...So I'm actually kinda conflicted on my sincerest thoughts on the game. On one hand, it's literally just a modernized Castlevania SOTN (like...to the dot, not even "inspired by" or "influenced by" - it's literally copy-paste with modified sprites) with buff bara characters. But at the same time it was still pretty enjoyable to play through, especially if you enjoy the art and if you're a Castlevania fan (SOTN specifically). Maybe a bit too easy, being a SOTN vet might have something to do with it as well, with just knowing how this type of game plays out and what you're supposed to do. ...Except for no-hitting the bosses, that was cancer - Vitos and Radian in particular.
As a Metroidvania with porn elements, I guess it's pretty neat, but I simply cannot look over the fact that everything is pretty much a reskin of SOTN. I kept going through the game saying "oh this is Underground Caverns", "oh this is the Giant Skull enemy", "oh the boss is literally reskinned Dracula"... It left a bad taste in my mouth. But it sure does look polished as fuck, I give them that. Although I feel like it didn't take much effort to do so when Konami did most of the work for them in 1997.
As a porn game with Metroidvania elements? It's severely lackluster. The CGs are hot, and there's a semi-decent amount of them, but I'd honestly rather get fucked by the sexy mobs in sprite animations than grind through the main characters that look very similar with different color schemes. I doubt they'll keep patching the game with some extra content but it would be welcome. Pretty sure they'll just move on to a new game now after working through the bugs.
Overall getting tired of the 2 porn game models that haven't had their formulas changed for like a century: full-blown VN, and a grindfest for VN-styled CGs.

I still prefer the latter only because it's actually a bit more unique when done well, but ultimately they're all just glorified VNs anyways. I can see why they have the stream-safe filter in the game, the CG rewards are good, but I'm not entirely sure if they're that much worth it. Maybe with more scenes or additional characters or not giving us just a shitty flexing gallery behind the waterfall and actually having us fuck the mobs? Y'know, spice up the "vanilla VN grindfest"? But that would be too much effort since Konami never pornified Castlevania themselves.

Still, I don't even know who I'd pick as a favorite because they're all kinda bland. I guess Lenga overall because his appearance stands out as the twinkish bara that fits into all sexual roles, and out of the main interests probably Shuten. Honestly I prefer the secret characters instead.
So I guess they were primarily trying to just make a SOTN reskin with CGs for optional prizes, and that's why I'm just not sure what to ultimately think of this.