I think the size of this update combined with the desire to juxtapose whatever Victoria tells us with the Week 3 Exhibition were the driving factors here.
I'm not going to entirely write that off as a factor (for example, I might of put some more small talk to fill out the scene), but it is how the scenario genuinely played out in my mind. Vicky would naturally get blitzed, and Edwin is both happy to put off the uncomfortable discussion for selfish reasons
and because it's a conversation best left for when they're sober.
Plus, there's something nice ending with Vicky realizing Edwin knows without her even having to say it.
But practically speaking, breaking up the reveal (if you can even call it that, considering the dissonance that the player knows ahead of time what's happening and Edwin doesn't) and the resolution gives space to let Edwin do his usual analyzing thing, lean on a relationship variable or two, and cheaply becomes a talking point in between updates.