
Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
From MrSilverLust's Patreon:

"Nothing is Forever" will be on Steam next month, but chapter 7 won't, so I'm pausing billing for a month

Release on Steam

As some of you might have already noticed,

View attachment 3050912

This date was chosen taking into account a combination of factors ranging from wishlist numbers to boring tax reasons, and I believe it's the best one!

To those considering buying the game on Steam, I'm happy to announce that NiF will have Steam Achievements, Steam cloud Saving, and regional pricing. So, depending where you live, it might be considerably cheaper for you to get it there in comparison to on Patreon or Itch. It's a one time payment and you'll get all future updates at roughly the same time as Patreon or Itch costumers.

If you buy the game on Steam, please consider leaving a review. That's a very important factor to get on the good side of the Steam algorithm.

Chapter 7 won't be ready on November

I was hoping that I could have chapter 7 ready next month, perhaps even to release it at the same time as the Steam launch, but that clearly won't happen. I'm now pointing for a December release. I'm sorry for the delay.

I won't bill anyone on November

This development cycle was severely affected by the time spent on the steam release - things that might sound simple like making trailers, codding achievements, designing achievement icons, or even posing and rendering the animations from the previous mid-term update, took way more time than I expected. And I feel bad for my patrons that subscribe every month to see this delay due to things that they won't benefit from.

So, I decided that won't bill anyone on November since chapter 7 isn't ready for release. I think it's fair and it makes me sleep less stressed at night!

Besides that, nothing changes. I'll be working the same time as usual and will do my best to have the update ready for December.

Changing the subscription model so new patrons are billed after 30 days and not at the beginning of the following month

Earlier this year, Patreon created a new way to bill patrons and is throwing pop-ups everywhere to tell me to change to that model. As most things in Patreon, the changes are irreversible, which it always makes me nervous to change anything.

But it does seem like a good change for patrons. You might already be familiar with it if you subscribe to any creator that has already made the change. But if you aren't, .

The gist of it is that, right now, if anyone becomes a patron of NiF on, let's say, the 25th of October, they'd pay for October's subscription at full price, and then, on the 1st of November, they'd be billed again for that month, or lose access to all benefits if they stop the membership (like, for example, a download link if the game were to be released on November).

To me, it seems unfair that someone pays at full price for a month's membership just to lose all benefits 6 days later if they don't renew the subscription.

To help with that, Patreon created this new billing model, were that same patron mentioned above would keep their benefits until the 25th of November, and, at that point, be billed again for a new month, or stop the membership if they so wish. But, either way, they'd always get the 30 days subscription they paid for.

The only downside I see is that, if you subscribe to several creators at different days, you'll be getting billed by Patreon throughout the month instead of always at the 1st of the month, which can be annoying. If that's a problem to you, you can try to subscribe to all your favorite creators in the same day and then be billed for all of them at the same day.

To anyone that's already a patron, I believe you'll still be billed at the 1st of each month, (unless you stop and subscribe again later on), so, this change won't affect you in any way. It's just for new patrons.

All in all, I think this billing model is more consumer friendly and a positive change. So, I'm taking this opportunity to make this change.

However, if anyone has strong feelings against this, please let me know before I make this irreversible change! If the opinions are split, I can even run a poll to see what the majority prefers.

Thanks for the support and wish you all a fun and scary Halloween.
Really nice and good for Mr.Silverlust with the Steam version and I wish him success! But hopefully he has carefully set age and some important tags, since Steam geoblocks several nations due to age verification system stuff. That we can get further erotic games hinges on carefully selected descriptions and tags by the developer.
I always look into it when I see one of my favourite games from here getting on Steam, unfortunately most I cannot buy due to this frakking geoblock, since it was the easier option for Steam to just unilaterally block entire regions from stuff.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
Really nice and good for Mr.Silverlust with the Steam version and I wish him success! But hopefully he has carefully set age and some important tags, since Steam geoblocks several nations due to age verification system stuff. That we can get further erotic games hinges on carefully selected descriptions and tags by the developer.
I always look into it when I see one of my favourite games from here getting on Steam, unfortunately most I cannot buy due to this frakking geoblock, since it was the easier option for Steam to just unilaterally block entire regions from stuff.
Can't you create a second account with a VPN? And using it for adult games.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Can't you create a second account with a VPN? And using it for adult games.
That I could easily do, but the problem is in the details. If Steam ever gets wind of you doing that, they´ll kick you out - your normal account too. It is simply not worth the risk for erotic games, esp. since there are a couple of them still coming on regular paths if the devs were careful how they designed their application.


