Great that others see it too that Sophia is a great character!I ignored Sophia before, but now all I think about is her, I hope there are longer and more direct scenes with her in the next update.
To a certain exrend it depends on how we play the game what happens. Edwin and Sophia can connect really well from nerd to nerd!Quoting a popular old saying: "don't stick your dick in crazy, brah".
Even sadist bitch Kathleen is cautious when dat ass is around.
Anyway, the "queen" of the incoming update is Felicia. Mina and Hana are going to be main dish, too. Dunno about the extra dish.
But test or not, Sophia, eccentric as she is, could certainly have sat out the make out session in the blue room easily, but she and Edwin became quite aquainted.
As for even others like Kath being careful when "dat ass" is around, I have the strong gut feeling Sophia´s talents when the lead starts to fly could become really important for our MC on some paths.
Concerning your quote, Sophia is a far better option for sticking your dick in than many other female characters in PC for Edwin. Both channel serious nerd power.