There are bugs in Don and Locke event.
Don bath house bug: interrupt action is not working because it has the wrong reference, which [723,723,1] is supposed to be [726,726,1] so when you sleep, it counts as you skipping the event and passing it. There are 2 in "CommonEvents.json" and 1 in "Map005.json" ,Open them with Notepad, find 723,723 and change them to 726,726.
Locke hypnosis book bug: when you take it off the bookshelf in the library, it's a trigger to prevent his event from being fired, but it does not prevent his event from being booked by the game, which messes with the event calculation, and when this happens, it makes Atelle disappear, so when only this event is left, she's gone. open "CommonEvents.json"
Find this line: {"code":111,"indent":3,"parameters":[0,1150,0]} Put this line: {"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[0,72,1]} in front of it and don't forget the ","
it will look like this {"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[0,72,1]},{"code":111,"indent":3,"parameters":[0,1150,0]} It will prevent his event from being booked.
#EDIT: Move a new line up before {"code":111,"indent":3,"parameters":[0,1150,0]} previously suggested putting it between that and before {"code":117,"indent":4,"parameters":[207]} it's cause 2 Locke event that relied on it to duplicate, swap it and now work normally.