That is not true, "otome" means "Maiden Game", or more specifically, games aimed at "females", it can very well be sexual if it wants, sometimes developers just don't want, and that's the problem. I think you're looking for "eroge", which is just a combination of "Erotic Game", which is allowed for all sexualities, but you'd have to sludge through a load of male targeted content before you can find something for female audiences, and even then, you'll likely either find female centered photos, or men off screen CGs, none too different than the male audience erotica. But, so you know, VNs are predominantly male focused, and the tropes you know and love, all those delicious Deres, are often more than not regarded as feminine labels; that's because media is geared to the "male" (gynosexuals) gaze first and foremost, it still sort of is, which is why many male protagonist VNs are called "VNs", while female protagonist VNs get quickly labeled as "Otome" (have you ever wondered why there's no male equivalent word like "Gentleman Game" or something? That's because all games are already assumed to be male targeted, then some hot shot said "let's get women playing!"). When somone says "Sex sales", the thing people are really talking about is tits and women's ass, not dicks and men's lumps; it's a man's world, and not in the sexy way.
Otome games are often "chaste", because the world hasn't accepted women as sexual, yet, and also haven't accepted the sexualization of men; that's why YAOI is so free and raunchy, men being sexy is often regarded as gay, but I digress. It's also a cultural thing, Japan (often the influence of otome, regardless of who makes them) find demure/virgin/innocent women the most attractive and how they should be, and people like that "don't like lewed things", so these targeted "maidens" wouldn't want to read a debauched game with nudity and sex, so they won't sell as well as those filthy, filthy men audience. That's the archaic thought, that I think we've grown out of as a society, but those hooks are still in, which is why you'd find games that you think are geared towards "women" (androsexuals), often lack male sexuality; games that will have nude women the focus of CGs, and female VAs moaning, while the man is stuffed into the corner and silent; Hell, you might even find the dreaded "POV switch", when the narration switch to the man's POV to express the sex scene.
It's tragic, truly, truly tragic.