VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Parental Love [v1.1] [Luxee]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Wolf Larsen

    Finished the harem ending. This game is simply pure porn, focused on taboo (mostly incest). It doesn't try to be anything else. If you are looking for something more refined, you should keep looking elsewhere. But this game is good in what it proposes: a fucked up porn fantasy.

    Lots of sex scenes. Most of them felt just a bit too short though. I have seen better renders with better angles as well. Still, it can be nice fapping material if you like this genre.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This starts out fine enough, with some clumsy but serviceable writing. Feels a bit like wish fulfillment and, as is kind of required by the subject matter, cringy in parts and emotionally unreal, but it works fine enough.
    There were a few red flags to spot, though: Every male in the story (including the MC, but the game doesn't tell you that) is an asshole and rapist and Elly is emotionally completely dependent on you, in ways that are obviously extremely unhealthy, unlike many other games in the incest genre who seem to take extra caution to depict the romantic interests as independent.
    I tried to ignore these things, but things really start to get worse when Jenna shows up – the narrative turns from being in a tricky romantic situation to you and Jenna planning manipulating your family into becoming your harem. The justifications presented for why this is fine are so flimsy and self-serving that it's hard to ignore that this is a power fantasy, where the main character ends up controlling the life of every woman around him. That he's making noises to the opposite effect with Sofi is kind of overshadowed by most everything else.
    I tried to ignore these things, too.

    Then the plot with Eric, Ada's horrible friend, happens. And how you deal with him, that's questionable – really, threatening to rape a 10 year old? That's supposed to be fine? And, you know, I tried to ignore that, which I cannot really defend
    but then Jenna goes "man, I sure wish he would have called our bluff so we would have gotten to raping that 10 year old" and the MC just goes "man, I didn't hope that" and leaves it at that.

    And it gets kinda noticeable that Jenna and MC are building up an abusive sex cult, where accountability doesn't exist and right and wrong are defined by whatever serves the MC, and you know, with all the shit that happened before I kinda think that my breaking point should have been way earlier.

    Like, holy shit, guys, if you're gonna make a story about horrible sex cults, maybe don't pretend that it's all just a father caring about his family.
    At least games like DMD and Sisterly Lust try to pretend that your romantic interests know what they're getting into and aren't coaxed into it by the MC and his wacky sidekick.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    In short, its really good. The art could be better at some points, and could use some more fluid and a greater amount of animations but overall the writing makes the game really interesting and fun. Im on my second play through and the story takes significantly different turns depending on you choices. Highly recommended, unless you are turned of by the theme of the game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.99]

    Art's nice and intent is nice but the implementation gets in the way.

    Like the art. The wife's model gets a bit uncanny valley in the face and hair, but for the most part everything is appealing.

    I don't know whether my rant belongs in the writing or game mechanics sections and I feel like it's a combination of both. To get the best (harem) ending, the player has to make some very unintuitive choices and generally behave like a lying shithead in the early game. There are a couple of "u wot???" unforseeable asspull plot turns (lolol u been bangin yer sister for 30 years lol) that make me dislike the narrative. Otherwise the plot is mostly agreeable, voice is good and dialog manages to mostly avoid cringe.

    Most of the porn is appealing, some endgame scenes are fuckin nice, and only a couple veered towards things that turn me off without actually dwelling on it.

    The mechanics side of my gripe from earlier is a very common one for the media used: I very much prefer the more modern point-based determination of paths versus the branching tree found here. The latter creates the very perplexing experience of complimenting your daughter in front of her mother at the wrong time creates an acrimonious divorce, but doing so at the right time gets all of them to jump into bed with you just a bit later. It's jarring and robs some of the otherwise well-done emotional weight from the story.

    TLDR: The goods are great, and I don't have an easy or obvious fix for the bads, but they do weigh the experience down for me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing this just after I finished the 0.99 patched version.

    Whilst I can't ever see myself liking the situation the MC is in (the amount of orgasms he has on a daily basis makes me wonder), I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

    If this is the benchmark for the creator, I am extremely looking forward to his/her next creation. I love the jokes (elephant in the room? LOL awesome) and the meme culture in it.

    I have to say though, the latter part of the game feels really sped up. Would have liked a lot more anal scenes, and a longer pregnancy chapter. Having DP with strap-ons would have been awesome.

    Yeah, there's a lot of "what-ifs" but only because the base game in itself was so interesting. Well done to the people behind this.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1370694

    2 stars because the VN is technically good.
    But the writing is poor. Sorry. For a parody it isn't humoristic enough. But this VN takes itself seriously it seems.

    Without any effort every female throws herself at you (it was ten years you haven't visited your family? then came back and after 20 dialogue sentences everything is already forgiven and the whole family including your youngest daugther wants to get impregnated by you. No progression. No choices.

    The MC is egoistic and weak, like his sister. The wife has no backbone, and the daughters are only there to have two more fuck objects.

    Sadly no character progression and development. The characters are just fuck puppets, they have nothing interesting, no story. Not really a story. Ada and Sofi are the only ones with something like a story snippet, but not really a story. The other characters have no story. Just fuck puppets. That's essentially it. The VN feels like it's jumping from porn scene to porn scene and the writing's mostly only to justify the next porn scene.