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Really nice and good for Mr.Silverlust with the Steam version and I wish him success! But hopefully he has carefully set age and some important tags, since Steam geoblocks several nations due to age verification system stuff. That we can get further erotic games hinges on carefully selected descriptions and tags by the developer.
I always look into it when I see one of my favourite games from here getting on Steam, unfortunately most I cannot buy due to this frakking geoblock, since it was the easier option for Steam to just unilaterally block entire regions from stuff.
That situation sucks and fuck the morality police wherever they stick their noses into private business. As if virtual pixels or words are even close to the damage that real porn does to people.

For your case, if you want to support the dev surely you could just buy on Itch.io and get the game and it's updates that way?
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MSL Games
Game Developer
May 22, 2021
But hopefully he has carefully set age and some important tags, since Steam geoblocks several nations due to age verification system stuff. That we can get further erotic games hinges on carefully selected descriptions and tags by the developer.
I always look into it when I see one of my favourite games from here getting on Steam, unfortunately most I cannot buy due to this frakking geoblock, since it was the easier option for Steam to just unilaterally block entire regions from stuff.
It sucks big time for Germany, but we really can't do that. Someone from valve plays the game and will not publish it if there is any adult content in game that is not mentioned in the mature content we have to fill when submitting the game. I even failed that review process a couple times because of the mature description that needs to be shown on the steam page for costumers. Funny thing is, they don't tell you why the review has failed, you kinda need to figured out why that is on your own. In my case, I only passed the review once I put in the adult disclaimer section of the game page that the game contains dubious consent scenes and may trigger suicide or self-harm thoughts...

The only way to bypass that would be to ship a game to steam without any nudity or sex scenes and then "somehow" tell players that they need to download a "patch" somewhere else. That somehow can't be on the steam page or anywhere in the game, and I'm not sure steam would like it much if it came to their attention what we're doing. I think illusion used to do that with HS2 and their other games, but I don't know how that would fly with tiny indies like us. And then there's all the work that would be required with changing code and renders...

So, all in all, it doesn't look good for Germany and China (afaik, those are the only countries where steam adult games aren't available). For people from over there, you have two options: as mentioned before, you can try to change your location. I know steam has somewhat of problem with this because many people from developed countries change their location to poor countries to buy games for 1/2 or 1/3 of original price, taking advantaged of the regional pricing system. I have no idea how to do that and what can be the consequences. But it's a known issue, so it shouldn't be that hard.

The other should be 100% legal and is mentioned here. If you get a for an adult game, you can (apparently) activate it even if you live in Germany and can then play the game normally via steam. Only the dev can send you a key (well, unless you manage to buy one in illegal resellers, but don't do that...).

I'm more than happy to send keys to German costumers from patreon or itch. Once the game is out on steam, just send me a pm with your patreon/itch id and I'll send you the key for steam. It's a bit of a hurdle for everyone, but it can be done.

I need to check how all that works, it might even be easy to automate it and send a key to everyone from itch/patreon.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
I quite like NiF, especially for its writing -- of all games here, this is the one with the most realistic characters (reminds me of both Karlson's Gambit [including the chess] and Estate: Dominate in that respect).

