Seems as though the dev isn't committed to this game like they once were. It started off really well too, there's now constant uninteresting and boring side projects instead of working on a once well received game, but hey as long as that supporter money keeps on rolling in I don't think the dev cares.
Yeah, the stories for the most part to me
<<< "Note the to me", are absolute unintelligible crap.
But the lewd content if you ever get to see it in all there games is really first rate, but it drag's on, and on, and on before ever actually involving any major fudge packing or vagina pound of the MC.
For me
<<< "Note the for me"
This has been the case in every one of there games that I have played
<<< "Note for me". I really try to make sense of the plot, and realize after much frustration trying, that it is useless, and boring as hell to try and follow the story.
So! I wind up just skimming the main story for necessary info and moving on as quickly as I can to the next H or X scene.
Love what they are trying to do, hate how long it takes to be updated, and wish them all the best with there procrastination, and monetary gains.