Sable really could've used her Lv10 wayyy earlier with how slow ** gains are, felt like such a waste to only be mashing basic attacks on her while everybody else had their wide arrays of spells and buffs.
There are a few things you can do about this:
The first is to make use of cross-class skills. Far as I can tell... if the skill was learned (by JP or by max level) rather than already known at Lv1-- and even for some that ARE already known at Lv1-- then you carry the skill over to other classes that have the same battle menu (e.g. learn some MAGIC spells as a Lillina clone, and you can still use them as a Succubus. The more characters learn Obedience and Empower, the more you can precast buffs before you enter a dangerous fight). The one I'm thinking of in particular is Skeleton Warrior, accessible by being a Zombie wearing a Skeleton Mask. It can learn a move that consumes 100 HP to generate 30 **, and this move goes in the SPECIAL battle menu-- which all classes have. You can also learn the Drain attack, which-- despite being listed as "slightly weak"-- hits twice, dealing more damage than a normal attack. Skeleton Warrior also seems to have low EXP reqs, so you can get the JP for them pretty quickly.
The second is one of the many uses for the Lost Wizard: if you convert her soulgem into a ring, it doubles EXP gains on the wearer. Losing the Lost Wizard's EXP gains but giving +100% EXP to someone else is a fair trade... but then, you could use the Soulsever spell on her to keep her Zombie in the party WHILE gaining her soulgem, equip it with a Skeleton Mask, and thereby have her still gaining EXP in a useful form to double-dip.
The third is to precast Empower and Obedience on her before a fight, so she starts with more ** (due to the higher Passion stat). This won't address the slow ** generation per turn, but you can have her spend a few minutes as a Bimbo to learn Retreat-- to tag another party member in once she's exhausted her opening ** supply.
The fourth is to find the Sensei Cockring (I am not making this up) in that locked seaside cabin just north of Sea Market. The key is a rare drop/steal from Lewd Bandits and Street Thieves. Apparently this allows you to carry ** over between fights, so it can be an alternative to using Empower/Obedience. (I've never tried it myself though.)
Has anyone tried completing all Realm of Mischief challenges? Any special reward by doing so? Or is it just for quick leveling up?
Somebody mentioned a boss rush mode, but I don't think I've encountered such a thing? I'm very curious about that.
Realm of Mischief includes guaranteed spawns of several rare enemies, some of which are actually missable (City of Mist vanishes from the world after completion, but you can refight the Maestra for more Batons in the Realm of Mischief version-- and the first wave is a secret boss that serves as the only source of Ripper Knives). Having a reliable source of rare enemy encounters means you can find Bad Ends you might not have known about (e.g. there's the Puppeteer bad end, and the PuppetMASTER bad end).
It might be because I've fought every boss (some endgame bosses are optional and/or on mutually exclusive endgame routes), but "BOSS CHALLENGE I" appeared in the Realm of Mischief for me, at the bottom. Clearing it unlocked a BOSS CHALLENGE II, then III, then IV. (I'd actually missed one boss before doing it-- Miss Sanguine. She's not in it.)
Number IV is lowkey amazing because the first fight is the training session with Rokkas the Hero at Tabnath. Meaning, if you know
how to read her signals, it's a relatively easy 1k EXP and 20k gold (40k if you Steal), which you can farm by leaving and re-entering. ("But what do I need EXP and Gold for when I've already completed the final boss battles multiple times?" ...uhh... good question...)
If you clear Challenge IV, Mischief's dialogue box nametag title will change to "Loser" permanently (though her dialogue itself does not change).