VN Ren'Py Abandoned Oblus [Episode 1] [Chasse]

4.50 star(s) 11 Votes


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
I think it's the way it's worded. It seems apparent that it's not organically driven, but rather comes specifically from a progressive leftist ideological worldview.

Sort of like, as you hinted at, the difference between Sarah Connor/Ellen Ripley etc of the 80s and 90s... and the Captain Marvel/Rey/Michael Burnham's of today.

They're all supposedly "strong women", but the former were organic, human characters forced into tough situations who had to struggle with their own weakness to realistically fight to survive against great odds. The latter are whiny OP Mary Sues with zero humanity or depth and just written as fantasies about feminist tropes that are objectively false in reality.

For example seeing numerous women as knights, elite warriors, the true rulers of the land, etc... when in reality women are objectively ***vastly*** weaker than men, to the point where there is basically zero overlap between them... with even the strongest women barely touching the weakest end of the male bell curve.

We see this play out today where women in the military have dramatically reduced physical fitness requirements, somewhere around 30% less on average I think... because they simply cannot perform at remotely the same level as the men. And even for the extremely rare few who can manage to squeak into those levels, they face 150% the rate of injury because the female musculo-skeletal system is simply much less robust than for males, so you see more muscle, ligament, and bone injuries, making even those who might have passed the initial physical into walking casualties waiting to happen and be a burden on their fellow troops.

The list goes on. It's the real reason you do not see women in the NFL etc.

Here's a really good example of that painful reality for women.

Let's look at the arguably best female tennis player in human history. Serena Williams (along with her sister.)

A guy not even in the top couple hundred male players, after playing a round of golf and having a couple drinks absolutely *wrecks* two of the best female tennis players in history, including the #1 best in history.

This story plays out across various sports where physical prowess is key.

So, again, to see a pretty normal, fit, attractive woman presented as some powerful warrior is just a joke. It's a progressive leftist fantasy that does not reflect reality.

Women by and large were not warriors because men would very easily physically slaughter them with little effort due to the massive disparity between the sexes in our sexually dimorphic species.

So when you have that, along with the cripple, along with the thinly veiled "racial prejudice" stereotype, layered over with lessons about how they're just raised wrong and need to be taught better etc... as though there is nothing else to the equation but appearance alone... (just look into things like the black/white test gap, average IQ differences between racial groups (more accurately genetic populations), average testosterone levels between those groups, and the correlations between these things and things like violent crime, murder, marriage rates, single parenthood rates, career outcomes, life expectancy, etc... and you see that there is an unpalatable but objectively verifiable reality out there that different average life outcomes between groups is not purely a result of baseless prejudice and discrimination for no reason, but rather stereotypes based on actual measurable differences between genetic populations that drive those stereotypes, which in turn drive the discrimination.

That doesn't mean that you can accurately judge an individual based on appearance alone. But you can absolutely gauge the likelihood of something... the odds someone will have a certain IQ, the likelihood they'll have a criminal record, the odds of them being violent, the odds of them being stronger than you, etc... the relative risk an individual might pose toward you, etc. Things like basic risk assessment. Those things are all objectively valid and based on that objective biological foundation. The measurable, verifiable reality of differences between not only individuals, but between groups based on biological sex, genetic population, etc.

I'm sure some people get offended by those facts, but facts they are and they shouldn't be lied about to suit some politically correct wishful thinking narrative.

For example, let's make a very clear and unarguable point.

Men and women in murder statistics.

Men are around 10 TIMES as likely to murder someone, which seems directly linked to things like male testosterone and temperament. Competitive, confrontational, quicker to violence, and more readily able to carry out that violence physically. So 90% of prison inmates for murder are male, vs only 10% female.

It's not that no females do it, it's just that for every 1 woman, there's 9 or 10 men.

That's not oppression. Women aren't oppressing men and locking them up at higher rates. That's men committing those crimes due to their biological nature being expressed around the world, and being locked up largely by other men for their actions.

