Its not work for my Android. "exception has occurred" eror like this...It should, as a quick comparison of the screens.rpy file in 0.4.1a doesn't show any new variable checks.
Its not work for my Android. "exception has occurred" eror like this...It should, as a quick comparison of the screens.rpy file in 0.4.1a doesn't show any new variable checks.
I can only speak for myself but I do imagine others will probably have similar feelings on the matter.I don't think there's anybody reading (or writing) this VN that thinks the way he's treating her is right. I do think that's the point.
I don't have an Android device to test on, and this provides no information at all to go off of to determine what might be causing a problem.Its not work for my Android. "exception has occurred" eror like this...
Wow! I got a reply from the Avaron! I've probably read hundreds of your comments on various threads. I consider you something like a celebrity around here. I hope I don't come across too starstruck in my reply.I can only speak for myself but I do imagine others will probably have similar feelings on the matter.
It's not the easiest thing for me to click with a male character but when I do I tend to enjoy that story.
The issue here is the MC started off great and then turned into a cockwomble and that threw me out of the game so to speak. It's a very bold decision to turn your main charcter into an unlikeable twat but with bold decisions come consequences. Some people like to self insert as the MC and when it comes to power fantasies i've yet to see anyone say "I really wish I could play a clueless pillock who treats his childhood friend like shit".
As for me personally, I have a hard enough time connecting with male chracters as it is with my lack of cock so when an MC i've managed to click with turns into the Douche of Earl it gets damn near impossible for me to enjoy it.
The main reason some people may be struggling with it and the exact reason I am is because this hasn't occured organically and he's shown he knows how to act with people it just comes across like it's forced just for the sake of adding drama. Now I don't expect War and Peace levels of writing but for drama to grip people it needs to feel natural and have a purpose people can get on board with.
I just don't think this has landed the way it was supposed to and has only served to put people off the MC. Not something you really want to do when he's supposed to be carrying the story.
I think I remember a survey where most people agreed that the womble of a cock is the cause of many a disappointing sexual encounter.The issue here is the MC started off great and then turned into a cockwomble
I think you hit the nail on the head right here....Wow! I got a reply from the Avaron! I've probably read hundreds of your comments on various threads. I consider you something like a celebrity around here. I hope I don't come across too starstruck in my reply.
Well, I hear you on a lot of that. Just like most others, as I'm reading these recent updates, I often think how I wouldn't like to treat Lym that way or wish that the MC could handle certain situations differently. This sort of feeling isn't too unusual for me when reading AVNs, but it feels more frustrating in Oppai Odyssey than in many other cases. I've tended to believe the greater irritation I feel is due to how much I like the rest of the plot and character interactions, so having to read the MC's bumbling mistreatment of Lym I find myself fuming at the squandered romantic potential. In other stories that I don't like as much, I might just close and delete the game. Though I imagine I have an easier time identifying with male characters than most women, I'm rarely able to successfully self-insert, because frankly not many AVN MC's are written congruently enough to me and how I conduct myself (aside from effortlessly amassing a harem of beauties hopelessly in love with my footlong and my unmatched prowess, of course... that part is always spot on). Since I seldom feel personal emotions about MC's and their flaws, even with "lesser" games, I have no difficulty playing devil's advocate regarding the important characters' and sometimes the writers' decisions that I disagree with. In trying to give Cryo the benefit of the doubt, I have remembered silly rom-coms where I find myself facepalming the clueless, flawed protagonist couple whose problems could be resolved by a little self-awareness and proper communication. Some of those films and shows are able to redeem themselves parlaying the audience's frustration into a big payoff of relief and gratification when the characters mature and grow.
Trying to figure out which cases this type of conflict & resolution works and in which it fails hard is a job for smarter critics than me, but I do think you're right about it feeling unnatural, inorganic, or maybe "untempered" would be the word I would use. In many AVNs, I think writers give readers too much worrywart internal monologue, and here I think Cryo could give the audience a few more clues about the Captain's motivations and apprehensions about his choices. I think MC's concerns over how much to bring Lym up to speed on the conspiracy and why so little haven't been made adequately clear to a lot of readers, nor has his state of mind. If we had it better spelled out why Cap thinks Lym is too dedicated to the USF to be able to accept a corrupt conspiracy in its ranks, and why that means that he can't tell her anything, and why it is he has to be cold to her instead of just sneaky about excluding her from some of his plans, then I think that would help settle our anguish. If we had more indication that he feels bad about stonewalling her, or if we read how much he misses the support of his longtime friend due to his own decision to keep her in the dark, then I think most of us might feel a little better after lampshading how shitty Cap's being to Lym.
