
Active Member
Nov 9, 2022
When Ian is together with Holly, but Lena is a slut who wants to corrupt Holly, she rejects other guys like Mark, Robert, but there is some interest in Stan. You think this will go anywhere or is that just nerd friend thing? For the record I would like something to happen there, well preferably with better guys, but I'll take what I can get with Holly as gf.
Perhaps, if EK wants a strictly wholesome route. Personally I prefer Lena toying with Stan and would like to see that intensify. My wholesomeness is in real life...I come here for the unwholesome fantasies.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2022
When Ian is together with Holly, but Lena is a slut who wants to corrupt Holly, she rejects other guys like Mark, Robert, but there is some interest in Stan. You think this will go anywhere or is that just nerd friend thing? For the record I would like something to happen there, well preferably with better guys, but I'll take what I can get with Holly as gf.
Just a nerdy friendship thing. Holly has no interest in other guys if they're together and I really don't see that changing. The only person I can see Holy doing anything extra with if dating Ian is Lena.


Dec 29, 2023
It's always the same argument with naming MC(s). Some folks, like me, want custom naming to add suspension of belief. I do play/read as the MC and it's quite frustrating when I'm stuck with a name someone else has chosen. So, no matter the "good reasons" given, removing the option is a bad idea and cause for me to skip titles. Why not let people choose? They can still use your default names and you "should" be able to control things using variables which is why you shouldn't put an MC name as part of a variable name. MC1 and MC2 should work just fine.

I get that some authors want their readers to "do it their way" but that doesn't get you much if it puts people off your title. As I said above as long as you have your variable names straight this should be an easy option to include. Good luck with your project. :)


May 25, 2018
Sure and most people are like this. But it's just a game, we can experience things we don't irl.
Sure, absolutely. Still, does this specific storyline turn me on or at least interest me in that specific game ? Not really. Again I do admit the lewd scenes are really beautiful. But the dialogs with Cindy are really plain. She's beautiful but stupid, ignorant and entitled. We can have all possible fetishes in a porn game as long as it is not real, I agree, but the material needs to be good.


May 25, 2018
That's just one layer because is not just any other guy. It's your friend who is taller, more handsome and used to be way more successful with girls than you in your teens. And Cindy kind of embodies the trope of the hot popular cheerleader that paid no attention to Ian and was way out of his league back in the day.

So "stealing" Cindy has the forbidden fruit appeal with an extra of betrayal of a close friend. And it also works as validation for Ian that despite everything (his awkard teens, Gillian's break up, struggling writing career and so on) he's now better than Wade and he can get a girl like Cindy. I don't think it's about Cindy as an individual and more about what she represents, kind of the platinum trophy Ian gets for being more confident, working at the gym and getting this career on the right track.

And Cindy as a character is the insatisfaction of someone with a normal boring life when confronted with the (fake or not) appeal of the exciting and successful social media stardom. I find her refreshing compared to most other LI (on this game and others) that she provokes love and hate reactions not just based on her looks and attractiveness but on her contradicting personality. She has obvious flaws and it kind of makes her more real as a character and enhaces the guilty pleasure vibes on her path.
Ok, you make valid points here. Especially from Ian's POV. It may be the fact that I find Ian a bit annoying which makes me not so satisfied about his exploits.


May 25, 2018
Unless Eva does another split (like with Cindy's birthday party for Wade and Holly's book fair) I doubt Seymour and Lena will ever have a significant amount of time devoted to them alone. We are talking about an optional route here after all, so any Seymour scenes that become too lengthy will need non-Seymour alternatives to at least fill in some of that same time slot.

Since Billy's route is optional too, or at least seems that way so far, it probably won't serve as a Seymour alternative either, for example. Last scene I recall that was a direct replacement was when Lena was introduced to that random new photographer guy.
The photographer seems handsome, I'm wondering if sth will happen with Lena.


May 25, 2018
It's mentioned several times during the game:

            i "Sometimes I miss those good old times in high school..."
            p "Good old times? We were a b--{w=0.5}bunch of nerds, have you forgotten?"
            w "Hey, speak for yourself."
            p "You were a nerd as m--{w=0.5}much as any of us back then, W--{w=0.5}wade."
            e "We were not the most popular kids, that's for sure, ha ha."
            i "Well, you never cared about that. That's why you were quite popular despite being a nerd, Emma."
        h "I've never been too popular... Especially during high school. I didn't have many friends even when I was a kid..."
        i "I understand that feeling. I was never too popular either and spent most of my time alone, living in the fantasy worlds I created for myself."
        h "Yes, that's right..."
        $ flena = "n"
        l "Is that so? You told me you were in a rock band..."
        $ fian = "smile"
        i "Yeah, but we never were the cool kids, not at all!"
        i "We were a group of misfits that happened to be lucky enough to meet each other at the right time."
        i "If it weren't for them, I would've been way more lonely during my high school years."

Although I get what you mean, the rock band thing feels kind of odd for the vibes Eva is trying to portray. And it's kind of weird that it's not used for Ian playing bass with Lena and almost not used to relate to Lena's music thing (Ian usually relates with his writing as an artsy thing too). Maybe a D&D group would have worked better than a rock band for the nerd vibes and also as a way to connect with Holly through fantasy.
Emma, Lena and Ian have already discussed him joining them on the bass guitar, it will probably happen in the future.
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