I could go on and on... but hopefully you get the point.

Playing a game with a bunch of soy looking pretty boys running around with a bunch of domineering OP feminist fantasy women in a narrative based on a biased misrepresentation of historical prejudices related to appearance etc... the whole package comes together to form a thinly veiled social justice piece that subtly pushes these false narratives and off target worldview. (In reality there would probably be ZERO women in any of those roles in a given society, at best maybe 1 who happened to be any kind of warrior at all, much less some elite warrior. But to have the story basically riddled with them, and to have them look like models etc... for a story that tries to present itself as looking somewhat realistic (albeit in a fantasy setting), it just comes across as silly. It's feminist fantasy (or a fantasy for men who are into being dominated by women. And hey, again, if that's your fetish, knock yourself out.)

Again, it's otherwise well made and I don't fault people for playing it.

It's just not for me. I don't like being propagandized to by a worldview that I find ignorant, misguided, and counterfactual in ways that actually negatively impact my life and my country right now in the real world today. It's the same reason I quit watching TV, as it's largely become blatant progressive propaganda riddled with blackwashing, stupid weak men, OP Mary Sues, gender swapping, etc... everything to push the "straight white males are bad, healthy nuclear families are bad, women are strong geniuses that save everyone and should run everything, diversity and multiculturalism are and should be the norm" etc.

No thanks.
Sigh. I really was going to read that to the end but then you sort of fell into the usual propandizing of the Evangelical/alt.right crowd and I just couldn't be bothered anymore. Hope you don't mind if I put you on Ignore permanently, but if I wanted this sort of thing I'd go read the comment section at Breitbart.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
I think it's the way it's worded. It seems apparent that it's not organically driven, but rather comes specifically from a progressive leftist ideological worldview.

Sort of like, as you hinted at, the difference between Sarah Connor/Ellen Ripley etc of the 80s and 90s... and the Captain Marvel/Rey/Michael Burnham's of today.

They're all supposedly "strong women", but the former were organic, human characters forced into tough situations who had to struggle with their own weakness to realistically fight to survive against great odds. The latter are whiny OP Mary Sues with zero humanity or depth and just written as fantasies about feminist tropes that are objectively false in reality.

For example seeing numerous women as knights, elite warriors, the true rulers of the land, etc... when in reality women are objectively ***vastly*** weaker than men, to the point where there is basically zero overlap between them... with even the strongest women barely touching the weakest end of the male bell curve.

We see this play out today where women in the military have dramatically reduced physical fitness requirements, somewhere around 30% less on average I think... because they simply cannot perform at remotely the same level as the men. And even for the extremely rare few who can manage to squeak into those levels, they face 150% the rate of injury because the female musculo-skeletal system is simply much less robust than for males, so you see more muscle, ligament, and bone injuries, making even those who might have passed the initial physical into walking casualties waiting to happen and be a burden on their fellow troops.

The list goes on. It's the real reason you do not see women in the NFL etc.

Here's a really good example of that painful reality for women.

Let's look at the arguably best female tennis player in human history. Serena Williams (along with her sister.)

A guy not even in the top couple hundred male players, after playing a round of golf and having a couple drinks absolutely *wrecks* two of the best female tennis players in history, including the #1 best in history.

This story plays out across various sports where physical prowess is key.

So, again, to see a pretty normal, fit, attractive woman presented as some powerful warrior is just a joke. It's a progressive leftist fantasy that does not reflect reality.

Women by and large were not warriors because men would very easily physically slaughter them with little effort due to the massive disparity between the sexes in our sexually dimorphic species.

