Impressions while I go along:
- Scenes take forever. If you divide it into stages with each stage skipable (to get to the part you like), would make it more enjoyable. Maybe with free cam? (could be for the done for the scenes on the laptop)
- With her athletic build and panel lines on her body, is she an android? (Would excuse her flat reactions and voice

- All doors should have an description panel. (not necessarily a display like your cabin, but something)
why does she not comment that she is suddenly naked and got banged? (Some facial animations would be nice too.)
- The laptop already mentions "found footage", go Event Horizon on us with debauchery

- The "diary" mails to Margaret could use some timestamps/dates. In the beginning the author was giving indications about the gaps between mails, but it quickly faded.
- After getting some makeshift clothes, she also got her?/a? biomonitor back. She should mention that.
From the previous mails, I got the impression that your biomonitor is a personalized item?
- issue with the vectra puzzle: its the only code until that point that need more than 4 digits. All other codes where 4 digits and trying parts of the number where more intuitive than using 6 numbers. Maybe have some dots that get replaced by your input indicate how many numbers the lock expects.
- Recovering animals from cryosleep is described as "emerging", shouldn't the human procedure text not also use this term?
- why is everyone so nuts about those pin up cards?
- In the workshop warehouse "Door Title 1":
- those air vents are really large, making her crouchwalk inside seems unnecessary. (and slowly crouching through them is for now somewhat boring, may change if we are not alone there)
- Ending came abrupt, but you can resume to hunt for collectables. That's great

(well you can't go all the way to the beginning)
Very good first showing!