cryoxxx I know I asked this before but when can we get rid of that bitch Alex? Seriously I cannot say 'I have a harem ship' because Alex is there! His existence doesn't even make any sense in our harem ship! MC should be the only male in his harem ship! Please Either turn him into a women or please let us kick him for good. I don't care if he is dead, alive or become the richest man in the universe with 9999 waifus. I just don't want him in the ship. He already tried to fuck the love interests, he is a big no no in the harem fantasyt imo. I know you won't betray us and put ntr-sharhing shit in the game but still his actions towards girls or hell his sole existence in the ship breaks the immersion . He shouldn't live with our girls period. He can still be a character in the game but please not living in the ship with our girls. That's just my personal opinions tho. The game is still one of the best harem games on many sides despite Alex... I would say this game can become almost as good as or even better than top tier harem games like harem hotel or myhtic manor. Amazing job