So when you have that, along with the cripple, along with the thinly veiled "racial prejudice" stereotype, layered over with lessons about how they're just raised wrong and need to be taught better etc... as though there is nothing else to the equation but appearance alone... (just look into things like the black/white test gap, average IQ differences between racial groups (more accurately genetic populations), average testosterone levels between those groups, and the correlations between these things and things like violent crime, murder, marriage rates, single parenthood rates, career outcomes, life expectancy, etc... and you see that there is an unpalatable but objectively verifiable reality out there that different average life outcomes between groups is not purely a result of baseless prejudice and discrimination for no reason, but rather stereotypes based on actual measurable differences between genetic populations that drive those stereotypes, which in turn drive the discrimination.

That doesn't mean that you can accurately judge an individual based on appearance alone. But you can absolutely gauge the likelihood of something... the odds someone will have a certain IQ, the likelihood they'll have a criminal record, the odds of them being violent, the odds of them being stronger than you, etc... the relative risk an individual might pose toward you, etc. Things like basic risk assessment. Those things are all objectively valid and based on that objective biological foundation. The measurable, verifiable reality of differences between not only individuals, but between groups based on biological sex, genetic population, etc.

I'm sure some people get offended by those facts, but facts they are and they shouldn't be lied about to suit some politically correct wishful thinking narrative.

For example, let's make a very clear and unarguable point.

Men and women in murder statistics.

Men are around 10 TIMES as likely to murder someone, which seems directly linked to things like male testosterone and temperament. Competitive, confrontational, quicker to violence, and more readily able to carry out that violence physically. So 90% of prison inmates for murder are male, vs only 10% female.

It's not that no females do it, it's just that for every 1 woman, there's 9 or 10 men.

That's not oppression. Women aren't oppressing men and locking them up at higher rates. That's men committing those crimes due to their biological nature being expressed around the world, and being locked up largely by other men for their actions.

I could go on and on... but hopefully you get the point.

Playing a game with a bunch of soy looking pretty boys running around with a bunch of domineering OP feminist fantasy women in a narrative based on a biased misrepresentation of historical prejudices related to appearance etc... the whole package comes together to form a thinly veiled social justice piece that subtly pushes these false narratives and off target worldview. (In reality there would probably be ZERO women in any of those roles in a given society, at best maybe 1 who happened to be any kind of warrior at all, much less some elite warrior. But to have the story basically riddled with them, and to have them look like models etc... for a story that tries to present itself as looking somewhat realistic (albeit in a fantasy setting), it just comes across as silly. It's feminist fantasy (or a fantasy for men who are into being dominated by women. And hey, again, if that's your fetish, knock yourself out.)

Again, it's otherwise well made and I don't fault people for playing it.

It's just not for me. I don't like being propagandized to by a worldview that I find ignorant, misguided, and counterfactual in ways that actually negatively impact my life and my country right now in the real world today. It's the same reason I quit watching TV, as it's largely become blatant progressive propaganda riddled with blackwashing, stupid weak men, OP Mary Sues, gender swapping, etc... everything to push the "straight white males are bad, healthy nuclear families are bad, women are strong geniuses that save everyone and should run everything, diversity and multiculturalism are and should be the norm" etc.

No thanks.
you're reading way too much into this, the only real reason you will see a lot of "strong" women in a game like this one is just to avoid having that many men in those positions, ie. more cocks around to antagonize the MC. if that were to happen most players here would start screaming NTR way before any of those other male characters had even a chance to approach one of the women. unless a dev wants to tag his game as NTR or Voyeur right from the start, he will avoid having a lot of strong male figure around.
conflating a porn game with reality doesn't make a lot of sense, while your argument can be applied to some movies and comics, it bears no weight here.


Active Member
Sep 2, 2017
Sigh. I really was going to read that to the end but then you sort of fell into the usual propandizing of the Evangelical/alt.right crowd and I just couldn't be bothered anymore. Hope you don't mind if I put you on Ignore permanently, but if I wanted this sort of thing I'd go read the comment section at Breitbart.
For the record, I'm an atheist, and I don't care for Nazis either. But I'm also scientifically literate and intellectually honest and thus am aware of all the scientific studies repeatedly showing these average differences between genetic populations.

