Still harem is winning by a pretty big difference, 2/3 is one sided too.
I would say the polls here are nearly meaningless in terms of reflecting what the average consumer of such media thinks.
1) 243 (22-09-05) is an utter meme tier fraction of adult game players.
2) Since the sample size is so small, one has to wonder if the location of where the sample was taken could be flawed and or biased. What type of demographic was hit with this question?
3) The question is quite polarizing. A good chunk, if not the majority of people would answer,
"neither, I prefer pure vanilla/ something else" or "
both/IDC, I beat my dick regardless" or even "I hate both, they're equally shit"
4)Some people probably saw what the thread is about, said to themselves,
"oh hell no" and instantly left. Knowing the usual shit storm and never even touched the poll, going back to point 2) regarding the demographics.
But that's just my take on this.