El Tanque

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 29, 2017
So, is there something to do in the lighthouse? The guy in the fishery spoke of a marine biologist living there, but could not find her.
It will be... But now the guide in the first page and the change-log are your friends.:cool:
Apr 20, 2018
At least you took the time to review and read the first page of this thread? There you would find a guide and a change-log, that could give you some clues, apart from all that, remember that this is a game in progress to be finish.

If you read my post you'd see I said I have no issue with the lack of sexual content as it's 0.4, not completed.

More importantly: People tend to not read change logs and guides on their first time playing, since it literally ruins the experience with how most people write them. Change logs spoil future stuff for us to see, if I see "ABC sex scene added" I now know and have expectations, instead of just encountering it and having the surprise.
As for the guide you have, sure I missed it, but that was due to not wanting to use a guide first time. I wanted to play it blind and get the story/game for what it is, without having to follow a guide. A game shouldn't require a guide, this is a big issue with a lot of western made eroge tbh. Most games now just have you check your phone and see a quest list of what to do next with all the girls, but even that can break immersion. In Japan they make dialogue lead into progression explanation.

Oh well, keep up the work on the game.


Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017
Bug 0.04

The best is when you have a map some buildings you have not in the fast travel and when you play further you forget the places on the map.

Aso with a quest book so you don´t know if you can play further or only next update. So you must look the change log or the pictures. Sometimes it is a long time you play further and you don´t know exact what you have done or not.

When you kill Gangsters sometimes they block the path when you try to search a house. So you must go out and go in. Some places I don´t know if you plan it so (because they block the way into the room).

A lot of days you have the NPCs double. Lay in the bed and stay in the room. Or like Sam sit in the living room and was aso in the kitchen. It is near all NPCs so you must check this maybe they block in the future the way or you talk to the wrong "double person" so you can´t triger the next event. I think Ms. Veronica was three times there.

The first day I went out with Jack fishing. I went back to Sam`s house (double door) then I get the message that I want fishing with Jack and because it is automatic I was fishing the second time.

2 times the game buged and I can´t go away from the pc so I must start new. Maybe you can make it easier to go away from the pc.

I meet the witch from the east direction and I went then to the west cave I can buld a bridge. And see there a exit to the west and I can´t use it so I must go the complete way back east (with the Animals and it sucks because you need a lot of time).

All events to eat ice cream are free (you pay no money for it).

Police Station (inside)
Talk to Jenny
Can not load picture 4 (in the folder are 1-3), you must load your save

Aso I found no place to buy "suntain oil" (I need it at the moment not you can buy a lot and this not?).

When you go south from the police station the next map is missing you came to the crossing. When you go from the crossing north you came to the street with your ex girlfriend live. When you go north the poilce station is there.

Talk with Gigi about a cold drink, No drink from the fridge she accept so you talk all time that she want a cold drink.

Triger again when you eat dinner. When you go out in the evening you drive to buy meat.

When you drive with Tia or Sarah on the bike on the way back you have messages with Emma.

When you drink beer with Claudia (Dusk) and go after this back (evening) in the building you can´t leave because you should talk to Claudia. The problem is you can´t (no answers).


Mar 30, 2018
Let's see...
  • Crashed on startup (can't find system/Window.png)
  • Crashed on save (old version of RPGMV, save folder set to /save/).
  • Many maps are laggy (eg. Bakery) and the lag is cumulative, following you to the point you can't interact with choices anymore. Reloading solves it apparently.
  • Consider renaming the game to Clone Beach, there's twins and triplets everywhere.
  • Applying a spell checker wouldn't hurt.
  • Various room items are walk-able but shouldn't be (eg. tables in first house upstairs).
  • Accessing the PC causes your player to become invisible (you can still open doors, trigger events).
  • Ice cream event freezes game solid soon as you enter the queue, unable to continue.
That's as a far as I got since I can't progress any further.

El Tanque

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 29, 2017
Well thanks for taking the time to test the game and report those errors, some are easy to solve, others seem to go beyond my ability to solve them, as in the case of screens with lag. Or my English, which is limited. And it is a great factor when it comes to giving dynamism to conversations between the characters

Now I have to make the decision whether it is worthwhile to continue with the game or not, however, I will solve the problems that you have listed, before adding more content.

Anyone else is having problems with double characters, and scenes repeating?
Because it seems to be a general problem of switches, but when I checked those switches, they are functioning normally... :unsure:

El Tanque

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 29, 2017
and this game havent map how can fast travel i miss home its difficult to come back home
Use the wooden signs on several locations around the islands ...

Now, I don't know if you people are trolling, or are real questions. My intention with this game was to share with the community, but if the community dislikes, or find it annoying.
Then there is no problem at all... I will not upload it anymore. :confused:


Forum Fanatic
Jul 21, 2018
Use the wooden signs on several locations around the islands ...

Now, I don't know if you people are trolling, or are real questions. My intention with this game was to share with the community, but if the community dislikes, or find it annoying.
Then there is no problem at all... I will not upload it anymore. :confused:
I believe the questions are quite honest, as a few are doubts i had myself. Not everybody in the forums will thoroughfully read a thread to check if someone else already made - and was answered - for the question it wants to do. That's life, specially when they start to get larger.

Earlier stages always get a bunch of flack due to bugs or sometimes an inexperienced creator making design decisions that confuse the players. Don't let the noise frustrate you, it also reflects a bit how much those people actually expected from you in Dloading the game in the first place. It gets better with time as one gets more used to making stuff work and finding the worse pitfalls.


Dec 13, 2018
Use the wooden signs on several locations around the islands ...