It's no different than the average height difference between the Dutch and the Pygmies. You could make the Dutch shorter on average by starving them, but you're never going to make the Pygmies as tall as the Dutch no matter how much you feed them. The genes just aren't there to begin with. And the same kinds of genes that effect height, build, amount of body hair, hair type, eye color, skin color, etc... also affect intelligence, intelligence being the expression of the physical biology of brain itself relating to things like structure, levels of various chemicals, etc.

It's the same kind of reason why women are on average much shorter and much weaker than men. It's just a factual biological reality. Being offended doesn't change that, and pretending it doesn't exist because it doesn't feel fair is not intellectually honest.

You might try actually addressing these things head on instead of making excuses as to why you'll stick your head in the sand and pretend they don't exist while trying to poison the well and dissuade others from paying too much attention either.

you're reading way too much into this, the only real reason you will see a lot of "strong" women in a game like this one is just to avoid having that many men in those positions, ie. more cocks around to antagonize the MC. if that were to happen most players here would start screaming NTR way before any of those other male characters had even a chance to approach one of the women. unless a dev wants to tag his game as NTR or Voyeur right from the start, he will avoid having a lot of strong male figure around.
conflating a porn game with reality doesn't make a lot of sense, while your argument can be applied to some movies and comics, it bears no weight here.
There are many ways to have plenty of women in a story without having to put them in those kinds of roles, and even then to do so within a larger context that also smacks of the same ideological worldview.

For example look at a story like Timeless Island. It's basically you and a whole bunch of mostly powerful women. But it never once smacks of social justice propaganda in the way this game does. And maybe that's in part because it's a bit less serious about itself than this game... but none the less, tons of women, no sour taste of progressive propaganda thinly wrapped in a medieval/fantasy setting that obviously takes itself seriously.

As I said before, the game isn't bad. It's just written from the standpoint of that particular worldview. For most people that's probably not an issue. But for people who are fed up with this constant low level propagandizing these days, they might wish to play something that leaves just a little bit less of a sour taste in their mouth.

Like I said, if watching Star Trek Discovery wouldn't bother you, you probably wouldn't have any problem with this game. But if you happened to notice that there's not a single straight white male human from our universe recurring character who isn't killed immediately in the first episode (and only one bad guy) in the entire first season (but a female main character, female captain (neither white), both of whom kill male klingon warriors in hand to hand combat mind you), female empress, tons of other women, gay men, robots and aliens and hybrids... but no straight white male humans... (and even the one you think might be is actually an alien from an alternate dimension)... or that it bugs you a little that the super whiny and angsty OP black female main character (and we'll overlook the retconning of spock's family by making her his sister etc) is even given a male name just to really hammer the progressive point home that everything is diverse and fluid and gender norms don't mean anything etc... well then maybe you (like apparently most star trek fans) will want to give this blatant piece of over the top progressive propaganda a pass.

Different strokes for different folks. :) Like I said. I just don't personally care to be preached at in a game from an ideological standpoint I find to be toxic and misguided, however subtle you might think it to be.


Nov 2, 2017
I think it's the way it's worded. It seems apparent that it's not organically driven, but rather comes specifically from a progressive leftist ideological worldview.

Sort of like, as you hinted at, the difference between Sarah Connor/Ellen Ripley etc of the 80s and 90s... and the Captain Marvel/Rey/Michael Burnham's of today.

They're all supposedly "strong women", but the former were organic, human characters forced into tough situations who had to struggle with their own weakness to realistically fight to survive against great odds. The latter are whiny OP Mary Sues with zero humanity or depth and just written as fantasies about feminist tropes that are objectively false in reality.

For example seeing numerous women as knights, elite warriors, the true rulers of the land, etc... when in reality women are objectively ***vastly*** weaker than men, to the point where there is basically zero overlap between them... with even the strongest women barely touching the weakest end of the male bell curve.

