list, so we can finally add some insight and value into why it’s so good and so wrong for Noe to be having the fun she has without him, only we know right now that the fans are less hungry for some hubby content than other underdone aspects of the game. Damon and Asana have had their time in the sun, so for the foreseeable future in 2022 they are the bottom rung of priority, while the extent to which Roy will be followed up on (in the interests of time) is still on our minds and so low on the 2022 list. All that is best kept a chat for separate time however.

Too Long, Didn’t Read
Boy, if there’s one long post you sit down and digest this year, it should be this one, but for those who just can’t or won’t, here’s the pre-chewed highlights in a very bare bones form:
Goals and Priorities – A bigger focus on Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey for 2022, more sex and sexy content/scenes, more appearances for girls other than Noe and Asana for those sex scenes, some more Sal-style villain content while we’re already at it and a more expansive gameplay (content wise) that better lives up to it’s potential.
Scene Content Focuses – We’ll be seeing much more of Kriem, Frankie, Kelsey, Sal and Beck arcs. The rest of the arcs will receive little to no content over the course of v0.18-v0.22/23, unless plans are forced to change or we can reach some stretch content.
Gameplay – We’ll expanding the gameplay’s tactical nature by adding new activities to Noe’s days off as well as opening up more stat building opportunities for Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey through Team Bonding. We’ll also be adding new outcomes with the goal of reducing the repetitiveness, as well as including more funny/sexy things to see day to day in game.

Alright then. Boom! Big things, big plans and big dreams ahead, with a lot of eyes towards getting more of our girls fit for the title of “wild”! It’s always hard to do these, to look at a year ahead and say “this, this and this” when we want to be saying “we’ll have it all x3 over!” but Hell if this isn’t a damn good slate of goals if we do say so ourselves! Here’s to a wild year ahead and to really stepping up our game. We hope y’all agree that there’s a lot ahead to be excited about, so let’s sit and enjoy this rush a moment, because it’s time we start striking out and getting a move on with making it happen! Here’s to you, here’s to the plan, and here’s to Noe, Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey! Until we rock all the way through 2022…
Be hitting the road with purpose and beWilder!


Feb 24, 2017
I'm not even gonna say today or tomorrow this time, might jinx it :FacePalm:
I am expecting this to drop in about a month at the earliest. That way anything earlier will make me happy. I have a feeling I am being realistic though.

Lots of grand plans set out for this year but no solutions to the current problems that they are experiencing put forward so expect a year of missed deadlines, excuses and issues that mean nearly every deadline will be missed.
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Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
I am expecting this to drop in about a month at the earliest. That way anything earlier will make me happy. I have a feeling I am being realistic though.

Lots of grand plans set out for this year but no solutions to the current problems that they are experiencing put forward so expect a year of missed deadlines, excuses and issues that mean nearly every deadline will be missed.
It already released and within the timeframe at least for my timezone
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