Played a normal mode and daym, what a whore simping simulator it is... Even my ex, in comparison to women in this game, is a saint with a good moral compass
A girl proudly tells on A FIRST DATE that she already was fucked by half a block in her teen years; your caretaker/mother figure constantly brings home randoms to get dicked and she knows that you can hear it and on top of it, she knows that MC has a crush on her. Well, that's just cruel. Or when at a birthday party, she just leaves MC to get dicked by an insolent moron, who dared to flirt with her in front of you, and MC is like "Well, that's ok and totally not humiliating and disgraceful towards me". But the story brings it just like some kind of normality and those thots are strong and independent women)
Never in my life have I or my friends consciously pursued and romanced these kinds of skunks, but here we are in a fictional "Harem" game where even a supposed virgin gets mentally dicked because of her powers. All these games, in general, are fairy tales, but this one takes first place for the most delusional simp dream of being a white knight, who saves women trash after they willingly were used by half of the males around them for years through their miserable lives and after that they (white knights) will have their sloppy seconds after for being such a good boy and accepting their bullshit, ultimate whoring around and poor life choices, without even any need for them to take any kind of responsibility for their own conscious actions; it's just BOOM! And they all, out of nowhere after years of whoring around just became great, nice, supportive and loyal waifus, kek)
Please, guys, there is no need to answer me with your hate and long reads justifying these trashy characters. I wasn't born yesterday and don't need "professional" opinions about these trashy characters) I Just wanted to warn other potential players about what kind of messy swamp of whore simping they will embark on by trying this game, because game ratings and reviews do not cover this significant and repulsive part for any sane man with self-respect and dignity)
So my message for newcomers is next. RUN DUDE! There is nothing except whore simping, cringe and disgust in this game; don't waste your time and save some braincells
Upd: Almost forgot, writing here is bad too; plot holes, inconsistencies, illogical behavior, etc.