Reading through all the recent posts about Holly's purity or corruption (and the in-between-ness of it right now at ch11), a random thought came to mind. All this time I've assumed that eventually, Lena would kick Stan out of the apartment - maybe in siding with Louise and thinking he's a perv she doesn't want around, maybe from being uncomfortable by his worship of her - and Holly would move in, because they'd need a third for rent, and it's not like Louise and Ivy would want to live together. Or that Ivy needs to split rent with anyone.
But, what if Stan gets kicked out (or asked to be chivalrous and leave if Lena is friends with him, or led to leave if Lena is toying with him) not because of something having to do with Stan, but because Holly's parents find out she's sleeping with someone, and kick her out of their house? As we learn more about them it seems like a real possibility. From a game standpoint it could work across different branches: HollyxIan, HollyxLena, HollyxIvy/Mark/etc. It could happen to a pure or corrupted or in-between Holly, as long as she's sleeping with someone.
This is all assuming the basic idea of Stan leaving and Holly moving in is going to happen, of course. It may not. But all this time I thought if it did, it would be about Stan, and it would be interesting if it's actually because of Holly.