My prediction is that at some point, it's going to be Lym swooping in to save the day when Cap and Nyx's plans fail, proving what a dunce Cap was for not relying on her in the first place. It could be after this recent failure, or maybe Cryo wants to rub a little more salt in our wounds first, handing Lym some more emotional abuse and Cap another smackdown before sending them on to victory. I've no clue what Cryo intends to do, but the feeling I get is he's not an idiot nor intends to flush the story down the loo in order to troll his fans over our love of Lym. There is some vocal Lym-bashing on the Discord, but I think it's mostly intended to be humorous trolling of the Lym fans on there.
I know some people prefer a show not tell approach but a plot line this big that involves multiple characters and how one is treated really needs some context.If we had it better spelled out why Cap thinks Lym is too dedicated to the USF to be able to accept a corrupt conspiracy in its ranks, and why that means that he can't tell her anything, and why it is he has to be cold to her instead of just sneaky about excluding her from some of his plans, then I think that would help settle our anguish.
Sadly only 4 options are allowed. I bet Zara would be able to pull of 5th place thoNO ZARA? BLASPHEMY! My favorite girl is her.
So for you she's the first (and only) Noël?Gotta say Noel is easily the best.
My biggest issue with the game is that it is just not fun for me to play as a douche that the game tries to portray as noble or likable. And when there is lack of player agency, the hypocrisy of it all just becomes frustrating for me. I think there are ways to show character growth without doing this since I dont think the payoff would be that satisfying either - its a harem game MC we are talking about so he will just say sorry, fuck Lym and that will be the end of it. You wont see consequences of his actions where he loses her as a love interest.Wow! I got a reply from the Avaron! I've probably read hundreds of your comments on various threads. I consider you something like a celebrity around here. I hope I don't come across too starstruck in my reply.
Well, I hear you on a lot of that. Just like most others, as I'm reading these recent updates, I often think how I wouldn't like to treat Lym that way or wish that the MC could handle certain situations differently. This sort of feeling isn't too unusual for me when reading AVNs, but it feels more frustrating in Oppai Odyssey than in many other cases. I've tended to believe the greater irritation I feel is due to how much I like the rest of the plot and character interactions, so having to read the MC's bumbling mistreatment of Lym I find myself fuming at the squandered romantic potential. In other stories that I don't like as much, I might just close and delete the game. Though I imagine I have an easier time identifying with male characters than most women, I'm rarely able to successfully self-insert, because frankly not many AVN MC's are written congruently enough to me and how I conduct myself (aside from effortlessly amassing a harem of beauties hopelessly in love with my footlong and my unmatched prowess, of course... that part is always spot on). Since I seldom feel personal emotions about MC's and their flaws, even with "lesser" games, I have no difficulty playing devil's advocate regarding the important characters' and sometimes the writers' decisions that I disagree with. In trying to give Cryo the benefit of the doubt, I have remembered silly rom-coms where I find myself facepalming the clueless, flawed protagonist couple whose problems could be resolved by a little self-awareness and proper communication. Some of those films and shows are able to redeem themselves parlaying the audience's frustration into a big payoff of relief and gratification when the characters mature and grow.
Trying to figure out which cases this type of conflict & resolution works and in which it fails hard is a job for smarter critics than me, but I do think you're right about it feeling unnatural, inorganic, or maybe "untempered" would be the word I would use. In many AVNs, I think writers give readers too much worrywart internal monologue, and here I think Cryo could give the audience a few more clues about the Captain's motivations and apprehensions about his choices. I think MC's concerns over how much to bring Lym up to speed on the conspiracy and why so little haven't been made adequately clear to a lot of readers, nor has his state of mind. If we had it better spelled out why Cap thinks Lym is too dedicated to the USF to be able to accept a corrupt conspiracy in its ranks, and why that means that he can't tell her anything, and why it is he has to be cold to her instead of just sneaky about excluding her from some of his plans, then I think that would help settle our anguish. If we had more indication that he feels bad about stonewalling her, or if we read how much he misses the support of his longtime friend due to his own decision to keep her in the dark, then I think most of us might feel a little better after lampshading how shitty Cap's being to Lym.
I'm not exactly disagreeing with you, but I always took those inner explanations to be more like he's trying to convince himself of his actions. Like, he knows some of what he does is wrong, so he tries to excuse his behavior by monologuing his justifications so he won't feel so badly about doing them. I could be reading too much into this in the game, but IRL I personally have done something similar if I've screwed up and don't want to face the music. It does take time, but eventually I would accept my screw-up and finally brace myself for the fallout. I had taken these monologues as his not being ready yet to admit his issues. That being said, I neither excuse nor enjoy when he does this. But that's been my interpretation of his thoughts.Here I feel like its a bit different - one moment the MC is being a douche and the next moment he is going on this self righteous monologue about how he is helping everyone etc. I dont enjoy character development like this and I think there are other ways to grow a character that at least I personally would have liked more.
This guy, he gets it!Especially with situations such as Noel not being appointed the esteemed, definitely-canon rank of Best Girl by the USF.