Where are we at?
I just posted a progress report for Satisfy Him, so I really want to write one here too.
I'm very close to finishing the update for Satisfy Him, which took so long because of the code. However, like I've said before, there's a lot of code that will be transferred directly to On Edge.
I don't remember if I've talked about this, but this is something major so I have to say it: The Scenes Superclass. Basically, it's code that allows me to add and remove scenes, which have their own layers. Why is this important? Because the gloryhole will then take just a little bit of time to make, as the depiction of the images (code-wise) is already done on Satisfy Him!
I know it's taken (too) long but I will come around. I'm almost done with the Satisfy Him update, and next up is finishing the gloryhole minigame, so I can post it (on its own) before I work on the story, which will also have some changes. I'm more than eager to finish that!
As far as the gloryhole is concerned, it has had a ton of work done to it, and it will be unrecognizeable compared to the previous state and the bugs it had.
I don't want to take too much of your time reading this, as what I wanted to say is that I am still working constantly, and I can't wait to finish this too so I can show it to you guys. I can only hope that through my work you will understand why it took so long.