Thanks for your thoughts and kind words. While it’s sad to see Ouro fail, this new experience will serve its role in Yorna’s addon and the new game after it.It really feels like "I told you so..." does again happen to me. The animation part did wear out the development...every time I predict something bad happening and it happens, it drowns me in a pool of sadness, now I shall watch more Last Week Tonight to keep myself afloat...
Anyway, it's still a good try. At least the character design and world setting are fairly done. Pushing for animation is a hard task especially for developers that aren't getting a sustainable funding to push harder for that field; that's why despite the popular opinion OneOne1 is terrible with the battle H-animations, I never complain; honestly, it is hard to find people who understand the difficulties and limitation a developer may face and are able to appreciate the work that has been done.
Side note if there will be a continuation of Ouroboros, assuming there will be puzzle-solving involving words//phases etc., offering in-game items with descriptions that contain words in bold//italic is a fun way to bring the lore to the audience, especially the description contains narrations//facts related to world design of the game. Certain catch-phases//slangs can be used by certain characters to make them more interesting (also as a part of world building etc.); it may help to bring out characteristics out of ordinary characters. (just for fun, the keyword system in FF2, assuming if you have a list of keywords in the game and creating a crossword puzzle based on those, it will be fun and interesting for players to keep an eye on the lore too)
Hopefully Yorna might spin enough positive avenue to reboot the continuation of Ouroboros. In term of art style, this is a quality work from a non-Japan-based developer. Keep up the good work, Yeehaw Games. And finally, may the cash be with you!
Also, I would like to hear your opinion on Yorna. Not sure if monster girls are your cup of tea, but it’s a completed game with full player experience. Perhaps you’ll be interested in a review?