Yeah dev won't ruin his game by putting NTR over couple off 'special' people thinks girl on girl fun is ntr. If he puts actual NTR then they would have reasons to 'reeeeing' since this game is started and supported as a harem game since beginning. I would complain about it too if any other cock comes into the content with mc's li's despite my enjoyment of girl on girl content.If i am to understand this right. Yes. I read several pages back, and people were complaining about a "Lesbian" scene with your girls. Dude. I'd love it for them to make up, as they prepare for the MC to rail them, as they are sufficiently wet and excited. I is MCs Harem, right? Can you consider it NTR when they aren't even attempting to steal your Girls? If a Futanari was implemented, or a Male, then the possibility of NTR would be become possible. That is if the Creator allowed such a thing to happen.
Personally. I'd implement it just to spite the fucking shit out of these REEEing children, who has NEVER played or experienced a genuine hardcore NTR experience where you have no control and it is completely unavoidable, even if there's only one scene of NTR, they'd break down into a mess of constant screeching. Like woketards.
Generation Z is incredibly intolerant and pathetic, i swear by all the Gods above...
Again majority of the best harem games has girl on girl content and it's hot and awesome as long as mc still have most of the content with the girls. I think harem devs usually make the ratio really good anyways. If you can't even handle your girls in your harem having fun with each other than it's not really game for you. In fact many many amazing harem games is not for you