Since this is a "Discussion" thread, I'd like to ask some questions, and maybe you all have some answers or possible ideas.
A- Can vampires make babies? (Either the male via sperm, the female via eggs, 2 vampires together, or 1 human and 1 vampire?)
B- Do vampires stop producing eggs over time? (Human females only have about 30 years worth of eggs stored at birth and create no more over time. So if a girl begins menstruating at 12, then she will stop releasing eggs between 35-48 yr of age, depending upon how many months she skips releasing them.
C1- The reason I ask these, is wondering if I can get my Great Aunt Keres pregnant with either a human or vampire baby. If she is over 100 yrs old, then presumably she has run out of eggs. However, if she can "choose" when to release eggs after becoming a vampire, then she could possibly still have 100-120 eggs left to release. Thus, we could have (up to) 120 babies if we chose to. (I'd be satisfied with even 1, knowing that I got my great aunt and "maker" pregnant with my baby.)
C2- Also, can I get my human "mom and sister" pregnant? Can I get them pregnant after I turned them into vampires, to create a family of immortals?
C3- Can I get my own half vampire, or full vampire, or full human child pregnant once she begins having her periods? Or my son get other women pregnant once he produces viable sperm?
Thank you to everyone who gives their ideas and explanations to my questions.