PilotLara here's a small list of errors in Ch.11 scripts, in case they slip past more legitimate players :v
* appearance inconsistency: at
= 4 Holly potentially wears new glasses in the ch.11 prologue, but old ones in chapter 11 proper, during the same scene (Emma's event) on Lena's/Ian's side, due to variable threshold being different:
if holly_change > 3:
$ holly_glasses = 2
if holly_change > 4:
$ holly_glasses = 2
* unselectable menu option. Should check here for
jiujitsu == 4
instead of 5:
"{image=icon_will.webp}Focus on mastering grappling" if jiujitsu == 5 and ian_will > 0:
* branch flow error. This block in chapter_11b.rpy:
# classy (no sex scene)
$ flena = "sad"
"Still, my subscriber count hadn't grown at all in the last weeks. I barely had two dozen paying customers..."
l "If I followed Ivy's formula I would surely make bigger profits, but I don't wanna feel like I'm selling my sexual intimacy..."
l "This is as far as I feel comfortable going with this Stalkfap thing."
// ...
should be placed one level up, to align with
# slutty SEX SCENE
if stalkfap_pro:
// ...
* outfit inconsistency: when Ian is picking Lena up at the train station, he is wearing t-shirt on Ian side, but hoodie on Lena's side
* variable name typo, should be
if seymour_dispoition > 0.5:
* copy/paste strikes at worst moment, Surprise Ian in middle of Lena/Louise/Mike threesome:
mk "Hell, Lena... You're so fucking incredible."
"He rewarded me with a lush, passionate kiss, and I wrapped my arms around him."
"My entire body tingled, tasting Ian's enjoyment through his kisses, almost as if it was my own. It was so sexy..."
* a number of checks for
variable is missing accompanying checks for
and ian_holly_dating == False
the game was performing in earlier chapters. This potentially leads to Holly apparently having sexual contacts with Mark while she's in relationship with Ian. Likely an oversight..?