Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
How do i obtain the two other scenes in v1.0? If its the shady guy could I get the code? Im not certain where to find it InGame
Just explore the world a bit. 1 scene is available during the main story and 2 others are in the club. Speak to the guy on the second "floor" platform and he will offer Kira a job.

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017

Hello! Ouro v0.1.5 is ready to go so let’s see what’s new aside from the usual story, puzzle and items upgrade it offers. This time you’ll see the situation heating around Polecats territory and players will see the big bad guy in action, actively opposing his plans. Will you succeed? We’ll see…

You can check all the detail below, a fair warning – this changelog is the biggest one in Yeehaw Games’ history :)

You can get the latest version .

H content

Doctor Gut will mention a special offer to test out a new device for "lonely ladies" during the story content. Accepting it will unlock an optional H scene and Princess will have some fun for science.

Resized the ”Horny Bunny” scene to use 4k resolution textures on par with other H events. Since it was the first animation, I made it for the early version of Live2d plugin and texture size meant a lot because all scenes loaded up during Ouro’s start. Now, I switched the logic to work ”on-demand” and graphic size is not an issue.


I used the extra time to make an extended hacking tutorial - some players mentioned they find hacking minigame to be hard. So, I did an in-game guide based on the first hack in Wrench’s garage. You will be able to use it both during story playthrough and after it – just ask Wrench about hacking exercise and he’ll set you up.

Some wanted to see more action with repeatable combat encounters and the new release will give you such an option. After clearing the main story content, Wrench will contact you about a new car in his garage. You can use it to enter a free-roam zone consisting of 3 maps with respawning enemies and resource nodes. Yeah, just like in Yorna.

Hidden caches came back in v0.1.5. These use logic very similar to Yorna’s treasure hunting. Players will be able to find or buy maps with caches marked on them. Get to the correct place, use the ”beeper” (new equivalent of a shovel) and if you did everything correctly - loot the booty. Yarr! You can find pretty much everything in these caches - from money to supplies and upgrades. See Onyx in the “Safehouse” hotel after clearing the new main mission for these.

Also, he will offer Princess a secondary questline, mainly focused on puzzle-solving. Buy the new apartment’s upgrade, beat the puzzle and get a new software package and some cash. Who knows, maybe working with Onyx will turn out to be a real gold mine?

Added lore and setting related information to Freak’s dialogue options. Some players wanted to know more about the N city and their surroundings. The new release gives you such an opportunity – just pick the new dialogue option in Freak’s arsenal and ask away.

Players who tried out weapon modifications mentioned that experimenting with different guns and attachments gets expensive pretty fast. I already thought about it before the v0.1 release, just didn’t have the time to implement a solution. v0.1.5 will bring it in the form of clean-up kits. These will allow you to uninstall all attachments on a weapon and return it to the original state. You can reuse the attachments gained this way. Ask Wrench about these.

Kira’s arsenal will expand with more combat implants and more interesting melee options. Since her energy reserves are more geared towards healing and defense, I want to offer a more aggressive approach with EN-consuming skills. These will use melee attack for damage calculation and reinforce high subtlety builds with pistols and SMGs with more offensive options.


Changed credits gain pop-up logic for Dan’s scenes so it would fire after the player is already on club's map. This way it won't fade out too quickly leaving you unsure if you got the reward. This change has no effect on the amount of gained credits.

Also, I added floating icons to dialogue scenes where get items or weapons like Freak’s initial scene, hacking Wrench’s notebook for the first time and so on. This way you can’t miss the new item.

Made some minor improvements to the interface – rearranging some menus and texts in the tablet screen + energy costs. Now, if a skill needs some energy to be used, you will see a blue text like “1 EN”. Yeah, just like with ammo.

Small fixes and improvements

I made a big typo and grammar cleanup for all content up to this point and was amazed at the number of dumb errors that got it. Sorry for the possible inconvenience during gameplay.

Both old and new maps received new cyberpunk bits like billboards to set the atmosphere right. I started the process before releasing v0.1 but didn’t have the time to properly finish it.

Also, I changed some geometry and shadows, including zone transfer points in the main blocks. Added new transfer points to old city maps for players who don’t want to use the bus for some reason.

Added a special sound effect for the first time someone talks with Princess over the SecuLink in the conversation to mark the speaker using it and not present in the vicinity.

Fixed Alice’s portraits and sprites to use the same logic as others. Now she has her eyebrows behind her hair, not on it.

Adjusted logic on exit events in the first story mission, sewers section. Now, the exit zone is eligible for auto-pathing and you can trigger it by walking. Previously, you had to click or use the action button on exit squares to leave the severs.

Fixed a rare bug that leads to HP and EN bars disappearing in combat and status menu.

Cleared grey outline on weapon icons. Compression artifacts no longer exist on these.

Fixed an option to sell upgrades for Kira’s apartment while adding a new one to the store. She isn’t moving out anytime soon and should keep the improvements to avoid trouble with their functions down the line.

Added standard autosave trigger to NetDive puzzle to make it equal with other map transitions.

Placed a shimmering orb on Kira’s PC to mark it as an interactive object since some players had problems figuring this out.

Fixed a rather annoying visual bug in the club. NPC characters could disappear or appear after Ouro loaded the zone. The problem was in the priority of the random generator for the visitors. Now they properly generate before the camera fades in.

Adjusted system effects’ sound volume to on the same level across the board and changed confirm and cancel sounds to a more neutral option.