We see this play out today where women in the military have dramatically reduced physical fitness requirements, somewhere around 30% less on average I think... because they simply cannot perform at remotely the same level as the men. And even for the extremely rare few who can manage to squeak into those levels, they face 150% the rate of injury because the female musculo-skeletal system is simply much less robust than for males, so you see more muscle, ligament, and bone injuries, making even those who might have passed the initial physical into walking casualties waiting to happen and be a burden on their fellow troops.

The list goes on. It's the real reason you do not see women in the NFL etc.

Here's a really good example of that painful reality for women.

Let's look at the arguably best female tennis player in human history. Serena Williams (along with her sister.)

A guy not even in the top couple hundred male players, after playing a round of golf and having a couple drinks absolutely *wrecks* two of the best female tennis players in history, including the #1 best in history.

This story plays out across various sports where physical prowess is key.

So, again, to see a pretty normal, fit, attractive woman presented as some powerful warrior is just a joke. It's a progressive leftist fantasy that does not reflect reality.

Women by and large were not warriors because men would very easily physically slaughter them with little effort due to the massive disparity between the sexes in our sexually dimorphic species.

So when you have that, along with the cripple, along with the thinly veiled "racial prejudice" stereotype, layered over with lessons about how they're just raised wrong and need to be taught better etc... as though there is nothing else to the equation but appearance alone... (just look into things like the black/white test gap, average IQ differences between racial groups (more accurately genetic populations), average testosterone levels between those groups, and the correlations between these things and things like violent crime, murder, marriage rates, single parenthood rates, career outcomes, life expectancy, etc... and you see that there is an unpalatable but objectively verifiable reality out there that different average life outcomes between groups is not purely a result of baseless prejudice and discrimination for no reason, but rather stereotypes based on actual measurable differences between genetic populations that drive those stereotypes, which in turn drive the discrimination.

That doesn't mean that you can accurately judge an individual based on appearance alone. But you can absolutely gauge the likelihood of something... the odds someone will have a certain IQ, the likelihood they'll have a criminal record, the odds of them being violent, the odds of them being stronger than you, etc... the relative risk an individual might pose toward you, etc. Things like basic risk assessment. Those things are all objectively valid and based on that objective biological foundation. The measurable, verifiable reality of differences between not only individuals, but between groups based on biological sex, genetic population, etc.

I'm sure some people get offended by those facts, but facts they are and they shouldn't be lied about to suit some politically correct wishful thinking narrative.

For example, let's make a very clear and unarguable point.

Men and women in murder statistics.

Men are around 10 TIMES as likely to murder someone, which seems directly linked to things like male testosterone and temperament. Competitive, confrontational, quicker to violence, and more readily able to carry out that violence physically. So 90% of prison inmates for murder are male, vs only 10% female.

It's not that no females do it, it's just that for every 1 woman, there's 9 or 10 men.

That's not oppression. Women aren't oppressing men and locking them up at higher rates. That's men committing those crimes due to their biological nature being expressed around the world, and being locked up largely by other men for their actions.

I could go on and on... but hopefully you get the point.

Playing a game with a bunch of soy looking pretty boys running around with a bunch of domineering OP feminist fantasy women in a narrative based on a biased misrepresentation of historical prejudices related to appearance etc... the whole package comes together to form a thinly veiled social justice piece that subtly pushes these false narratives and off target worldview. (In reality there would probably be ZERO women in any of those roles in a given society, at best maybe 1 who happened to be any kind of warrior at all, much less some elite warrior. But to have the story basically riddled with them, and to have them look like models etc... for a story that tries to present itself as looking somewhat realistic (albeit in a fantasy setting), it just comes across as silly. It's feminist fantasy (or a fantasy for men who are into being dominated by women. And hey, again, if that's your fetish, knock yourself out.)

Again, it's otherwise well made and I don't fault people for playing it.

