If we want to talk about character arks and development.
Nyx confused me the most. She is supposed to be annoying, I got that. She is like two Personas in one. At one time, she is emphasizing with the loss of friends with Lyn. But when the hole of Earth and an entire human race facing destruction, she wanted a human vessel to do nothing.
It remembers me on a scene from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home.
Spock: The Probability are that our Mission would fail.
Kirk: Our Mission?! Spock, you're talking about the end of every Life on Earth. You are half Human. Don't you have God damn feelings about that?
Rare occasion where Spock is speechless.
Oh, I think the last update bring this game on another level. Can't wait to see where it is going and keep it light-hearted, please. Star Trek IV was very light-hearted too, and it is my favorite.