
Active Member
Apr 19, 2017

You guys know .23 is out its been since June 10th and is public released right?

  • Due to complaining about difficulty weak mode added.
  • Portals added.
  • Max level increased from 10 to 13
  • New talent tree added.
  • Small camps scenery added, orcs camps (already present), bandits camps. Basically in wilderness animals spawn. In these camps humanoids do.
  • Reverse pillory scene on player by orcs returned to game. It triggers when defeated by an orc in their outpost.
  • Added new area(High level). Nothing to do here other then player getting banged (Avoid this area if your character is male and you'r not into FutaXmale/MaleXmale)
  • Player no longer toggles between melee and ranged with 1 and 2 key.
  • Instead hotkeys are added 1-4 for skills.
  • Switching from melee to combat is now only available with mouse tab select.
Bug Fix/Changes
  • Scorpion now properly attacks. For some reason its attack distance was halved
  • Fixed combat, player no longer double attacks on start.
  • You can no longer hit and run enemies, they will hit you even if you run away.
  • Can no longer sell directly from equiped character. First it needs to be moved inside inventory. Just like loot.
  • Mushroom girl is now always present and respawns each new day.
  • character can move more up hill for 50 degrees due to being stuck on world (at temple). Please do not climb mountains, nothing to see there


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Ok so I haven't played in a while I like the new look, and setup it has now in .23 but how do I find wood and rock to start making my own tools? Ok sorted out wood, hunter gave me a axe, wich I broke but still can cut trees with. Issue is finding a pick axe...

EDIT Ok so sorted out best way to make coin is get scythe out the gat with first 10 coins and make bows harvesting wood and grain no risk at all so only fight the terror birds when you want to, or use the dildo sword, or kite them to clerics whatever. Either way its easier and faster to get coin doing this and get my smithing up so I can make armor for real melee combat
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2017
  • You can no longer hit and run enemies, they will hit you even if you run away.
The worst change, imho. Makes the gameplay dull to fight as a bowman. Kiting enemies -- that what enlarges experience as any missile class in any 3D game.
Now, bow becomes just another melee weapon, but with horrible armor. Why would you even need to waste your skill points into it?
  • Like
Reactions: Cyril Kain


New Member
Mar 20, 2020
Where can i store resources to build my stronghold ? I put them into a chest i upgraded in stronghold and nothing happens


Nov 3, 2017
Where can i store resources to build my stronghold ? I put them into a chest i upgraded in stronghold and nothing happens
If I remember correctly, there are 2 types of resources: crafting- and stronghold-specific.
Crafting-specific resources are in your inventory and chest.
Stronghold-specific are just numbers somewhere in the upper left corner.

At least this was the case several patches ago.


Oct 17, 2016
  • character can move more up hill for 50 degrees due to being stuck on world (at temple). Please do not climb mountains, nothing to see there
He must have hidden something in the mountains. Wellp time to go climb them.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
  • You can no longer hit and run enemies, they will hit you even if you run away.
The worst change, imho. Makes the gameplay dull to fight as a bowman. Kiting enemies -- that what enlarges experience as any missile class in any 3D game.
Now, bow becomes just another melee weapon, but with horrible armor. Why would you even need to waste your skill points into it?
Its talking about melee hiting people found a way to melee and not get hit back now you get hit even if you try to flee after you swing. You can still kite in face use the trees their pathing is horrible you move a foot and thye will take a big odd path away then back to the tree to attack you can just do that if you want to use a bow and never be touched. Just like you can tag them with a bow or just get them to chase you and kite them to tree with out being hit once unless they got range attack.

This is imho what is wrong with people playing bowman they want easy mode, and expect that at any momement they will be forced to be melee only meanwhile with stealth attack bonus perk you can hit so hard as a bow build on some targets you can just kite them for like a minute and they die. And you don't got to use the trees just that is easy mode asyou can get like 4-5 shots wiht ou them attacking back once if they are melee.

Now if you are an archer firing your bow then retreating hoping they don't fire theirs that shouldn't have happened ever, its just as exploity as that tree exploit I expect a fix for one day down road but that is pathing issue more then combat lol. I mean you telling me what is wrong with bowman in gaming is enemy ranged units attacking back, like them firing on you while you fire on them because that is only time a bowman in thsi game has trouble and there is a lot of archers now, and you can still do better as bowman as no heavy armor makes it so they miss more same with higher agilty stat. The armor is nice but it murders you dodge rate, and your hit, and crit so archer really shoulded be using anything minus light armor with smallest penalty...
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: YuriiH


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Where can i store resources to build my stronghold ? I put them into a chest i upgraded in stronghold and nothing happens
When you gather there is two options for gather first is into your inventory second is into your camps...


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
how do u make monney in this game ????
Sell crafted junk. You got make the resorces into items then sell them like easiest is make bows one rope and 2 wood you get an axe for free from hunter if you talk to him and you can get one grain off the birds, or use your starter 10 gold and buy a sythe and harvest grain till you can hunt the birds with out dying so easy.


Mar 17, 2018
"Please do not climb mountains, nothing to see there."
Well, yeah, but its not about the view, its the achievement! XD
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