2.00 star(s) 1 Vote
Mar 27, 2018
Please do not be Negative Towards the Translator, Thank you
Shit, okay, I got this. Translator-sama is very brave for attempting to translate a Japanese game to English without knowing the absolute minimum day 1 basics of Japanese translation! And having shaky English grammar. Most people would think it is necessary to be good at one or maybe even both languages in a translation language pair, but Translator-sama is not one to be deterred by conventional ideas like basic competence. I salute his guts and enthusiasm!


Sep 2, 2017
Unfortunately the translation isn't very good. A lot of lines are repeated, and many are hard to understand (so called "poetry).
Still, its nice that this was translated at all, and its certainly better than a raw mtl.
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Reactions: Daehorn


May 15, 2021
Will Translator-kun continue TLing the last 10% or no since the completed tag is up? Also I think we need to put "This is not stolen art, you idiots!" in OP so people would be aware. Seems like they haven't even seen Orc Strike 1 lol


Jan 19, 2018
Can you do a nice guy playthrough without delving into the rape and slavery?


Jan 19, 2020
So according to my saves it took 28 minutes (with me fairly aggressively skipping dialogue) to get through the intro.

The rest of the game might be amazing, I have no idea, but tons of people are going to miss out on the main game if your intro is 28 minutes of advancing text boxes.

Also, major bug, talking to the innkeeper in the southern city causes the game to crash. Seems to be a font issue.

West city same problem. Game crash when talking to people. I'd give this one a few months to get a proper translation and patches, otherwise pass.

Lol this game is comically obtuse as it is right now. You take 2 steps too far in one direction and suddenly you're fighting people multiple levels above you that murder you. Nothing to do in either the west town or south town. I thought "well maybe i need to take the ferry to a different town" NOPE, here are level 17 enemies that insta kill you. Unless the goal is grinding lvl 1 thieves for a few hours I'm really not sure what the plan is here.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2018
Game tags have "Japanese game" "rape" "slave" "sexual harassment" but no "romance"
meanwhile description has "consensual sex"
What logic is this?


Apr 8, 2018

↓ English Vocab ↓
# ** Vocab
#  This module defines terms and messages. It defines some data as constant
# variables. Terms in the database are obtained from $data_system.

module Vocab

  # Shop Screen
  ShopBuy         = "Buy"
  ShopSell        = "Sell"
  ShopCancel      = "Cancel"
  Possession      = "Possession"

  # Status Screen
  ExpTotal        = "Current Exp"
  ExpNext         = "To Next %s"

  # Save/Load Screen
  SaveMessage     = "Save to which file?"
  LoadMessage     = "Load which file?"
  File            = "File"

  # Display when there are multiple members
  PartyName       = "%s's Party"

  # Basic Battle Messages
  Emerge          = "%s emerged!"
  Preemptive      = "%s got the upper hand!"
  Surprise        = "%s was surprised!"
  EscapeStart     = "%s has started to escape!"
  EscapeFailure   = "However, it was unable to escape!"

  # Battle Ending Messages
  Victory         = "%s was victorious!"
  Defeat          = "%s was defeated."
  ObtainExp       = "%s EXP received!"
  ObtainGold      = "%s\\G found!"
  ObtainItem      = "%s found!"
  LevelUp         = "%s is now %s %s!"
  ObtainSkill     = "%s learned!"

  # Use Item
  UseItem         = "%s uses %s!"

  # Critical Hit
  CriticalToEnemy = "An excellent hit!!"
  CriticalToActor = "A painful blow!!"

  # Results for Actions on Actors
  ActorDamage     = "%s took %s damage!"
  ActorRecovery   = "%s recovered %s %s!"
  ActorGain       = "%s gained %s %s!"
  ActorLoss       = "%s lost %s %s!"
  ActorDrain      = "%s was drained of %s %s!"
  ActorNoDamage   = "%s took no damage!"
  ActorNoHit      = "Miss! %s took no damage!"

  # Results for Actions on Enemies
  EnemyDamage     = "%s took %s damage!"
  EnemyRecovery   = "%s recovered %s %s!"
  EnemyGain       = "%s gained %s %s!"
  EnemyLoss       = "%s lost %s %s!"
  EnemyDrain      = "Drained %s %s from %s!"
  EnemyNoDamage   = "%s took no damage!"
  EnemyNoHit      = "Missed! %s took no damage!"

  # Evasion/Reflection
  Evasion         = "%s evaded the attack!"
  MagicEvasion    = "%s nullified the magic!"
  MagicReflection = "%s reflected the magic!"
  CounterAttack   = "%s counterattacked!"
  Substitute      = "%s protected %s!"

  # Buff/Debuff
  BuffAdd         = "%s's %s went up!"
  DebuffAdd       = "%s's %s went down!"
  BuffRemove      = "%s's %s returned to normal."

  # Skill or Item Had No Effect
  ActionFailure   = "There was no effect on %s!"

  # Error Message
  PlayerPosError  = "Player's starting position is not set."
  EventOverflow   = "Common event calls exceeded the limit."

  # Basic Status
  def self.basic(basic_id)

  # Parameters
  def self.param(param_id)

  # Equip Type
  def self.etype(etype_id)

  # Commands
  def self.command(command_id)

  # Currency Unit
  def self.currency_unit

  def self.level;       basic(0);     end   # Level
  def self.level_a;     basic(1);     end   # Level (short)
  def self.hp;          basic(2);     end   # HP
  def self.hp_a;        basic(3);     end   # HP (short)
  def self.mp;          basic(4);     end   # MP
  def self.mp_a;        basic(5);     end   # MP (short)
  def self.tp;          basic(6);     end   # TP
  def self.tp_a;        basic(7);     end   # TP (short)
  def self.fight;       command(0);   end   # Fight
  def self.escape;      command(1);   end   # Escape
  def self.attack;      command(2);   end   # Attack
  def self.guard;       command(3);   end   # Guard
  def self.item;        command(4);   end   # Items
  def self.skill;       command(5);   end   # Skills
  def self.equip;       command(6);   end   # Equip
  def self.status;      command(7);   end   # Status
  def self.formation;   command(8);   end   # Change Formation
  def self.save;        command(9);   end   # Save
  def self.game_end;    command(10);  end   # Exit Game
  def self.weapon;      command(12);  end   # Weapons
  def self.armor;       command(13);  end   # Armor
  def self.key_item;    command(14);  end   # Key Items
  def self.equip2;      command(15);  end   # Change Equipment
  def self.optimize;    command(16);  end   # Ultimate Equipment
  def self.clear;       command(17);  end   # Remove All
  def self.new_game;    command(18);  end   # New Game
  def self.continue;    command(19);  end   # Continue
  def self.shutdown;    command(20);  end   # Shut Down
  def self.to_title;    command(21);  end   # Go to Title
  def self.cancel;      command(22);  end   # Cancel
Keep up the good work


Mar 22, 2018
Ehh, seems like he's using traced or just straight up copypasted art from others. I can recognize a couple of characters there like Android 18, Illya and Asuna
The first game was like an all anime aliance vs the Orc kingdom, the eroic king was Gilgamesh and the MC was a orc General named Gregory. I didn´t finish the last game, but there were some original characters (female alies that were on the orc kingdom side), but the game was basically going around the world corupting the female characters of many anime series.
If this is the son or a relative of the previous MC and the dark elf companion, then is safe to assume that the previous game ended up with either a open ending or the orc´s defeated after conquering a few nations and the child taking up to arms.
2.00 star(s) 1 Vote