Very disappointed about Susan being so unceremoniously written out of the game, I liked her more than the daughter and was hoping she would stay involved. Her suddenly having some kind of meltdown even if you are nice to her throughout the game and suddenly breaking up with you (or the MC dumping her because she shouldn't "suffer more" in the white knight route) didn't feel believable at all. It comes off as blatant "well, there'll be sex scenes with the daughter soon, so we don't need her for filler anymore." Lame.
Edit: The more I think about this the more it irks me. The writing of the phone call with Susan and the subsequent confrontation in the kitchen is completely inconsistent with the story up to that point. Susan is pissed at the MC for not being able to go to dinner with her and portrays it like this is a common occurrence ("Wait... don't tell me what is it this time... You're too busy with work or...") when in fact this is the first time the MC doesn't have time for her in the entire game.
It's actually Susan who is consistently turning the MC down when he asks her to go to dinner/to the vacation thing because she has to work or see her aunt or whatever she says to be conveniently absent so you can spend alone time with your blonde waifu. I'm not saying women can't be irrational but this just feels like bad writing.
White Knight path: When she comes to the house she is suddenly super into the MC again ("You have always been so tender, caring... From the start.. I really felt blessed and together...") and wants the relationship to continue. Weird mood swing, but okay, that happens. The real problem here is the MC's reaction. After the player was given the option to express that they are genuinely in love with Susan at multiple points in the game, suddenly "It's so complicated..."
"she still wants to try. But... I just can't.."
"I can't make Susan suffer more... I need to do the right thing here..."
"I wish I had it in me... To fight for us but... Things have changed and..."
Unless the MC's feelings literally changed in like the last five minutes, this completely invalidates choices the player has made and feelings the MC has expressed throughout the game. Also this apparent change of heart is not communicated to the player via inner dialogue or anything right up until this moment.
Sociopath path: While the White Knight version is bad, this is just embarrassing. Susan breaks up with the MC, offering nothing but this gem of a line: "I was very fortunate to meet you MC... I just wished... It doesn't matter now... Let's just... Not be together ok!" The MC mechanically agrees because "Susan can't be part of my future, it's never going to work..." Okay then.
I'm really baffled by the lack of quality in the writing of these scenes. The rest of the game isn't even remotely like this. It's incredibly lazy or rushed and it makes no sense. If you really wanted to write Susan out of the game you should have come up with a more plausible scenario to make it happen and put some effort into writing believable dialogue. Also why give the player choices throughout the game like "Do you love Susan? Yes/No" when it makes absolutely no difference because she leaves you/you dump her either way?
I've rambled on long enough, but this really pissed me off. Bring back Susan ;(
i don't see how you can call this dev lazy while he bothered to have 6 different dialogues for that very scene.
1. if you are on either the father or the romance path and the variable gf_relation2 is higher than 1 you get from Susan the line: "I can't even begin to imagine... Of course, I knew things would be different but... I think it's still worth a try"
2. same path but with gf_relation2 = 1, you get the line: "You have [da] now... Having found your daughter after all this time... Of course, I knew things would be different... But, I'm not ready to give up on us yet... Maybe we can find a way to salvage things and get a good life, you and I, and [da], of course"
3. same path with gf_relation2 = 0, you get: "Tell me, [fa]... Is this the end of us? Because... Me... I just can't go on like this anymore... I just can't"
4. corruption or dominance path with gf_relation2 > 1, you get: "I was very fortunate to meet you [fa] Jensen... I just wished... It doesn't matter now... Let's just... Not be together ok"
5. corruption or dominance path with gf_relation2 = 1, you get: "We had a good run, while it lasted and it would be silly to wait for us to hate each other... Let's just go our separate ways"
6. corruption or dominance path with gf_relation2 = 0, you get: "I can't live like this, it's making me mad! I can't, it's too hard... Let's just break up, for good"
each of those lines make sense in the context of your previous choices: if you chose to have a MC with a negative overall attitude and a corrupted behaviour, no matter how you treated Susan she'll end up wanting to break up with the MC, if you chose to have the MC treating her well enough she'll say she was fortunate to meet up Jansen, if you chose to have the MC being cold to her she'll say that she can't live like this, anything in between she'll say it was a good run while it lasted.
on the other side if you chose to have a MC with an overall positive attitude, Susan will be interested in not breaking up if you had the MC treating her well enough, so if you had the MC cold to her she'll say she can't go on like this anymore, otherwise she'll say she isn't ready to give up yet.
to me all those scenarios make perfect sense. moreover, if you are on either the corruption, or the dominance or the romance paths, it would make no sense for the MC to keep Susan around, either cause she would be a burden while corrupting the daughter or cause she would prevent the MC from romancing the daughter. indeed you only get the choice to keep the relationship with Susan going if you are on the father path. that makes sense too.
none of this looks lazy to me.