Don't get me wrong, I'm full on to that point.
But since people expressed their will to buy the product, and the product even including english from the get go, above the often machine translated games on Ci-en, I'm just curious why some info postings get the JP, EN & I think chinese translation and then some just JP only and since this forum is already filled with enough rant I try my best to wrap my questions with a bit of humor.
It's easy to answer: never trust potential customers. Trust customers. 101 business basic rule.
People can tell "Yeah I love this project I'll definitely buy the game". But it's the exact problem some people here faced when the dev said "The game will release in November."
There's a chance those potential customers won't "respect" their initial thoughts and when they'll see the pirated version, will just think "oh well, since it's in front of me...", or will just have a very bad month and something happened irl and they couldn't control it, yet they still want to "relax" with this specific game at this specific time and won't be willing to wait next pay day.
Of course some people here are really willing to buy the game, but as stated above, those numbers, frankly, are not high.
Those who REALLY want the game are
1: willing to check ci-en/public patreon announcements.
2: already gave a month of patreon and cancelled.
Cleanfield said something very interesting and imo, very true.
This website is not profitable to most "on front" product. Game that are released in one go and with "true" release.
This place regroup let's say... "hobbyists". And those people are most willing to be "part" of developement and are willing to pay this privilege, than buy an already 100% done product.
That's why Patreon product here strives. SummerTime Saga is "free for now" and is maybe willing to steam release in 10 years. But to be fair, at this point, they don't care if the game is pirated, it's been years they earn more than 40K$/month. The longer the project, the better.
Tiramisu didn't approach his game the same way. He wanted a "small" period of developpement (comparatively speaking) and a direct release on official stores. He can't, in all honesty, trust any people speaking here (including myself).