Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
It really feels like "I told you so..." does again happen to me. The animation part did wear out the development...every time I predict something bad happening and it happens, it drowns me in a pool of sadness, now I shall watch more Last Week Tonight to keep myself afloat...

Anyway, it's still a good try. At least the character design and world setting are fairly done. Pushing for animation is a hard task especially for developers that aren't getting a sustainable funding to push harder for that field; that's why despite the popular opinion OneOne1 is terrible with the battle H-animations, I never complain; honestly, it is hard to find people who understand the difficulties and limitation a developer may face and are able to appreciate the work that has been done.

Side note if there will be a continuation of Ouroboros, assuming there will be puzzle-solving involving words//phases etc., offering in-game items with descriptions that contain words in bold//italic is a fun way to bring the lore to the audience, especially the description contains narrations//facts related to world design of the game. Certain catch-phases//slangs can be used by certain characters to make them more interesting (also as a part of world building etc.); it may help to bring out characteristics out of ordinary characters. (just for fun, the keyword system in FF2, assuming if you have a list of keywords in the game and creating a crossword puzzle based on those, it will be fun and interesting for players to keep an eye on the lore too)

Hopefully Yorna might spin enough positive avenue to reboot the continuation of Ouroboros. In term of art style, this is a quality work from a non-Japan-based developer. Keep up the good work, Yeehaw Games. And finally, may the cash be with you!
Thanks for your thoughts and kind words. While it’s sad to see Ouro fail, this new experience will serve its role in Yorna’s addon and the new game after it.

Also, I would like to hear your opinion on Yorna. Not sure if monster girls are your cup of tea, but it’s a completed game with full player experience. Perhaps you’ll be interested in a review?
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Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
I rarely play and review incomplete games unless they show unique potentials, so that really means something when I took on Ouroboros (the other one is Wicked Rouge).

I will head over to the other thread on Yorna. It might take some time for me since I haven't had enough time lately (The coronavirus a wrecking ball...). I will write a full review with suggestions once I have finished.

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I rarely play and review incomplete games unless they show unique potentials, so that really means something when I took on Ouroboros (the other one is Wicked Rouge).

I will head over to the other thread on Yorna. It might take some time for me since I haven't had enough time lately (The coronavirus a wrecking ball...). I will write a full review with suggestions once I have finished.
Thanks! Just take your time, I plan to make the addon's content for ~ 6-8 months and will gladly read your opinion on Yorna.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Oro is a fun premise, it's said to see you say it's failed.

Frankly, if the animations are the issue, then I'd just stop using them. go back to static CGs and see if you can continue the game like that.

The setting, plot and mechanics are much more interesting than some minor animation on a h-scene.

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017

Ouro’s public release wave is up for grabs! You can check out the full changelog .

Windows – |

MacOS X – |

Linux family – |

Android – |

Don’t forget to copy your entire save folder into the new release to keep all your progress.


I'm so smart it hurts
Jul 26, 2018
OP Updated: Added v0.2 and put thread "onhold" as Developer requested.


Royal Jelly
Oct 26, 2017
Gotta appreciate the direct and honest approach when a dev gives up on a project when is doesn't work out like you want to. Nothing wrong with that. I've followed the development on Yorna and I know your dedication and work ethics to create a good product are not to blame.
Good luck on your future projects Yeehaw Games (y)
Oct 6, 2019
Looks like February will be the last month for Ouro. Despite my best efforts, it looks like my skills are still lacking to make a more complex game like Ouroboros Syndrome. Interest dynamics are too negative to ignore, and a recent drop in support proves the point with the elegance of a sledgehammer. It may sound funny, but on 1 fresh follower for Ouro, I get about 3 for Yorna even if the game didn’t receive updates for ~ 8 months. This is huge. So, I’m putting Ouro on hold.
Well, isn't this just the worst possible way to get an update to Yorna? Ouroboros just radiated potential--the setting was absolutely tits, the story was shaping up to be deep and intelligent, and the mechanics were clever. I would pour one out for the loss of another great game in development if my religion did not forbid alcohol abuse.

By the way, thank you for just coming out and telling us about what you are planning instead of just stringing us along while only doing cosmetic updates for months and months like certain other developers have done. I will not be cancelling my patronage.