I am just a little curious: the first five chapters were very interested in the internal development of MC, coming out of his depressed shell. In comparison, Ch. 5 is apparently more concerned about him trying all kinds of kinks with all kinds of girls (with no apparent thought to what each girl would think if they knew he's dating several others at the same time...). Despite everything, even in the most 'honorable' routes, the MC seems remarkably unconcerned with that -- I get that 'everybody is free' and 'experimentation is great', but if MC is so concerned with his past unprofessional behavior (dating a client) that he decides to quit his profession, why wouldn't he worry about how each of the girls would react to knowing just how promiscuous he has been?... That doesn't feel right for his personality. Especially for Emma, who does harbor some insecurity (remember how she was jealous of Jen in Ch. 1...).

Also, is it my impression or is the game slowly dropping the 'am I a good person?' doubts that led to some excellent scenes in the first few characters (the three demons come to mind)? Sometimes it seems like the MC is no longer conflicted about that, sometimes it seems he is. What gives? It's such a deep and interesting game with a set of fascinating characters, I hope the author doesn't fall into the trap of just fitting in as many kinky sex scenes as possible? (Nothing against such scenes, but they leave my curiosity about the psychological development of the characters -- especially MC -- unsatisfied.)

And I wonder if the author is planning to delve deeper into the 'where do kinks come from' research the MC is starting -- it feels that this would be an interesting place to discuss the 'if I'm sexually submissive does this mean I hate myself?' stereotype. (Interesting also that the MC is a sexologist who, in principle, should be widely read on the topic, but he's succumbing to the temptation of feeling ashamed of his kinks -- see scene with Bri asking him about his kinks, present both on the manly and on the submissive paths). So--he knows that kink-shaming is bad, but can't suppress feelings of shame about his own kinks? And he doesn't even notice the contradiction? What gives?

Also, I'm quite curious about what Kim will do -- in the path in which you refuse to accept her proposal, she gets really pissed and storms out of MC's apartment declaring that she'll take revenge. What will she do?... Is this the coming storm?

So, all in all, I've seen a decrease in introspection for MC in this chapter. As if he somehow went back to fooling himself. Is that it? Is this a conscious decision of the author, rather than just an attempt to have MC experience more sex scenes and think less about them?... I hope not. :)

Great game, one that always leaves me thirsting for more. Can't wait for Ch. 7!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
The domination and maledom/machismo route of this game is poorly made and feels more like playing a guy who is LARPING the machismo angle than actual dominant male
Yup, you're not the first to address this issue, he comes off as mosty insecure and insincere..
Unfortunately I get the overwhelming impression that the game is mainly geared towards sub content and I assume romance. It seems from the feedback that those routes are better written at least.
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New Member
Jun 14, 2022
To dev and all the team: guys, you're amazing!

Sorry for my English - it's not my native language.
It started like "another one adult novel" but quickly turned to the one of the most emotional experience along with The Witcher 3 for me. Moreover - the sex scenes were not the scenes that had the most impact on me.

I played Jen's storyline and was fully commited to it. Of course I tried another branches if they didn't broke Jen's route, but none of them gave me such immersion level and emotions as Jen's. The magic of her character and dialogs combined with music (really adds A LOT to immersion) and chess games just hit me like a truck. I had my eys wet couple of times, though I don't consider myself very emotional. I wanted to hug and carress her when she's upset or sad. I was happy when she was. I rooted every chess game she played and was afraid if she will make a mistake or not. I simply can't get enough of her and i think I fell in love.

I'm totally devasted now because Chapter 6 is ended (just as I was like 2 weeks after finishing The Withcer 3 with addons) and I won't be able to see her again and interact with her further for some time.

I wish I could see the game more centered on the main girlfriend with more events and interactions with her (i.e. like hiking, camping, dating, dinners etc). Or a pure mc+Jen+chess+some friends game going on and on and on with no end :)

It's 6 am and I finished first playthrough like 3 hours ago, but still can't sleep remembering all the moments with her...

PS: I will for sure try another Jen routes (at least to just live through it again) and other girls, but I need some time to come to my senses.
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MSL Games
Game Developer
May 22, 2021
I played Jen's storyline and was fully commited to it. Of course I tried another branches if they didn't broke Jen's route, but none of them gave me such immersion level and emotions as Jen's.
Thanks for the kind words. Out of curiosity, which Jen path did you play?