Fixed new clothes from v0.1 – they didn’t have icons in the inventory though this didn’t affect their gameplay functions.

Whew! Looks like that’s it. Stay tuned for future updates and upcoming developer’s plans!
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Reactions: axelaen
Oct 6, 2019
need hint for this part
It is easy once you realize what you are supposd to do. Notice that the fixed numbers on the outside are always directly accross from the same number on the opposite side, so a "7" for example would be accross from another "7." The four changeable tiles in between the two "7"s should be switched until the four numbers that they show total 7, so something like 0, 4, 1, 2.
Oct 6, 2019
Don't go Total Boomer on me there, old timer. I hate grinding too, but there should be a feeling of 'the need to grow stronger' in an RPG. Whether that means buying a new sword or fighting a handful of random encounters to get a level or two.
The kind of leveling that RPGs use has been a staple of the genre since the 8-bit era. It would be cool to see a break from the old D&D formula. I would prefer to see something more like Shadowrun only with the point-buy system fixed by what you actually do in the game. Shoot automatic pistols a lot? You will get good at shooting automatic pistols. Do a lot of party healing? You will get good at healing folks. At least that way grinding would make some kind of narrative sense.
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Reactions: DarkLizerd

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017

Hello! Another clothes poll is over – let’s see what you’ve picked for Kira in the upcoming v0.2 release. The first place goes to “Bunny sports” with 45 points while “Leather Classics” gets the second one with 30. ShadowOps finishes in the third place with a score of 15 and “Utility Casual” is close behind with 12.

Don’t worry if your favorite didn’t make it in the next update. I’ll make a lot of such polls during the development - stay tuned for updates! You can easily check for new posts with the ”Poll” tag filter either manually or by simply clicking it on the left part of Patreon’s page.


Jan 1, 2020
For V0.05, try 1594. (2 scenes)
For V0.10, try 7139. (3 scenes)
But why, play the game and get the pictures...
Thanks bro, will try the code..
Im not really into puzzle or grinding type game..
I will give up and bored very fast..


Jan 1, 2020
Well, this is awkward. Ouro is neither of these types. Did you try it?
I try until i ended up fighting rats..
And come back to this thread to see if im in right direction by searching one by one comment if im in right direction, and this kind of activities usualy will ended up by me uninstalling the game in mid of play before i get chance to finish the game, ex:peasant's Quest and another game that have 2 sequel about bdsm i forget game tittle, even if this game not as "grinding" and have puzzle as Peasant's Quest, i get familiar vibe when i play the game..

Sorry about My comment above, its sound like i send the wrong "massage" about my experience when i play the game (english not my first language)..

The animation scane is impresive..

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
All art pieces are in production, including 2 new characters, the dress, combat sprite and the H scene. v0.2 will be pretty rich in the graphics department. The dress should be ready during the next week with other pieces following up shortly. Some artists are busy with the Chinese New Year so their artwork will be a bit later.

I’ve drafted out the narrative for the new H scene and, with a bit of polishing, it will get into the game in two days tops. Also, the main story is laid out in the sketch layout with stuff like new battle backgrounds and combat sprites. I’ll see if I’ll have time to finish them all.

Sarana and her guest storyline moved from January into February’s update. She’ll get optional missions with her own H content similar to Yorna’s vagabond and Octa church’s quests that will span across several releases.

H events got some interesting feedback and I’ll find the time to see if these tips can be used without redrawing the entire scene. If everything goes right, active H animations will receive some “touch-ups”. I already started working on the first one.

Otherwise, it was a pretty ”tech” week with a lot of tinkering inside the game logic and preparing new items + weapons.

New H scenes 0 / 1

New puzzles 0 / 1

New clothes 0 / 1

New characters 0 / 2

New missions 0 / 2
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Reactions: jerope

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
is up for grabs, don’t forget to get your rewards!

All artists are hard at work and the first previews should pop up during the next week. There 3 art pieces almost done at the moment, but they didn’t make it before February. Still, the plan for 2 new characters and 1 H scene stands.

The new puzzle is tested out and ready. Since players found previous mini-games hard, I went with the immortal classics. As you probably guessed, it’s a variation of Hanoi towers.

I planned and drafted out the new zones for the main mission, along with placing another CD for Wrench. As expected, most of the players didn’t recognize the first melody so I decided to pick a more popular option for the second CD.

Fixed a potential problem for some devices - first animation during any H scene could play with a delay and end up with jitter in the next transition to another loop. With the new logic, there’s no delay on all supported devices.

Adjusted Kira’s Risky breeze sprite - it had some extra head color under the hair and it looked weird during her ”faded-out” state in dialogues. Mars attacks.

Fixed Freak in the office. Now, he correctly faces towards the table after finishing a dialogue with him.

New H scenes 0 / 1

New puzzles 1 / 1

New clothes 0 / 1

New characters 0 / 2

New missions 0 / 2


Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
Okay the puzzle was a bit of a PITA, but it was easier then the first puzzle in Yorna, so I'm intrigued. The puzzles are why I stopped following Yorna, but I'm glad I gave this game a try.

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017

Ouro v0.1.5 is ready for public download. You can see the changelog and get the game here:

Windows – |

MacOS X – |

Linux family – |

Android – |

Don’t forget to copy your entire save folder into the new release to keep all your progress.
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Reactions: Beggarman


Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
Slight bug on this version, do not buy the multitool from the online shop until after you've spoken to Onyx.