Depends on how "cucky" about it you want be about it for lack of a better term.
Like girls on screen? (With no regards to if they have route) yes all but like 2-5 girls and at this point only 1 main girl you interact with are somehow involved in the club
Girls that are LI? Objectively no none of the LI are prostitutes whose normal job is to suck dick for cash.
Girls that are LI viewed from a less reasonable angle: 3 of the 5 (or 6) """""""main girls"''""'""" are prostitutes (being compensated to enter the sex club as a "willing participant")
Girls that are LI viewed from someone sadly fragile: every single one of the girls is a dirty whore, 3 are involved in the competition, 1 runs it, 1 is a bartender there (who even is forced to dress slutty! The whore!), and 1 basically lies to everyone she meets and wants to be "messed up sexually"!!!!1
Obviously feel free to play regardless of which camp you are in but the lower you go down the list the higher your chances of us shitting on you is (assuming you post about it)