I know I'm going to sound like a whiner and this thought may be against the spirit of the game, but I wish there was a path where the MC gains control. Like think of this: with the massive genocide that occurred, the old goddesses representing female domination have lost significant power due to the lack of worshippers. This opens the door for new gods entering the world. In this case two: one representing male dominance and one for equality. You can choose to be submissive, vanilla or dominant as paths. For either path, the deity instructs them on what he should do, in the case of male dom, occasionally possessing him to be more assertive. He may also be guided to tamper with his daughters' growth pods so they'll be indoctrinated with his ideals, rather than going with "all men should be breeding slaves", thus getting them on his side and creating defenders against being assaulted.
Again, I'm probably going to get laughed at for this, but I wanted to share my opinion for consideration's sake.