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
when reading the title.. i thougth for a moment that syndrome was consisted to someone who infinitly bite his own dick.

i mean.. ouroboros do that. soo a syndrome about that could end like this lol


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
when reading the title.. i thougth for a moment that syndrome was consisted to someone who infinitly bite his own dick.

i mean.. ouroboros do that. soo a syndrome about that could end like this lol
Ouroboros bites its own tail, just sayin'.


May 27, 2017
God fucking damn it, this was my favourite too. Have you considered moving to static CGs instead?


Feb 28, 2018
God fucking damn it, this was my favourite too. Have you considered moving to static CGs instead?
That's what I was thinking, too. His "main" reason to give up on Ouro (Atleast the official reason) was that Animations were too expensive+time consuming for the little profit it made. So as someone who hates Animations in these kinds of games anyways, that was like "Pog we might get static CGs", but I got cucked again.


New Member
Jul 25, 2018
Well, when you see a pazzle based H-game, that a brave experiment.
Usually pazzle used to diversify or take a break from action (Like Resident Evil,Oddworld,etc)
So just a little review from me, maybe its somehow helps(im sure no, but anyway) :


even the fact that the art style not a same in all scenes or some pixel contours on characters dont make it looks bad.
Animation: looks good, author uses spine2d or someting similar?
But im not sure, with idea "all scenes must be animated".
For example scene with redhead girl seems logic, beacause you introduce a character for story.
As for AV (Titjob and Blowjob) that was not necessary, anyway they will looks same good in static (My opinion).


Plot: Mercenary girl who do some jobs, fine by me.
But game take us(player) to the action too fast:
Game start and you see "oh im office girl" -> mini Dialog with "Main Villian" -> 5 sec -> Boom, Terrorist attack -> 5 sec -> Mini dialog in storage -> 5 sec -> you talk with Quest deliveryman -> 5 sec -> You wanna revenge and join mercenarys -> 5 sec -> now you have a gun and the openworld -> and thinking WTF that was.

Anyway its author vision , soo w/e.

Items: Even before a first mission you have so much stores and so much items to buy, like i dont know what i want. I like when game introduce they're mechanics little by little(more smoothly).


Locations: they are unreal large and empty, just do them smaller and detail, too much free space, they look like post-apocalypse setting.

Cyberpunk: well its not feels like that setting at all, if i didnt read Overview, I would never have guessed.
I see millitary theme, guns and robots, but not cyberpank at all.

Pazzle: im not sure if you can fill all game only with pazzles. when i saw screenshots i was sure game will contain mission:
with Stealth, escape, intrude, some puzzle, some action(fight/running), but more focus on story.

Not all pazzles in game was bad, but i got some bad vietnam flashbacks from Fallout 3/NV.

Game design: idk, im lost in first sec, where i must go, where is doc, and etc.
Some explanation with city or with world at all, would be cool.(yeh we get some in dialogs,but..)
How i enter at mission place or how i escape from that place too(a smooth transition)
"Where i must go" in UI(I done game w/o any help, but anyway).

Summary: Dont take my harsh words too seriosly, i liked that game even with that "cons". just wanted to do same effort in review like you do in that game. Hope that mini fail dont ruin your mood for brave ideas and artistick urge. Good luck in future projects.

P.s Sorry for my horrible grammar, as you can guess im not native speaker.


Mar 18, 2018
That's what I was thinking, too. His "main" reason to give up on Ouro (Atleast the official reason) was that Animations were too expensive+time consuming for the little profit it made. So as someone who hates Animations in these kinds of games anyways, that was like "Pog we might get static CGs", but I got cucked again.
That wasn't the main reason, though was definitely an important one. The main reason they gave was that Yorna, despite having been "finished" for the better part of a year, was outperforming their current game. Ouro just wasn't gaining traction, and overall they were actually receiving less support over time.


Jan 24, 2018
Dang I am starting taking interest in this game...
Well it is rare for me for liking vanilla but this one is the best vanilla RPGM I ever played...

For improvement in my opinion since most of us like violence (either u doing it or u got it) I say you should add stuff like bondage and rapy stuff to spice thing up a little (but don't make it tied to any main mission)
Ohh yeah and slavery too (this one can be made into looping story arc for after story game play to add more replayability (got captured > enslaved > escaped either by brute force or stealth or obidiece > free > got captured > repeats)

Yes I know I am a degenerate...
But this game (imo) really need those spice to make it up to common degenerate taste...