Finished both chapters earlier today, the game is super awesome, nice branching and very likeable characters.
Usually I'm VERY uncomfortable with NTR (esp. the scene between Allison and the rich fat dude) but it seems to be serving a purpose, plot wise, that is not yet covered in the provided 2 chapters and I'm seriously excited to find out more about the MC's backstory in the upcoming games.
The scene with the MC and Daisy after she got impaled by that dimwit Lucious did a lot to raise the MC's self confidence and put a new, never before seen in a game, perspective of performance vs. size; really nice change of pace there imho.
Some remarks about the gameplay. I believe we could all use some faster traveling speeds man, it's so slow it hurts!
Personally I didn't mind the mini-games and thought they were frustratingly fun (wolf escape, car battery... etc) but some people might want to skip them though, an option to disable and enable (or even skip) them would be nice.
One more thing, the game's English was really good and felt native, however, there were some weird mistakes like the "staff" Lucious was selling... I assume that was supposed to be "stuff"? Also, I took some coins from a "porch" of which I believe you meant "pouch"?
Anyways, really good game and can't wait to see what more you have for us