PS: I will for sure try another Jen routes (at least to just live through it again) and other girls, but I need some time to come to my senses.
My first instinct is to advise against playing other Jen's paths. Or at least to think twice before doing so. It's just that, you probably won't like them. Trying other girls should be fine.

The reason for that is that characters are designed to be consistent within paths, but not necessarily across them. In some cases, it's like they aren't even the same person, and more like an alternative version of themselves that can behave differently, like different things, have different personality traits, memories, etc (I don't know if you have seen the tv show Fringe, but it'd be something like that).

Add to that that paths can be very different romantically and kinky wise, and you can see how you might really like a character in one path and hate it in another.

In fact, that's kind of the goal: design paths different enough that a given player really only likes one of them. And, at the same time, keep it consistent between each path and use as much as possible of common scenes to save on workload. It's like a carefully constructed illusion and playing different paths, especially if you end up not liking them, can shatter the illusion. And, like in any magic trick, some people might find it interesting to learn how a magic trick is done, while others might just lose that wow factor if they look behind the curtain.


New Member
Jun 14, 2022
Thanks for the kind words. Out of curiosity, which Jen path did you play?
The Dom one. But seriously the most impact was not of sex scenes and kinks explorations but from casual interactions. I even think that without all the sex stuff the outcome for me will be the same.
My first instinct is to advise against playing other Jen's paths. Or at least to think twice before doing so. It's just that, you probably won't like them. Trying other girls should be fine.
When i read this, my first thought was about Lea and I instantly imagined her chatting with MC in NF office, but then I imagined Jen coming to the scene and back in real life I bursted in tears just instantly.

Wow, just wow. I fully understand how strange it is logically and this is probably just a combination of my current life issues and your amazing work, but here we are. I should probably stay away from this game for a while at all. And see a therapist instead lol.
The reason for that is that characters are designed to be consistent within paths, but not necessarily across them. In some cases, it's like they aren't even the same person, and more like an alternative version of themselves that can behave differently, like different things, have different personality traits, memories, etc (I don't know if you have seen the tv show Fringe, but it'd be something like that).
Do you mean, that on different path not only the sex and kinks related dialogs are different but all the others too (like playing chess with a hustler or holidays ones). if so - I bring my sincere apologies for underestimating the amount of work you put in this project
In fact, that's kind of the goal: design paths different enough that a given player really only likes one of them. And, at the same time, keep it consistent between each path and use as much as possible of common scenes to save on workload. It's like a carefully constructed illusion and playing different paths, especially if you end up not liking them, can shatter the illusion. And, like in any magic trick, some people might find it interesting to learn how a magic trick is done, while others might just lose that wow factor if they look behind the curtain.
Yes, as an "IT guy" I think I'm slightly aware of how it's done but it honestly doesn't break the magic for me.

BTW - how heavy is the impact of "crush" and "in love" options in terms of interaction changes and content percentage related to a given character?
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Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I really like that on the Jen share path you can still be kind & loving with her
Other games I have played with similar content the guy is mean or rude to the girl with no choice for the player

That path is done really well here imo
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
I really like that on the Jen share path you can still be kind & loving with her
Other games I have played with similar content the guy is mean or rude to the girl with no choice for the player

That path is done really well here imo
i know right wish more games had sharing path like this game but sadly there are feeewwww
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Jack Townsend

Active Member
Sep 4, 2020
This game was seriously one of the best constructed games in every mean possible. I myself study psychology and boy was he spot on in some cases. Bowing my head to you MrSilverLust and I hope to see more of your games in the future :)
I agree with you completely. I just wish he had put a little more Jung, and a little less Freud. :geek:
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Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
This game was seriously one of the best constructed games in every mean possible. I myself study psychology and boy was he spot on in some cases. Bowing my head to you MrSilverLust and I hope to see more of your games in the future :)
The best part is that MrSL is not a psychologist nor has he studied it at college. He did however do plenty of research before starting the game. :ROFLMAO:
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