Now, I don't know if you people are trolling, or are real questions. My intention with this game was to share with the community, but if the community dislikes, or find it annoying.
Then there is no problem at all... I will not upload it anymore. :confused:
this game have lovely charector and cool story i say this comment you fix it and Sorry if you get upset
im waiting for new update

El Tanque

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 29, 2017
this game have lovely charector and cool story i say this comment you fix it and Sorry if you get upset
im waiting for new update
It's cool! I was not upset by anything related to the game, or comments here.
Besides, I see that your question was authentic, and I am glad to know that you liked the game.
I will solve the numerous bugs mentioned, and share another update in a month or so.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 21, 2018
In the pool-cleaning scene with Lili, is there some way to obtain suntan oil, or does the MC does the work just for her to troll him?

El Tanque

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 29, 2017
In the pool-cleaning scene with Lili, is there some way to obtain suntan oil, or does the MC does the work just for her to troll him?
Yes! She will be mad at you no matter what, in a next update, even if you have suntan oil, she will tell you that it's not the brand she uses. But believe me I will make Lili's content worth all the insults and annoyances.:cool:
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 21, 2018
Yes! She will be mad at you no matter what, in a next update, even if you have suntan oil, she will tell you that it's not the brand she uses. But believe me I will make Lili's content worth all the insults and annoyances.:cool:
It's alright, i just wanted to be sure i was not making any mistakes, like with assessing the combat mission.

Also, noticed that a large chunk of the events/dates available occur at dusk - it makes doing things complicated, as you have too many options at that part of the day, but almost nothing at morning, afternoon or night.

El Tanque

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 29, 2017
Also, noticed that a large chunk of the events/dates available occur at dusk - it makes doing things complicated, as you have too many options at that part of the day, but almost nothing at morning, afternoon or night.
It's because other characters will have events on those times, for example, Lili and Samantha will have events in the afternoon, others in the evening, morning and so on.

like with assessing the combat mission.
Please tell me... Did you found a bug on that mission? Because now, I'm trying to fix several bugs reported, and that mission in theory doesn't have any, (if you grabbed all the money bags and saved the girl, of course).


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
okay, as promised, i checked out the game and i wrote a lil' review about what i've seen so far (played around an hour, didn't check out everything but half of it - i will explain why i didn't play on below).
i just won't rate it due to the fact that this game is ofc. not perfect and needs a lot of polishing before reaching 4 stars or even more (and i don't want to frighten people testing the game ^^). now i do know it's a reaaaally early build we have so far, but due to the fact that i don't know what will be coming in the future i will simply review it as is.

well first things first, the story: the background stands on a pretty simple foundation. the player has a roof under his head, food and a lovely family where he can live. easy to write, easy to go with it, often copied in other games. it just lacks the substance for me as life isn't THAT easy in most cases (especially so when ya got a background like the MC). granted though, the background story about his grandfather wasn't half bad. i hope the dev will further pursue this kind of story to make the game more interesting (and what i've seen so far in the image folder i guess he will).

what he really needs to do however is proofreading. in almost every sentence i found a typo... and i'm not even an english native speaker myself. britains or americans might even find more typos than i did.

characters: i didn't encounter everyone yet, but i do like the "spirit" of that family. it's all happy happy happy (well, apart from the oldest sister of that triangle blondish sistertrio). a bit too many giggles for my taste though. can't say that the MC is an asshole, he really isn't. he looks normal too, so that's a plus in my opinion. i just don't know who exactly that brown haired drunken friend of him is. some more backgrounds story around her would be nice. dialogs are pretty monotonous and repetitive (more varieties would give the game a lot more immersion).

music: nothing to complain there. sure, you might hear tunes you know from other rpg maker games, but screw it. ya gotta use what ya get, and the dev does it. gotta say, that i also like the underwater tune ^^.

art: now that part made me laugh quite a lot. not because it's "bad" or so, but 'cause it reminds me of the old days where flash games were still a thing xD. still remember the grandfather of free sim date games "sim girl"? then ya know what art you can expect when playing this game here ^^. background is half real half painted (or was modified with a filter). it reminds me of the backgrounds from "katawa shoujo". not a bad choice. i'm just not sure if the main art is suitable for porn games. now that we have lots of great looking 3d porn games and what not, we players are kinda spoiled by now when it comes to sexy looking porn. hmmmmm...

gameplay: well, this part is a big issue in the game in my opinion. first of all that underwater minigame. not that i mind a small minigame, but i don't wanna play it every day. the waterlevel is easy, but it's the same level every time and it takes at least a few minutes to complete... minutes i simply don't wanna invest for a minigame that doesn't reward me in the slightest. a skip button would be great, or more levels with additional rewards like pearls ya can find to give it to someone. that minigame was also part of the reason why i stopped playing on after an hour.

what i also asked myself is, why the heck is this game made with rpg maker? it's clearly visible that the dev put his heart into the development when ya visit all the locations adn all the lil' details like those police boats going with the wave or turtles and crabs running around the beach. and i tell ya, the map is HUGE and that's where the problems start. you are running around for minutes and minutes and minutes. it's sooo tiresome. it would've been better to at least give us a quick selection of locations (something like a quickjump) we are able to visit. i really have the feeling that ren'py would be the better system for this kind of game.

bugs: the system itself is fairly stable, yet i found two things. when ya use your pc and check out the photo gallery, the MC will be soft locked and the player can't do anything with the MC anymore other than having access to the main menu.
second bug: you can actually go through the television in the livingroom and can go down the stairs from there xD. looks pretty silly.

all in all the game does have potential, mostly thanks to the backgroundstory of that grandfather and the fact that tropicals islands are just awesome locations xD, but the game also needs a lot of improvements and polishing. i hope this lil' review will help the dev a lil' bit and i wish him the best of luck for the future.
4.80 star(s) 20 Votes