It's just not for me. I don't like being propagandized to by a worldview that I find ignorant, misguided, and counterfactual in ways that actually negatively impact my life and my country right now in the real world today. It's the same reason I quit watching TV, as it's largely become blatant progressive propaganda riddled with blackwashing, stupid weak men, OP Mary Sues, gender swapping, etc... everything to push the "straight white males are bad, healthy nuclear families are bad, women are strong geniuses that save everyone and should run everything, diversity and multiculturalism are and should be the norm" etc.

No thanks.
I get your point, and I must admit that my memory goes by "feelings", so I don't recall if the game actually words it like you're saying (I'll wait for the next update to check it), but what I remember is that the "strong woman" which we met, the teacher, actually got forced into teaching us, showing that she's not as invincible as you make it seem, and our Dame is inferior in fighting skill to us, and got forced as well to follow that shady af "knight". I don't know, I did read your wall of text and the informations were explained clearly(and not a new concept by any means) but I can't help but feel you're projecting too much... I mean, I didn't see any "strong woman just because the writer wrote that she's strong", so yeah, there's that.
Instead it's the opposite, they feel very human, flawed. Instead the MC is pure if not naive but that's the only "problem" that he has, the training went really smoothly and he's being presented as "The Chosen One" or something, which actually could reasonably be the main point of an early argument on this game for what we're being showed but-, it would be kinda pointless, as we didn't give time to the characters to progress and grow.

I guess we'll see on the next chapters (?)
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Active Member
Sep 2, 2017
I get your point, and I must admit that my memory goes by "feelings", so I don't recall if the game actually words it like you're saying (I'll wait for the next update to check it), but what I remember is that the "strong woman" which we met, the teacher, actually got forced into teaching us, showing that she's not as invincible as you make it seem, and our Dame is inferior in fighting skill to us, and got forced as well to follow that shady af "knight". I don't know, I did read your wall of text and the informations were explained clearly(and not a new concept by any means) but I can't help but feel you're projecting too much... I mean, I didn't see any "strong woman just because the writer wrote that she's strong", so yeah, there's that.
Instead it's the opposite, they feel very human, flawed. Instead the MC is pure if not naive but that's the only "problem" that he has, the training went really smoothly and he's being presented as "The Chosen One" or something, which actually could reasonably be the main point of an early argument on this game for what we're being showed but-, it would be kinda pointless, as we didn't give time to the characters to progress and grow.

I guess we'll see on the next chapters (?)
Fair enough. I'll probably keep checking it out. Like I said, the women are attractive and the story isn't bad. It just set me off, and I'm sure I'm far more sensitive to this stuff than most people and may very well be overreacting.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
With almost two months of radio silence ?:unsure:
Could be ill. Could be hard at work on this. Could be anything. If mods tag it as On hold/abandoned because enough time has passed or if dev comes out and says: "fuck this, I'm out" then yes, the game is officially dead. Until then it's just tedious speculation and reeks of: "I want this game to be dead".
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Jul 11, 2020
Hate to say it, but this game is likely dead, or somehow still in the "planning" phase of update 2, since that was thing dev said, little more than four months ago.
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Dec 29, 2019
nice graphism, interesting story, pleasant characters served with a good political intrigue on a fantasy world.
I'll wait the suite :)
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Reactions: Irascor
Dec 17, 2020
If we're lucky? Someday. As the weeks go by without any word from the dev it's seeming more and more likely that this project didn't get the response the dev was hoping for and they just left it.
Game got a very positive feedback and encouraging response for plot, story, artwork.
What more was the dev expecting for his demo project?
He won't be making $10,000 from Patrons overnight or 10000 Patreon subscribers with just first release.


Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
This is such a shame. I guess this should be marked abandoned by now. No news since December on his Patreon, and well...yeah. I honestly would really have supported this one, but I rarely (I don't think I have ever) support on an initial release, so I can see how the updates look. As far as this one goes...its dead. Such pretty designs and nice story telling, absolute shame.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
This game is dead, Jim. Dev hasn't been seen on F95 since he posted the game. Last post on Patreon on 12/18. It had potential.
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4.50 star(s) 11 Votes