    I didn't like any character including MC. Either they are overly naive or just unbearable like the MC and his sister that try to corrupt everyone in the family without any second thoughts. And it also happens so overly quickly and in unrealistic ways.

    If this is a parody and I didn't get it, then sorry. Maybe two stars are harsh, but it was just not good. This VN seems to catering to the incest and harem fetish in the most flat (and rushed) way.

    If you want just that. harem+incest in the most flat way and as fast as possible without any story, then this VN could be for you. The technical side is good. Nothing special, but good.

    With his other VN Apartment 69 Luxee seems to already have improved on every level a bit. Writing went better, story seems better, technical side a bit improved as well. Not sure how much, but that's at least that. There is hope. But this one here, just note it as attempt to walk and move on.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I remember trying this when it was a very small game... Like back when the furthest you got was a hint of Elly liking the MC.
    I don't know how long ago that was, but I never would have guessed it would turn into the story it was now.

    And that ending.
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    I was too invested in the story to break it into sessions like I probably should have. Literally played the entire thing in one go.

    For favorite character... I'd have to say Sofi. Ada is cute af and very pretty and taboo... But I feel like Sofi is just as pretty and has a deeper story. She could have easily had her own game with that story.

    Art: 5/5
    Story: 3/5 (let's be honest, the story can be condensed into a paragraph or two)
    H scenes: 5/5
    Sound: Was there even sound? None needed anyway.
    Characters: 4.5/5 ( a couple things seemed forced or illogical)
    Enjoyment: 5/5

    So, 5/5 overall. <3

    Disclaimer: This is totally an incest game. If you don't like that, don't play.

    I did like that it added a hard to find kink of mine:
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  8. 5.00 star(s)


    - Version 0.99
    - Path Played: Harem(with patch)

    First of all I really enjoyed the game and the following are my thoughts:

    - Storytelling 9/10. The story is awesome. I liked a lot the connection between the MC and the rest of characters especially Jenna and Sofi. I enjoyed very much the reading and the closure is what I expected to be. Kudos

    - Renders/Graphics 7/10. The renders are OK. I did not like very much the light the Dev used in the scenes but this is my personal opinion.

    Overall I strongly recommend to play this game. It's time well spent and think the Dev is worth supporting.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This torment is ending ..
    The author, as always, begins intriguingly, but later on - all the sexual content comes down to banal pornography ... which he watched on free porn hubs. Dumb and meaningless fucking, without sexual intrigue and, of course, tons of empty graphomania. I bet the next project will be the same. He has no imagination.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    In addition to being *almost* completed ( and I mean that in every sense of the word), the story is filled with just the right amount of kink, character dev, conflict and resolution. Easily making anyone's top 10 list of incest game on this site. The *plot* contains just enough fetish that thread the fine line between being too much and too tame for any casual. The relationship dynamics is also a real highlight of the story with many situation that evoke intimacy. The different endings also tailor a lot of the focus as the player desire. Overall a would-be classic of western adult game for many years to come. I hope the dev will continue in their footstep and grow from this success.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It got a good story for incest game. The girls got time and development equally. The game got multiple endings. The content is long and choice is matter. It's doesn't has the best story, best model or best render but it has THE BEST HAREM ENDING. The end justify the mean this time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably my favorite game ever. It's like the author could step inside my filthy mind and pick out the most intense fantasies and turn it into a game. The only kink I have that wasn't completely satisfied is my fetish for watersports, would have liked more of urination content (yes, I'm an awful person, so what? It's just fantasies) So amazing. Thank you so much for this.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn't like this game, it is an extremely forced, sick and bad game. The story of incest is quite forced and stupid, I've played games a little bit like this one (DMD), but, frankly, this was one of the ones that made me want not to continue. The dialogues and the script are stupid, is something written by a 14 year old teenager. I can't see anything good in this game, maybe some renderings or scenes, but, I gave up playing it and I moved it to the recycle bin. I don't have much to say, after that game, I start to have an opinion about the incest genre, some are disgusting, meaningless...
    I regretted downloading it and playing it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant story-line. Loved as to how many choices there was as to how you could finish. Parental Love is a highly recommended visual novel.

    Graphically sound & the animations was brilliantly done as well.

    I do hope that the creator comes up with a follow up of some sort because it was just awesome.

    Thank you to the creator for such great content and I hope others take notice.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I found the sister Jenna somewhat annoying and a little over the top, And very forceful (along with the mc) in corrupting the two daughters and mother. The only route that I actually enjoyed was the faithfull route as the mc actually grows a set of balls and puts her in her place! If this game would have been less about corruption and not been full of constant attempted sexual assaults and concentrated on building the relationships slowly and naturally it would have much more enjoyable for me but that's just my opinion. I wish I could rate this higher but the story is just so unbelievable throughout. One daughter is nearly sexually assaulted twice and the mc is livid but then goes on to corrupt her and even pretty much forces her to start having lesbian sex with his sister and other family members, And then you have the youngest daughter who has no idea about sex who is sexually assaulted in her sleep by being jizzed on for the mc then to go on and so called 'teach' her about sex just for his own perverse sexual needs while then also making her start having lesbian sex with her friend (who has also been sexually assaulted/raped) as well as other female members of the family, while he willingly allows his sister to corrupt everything in sight without being able to do or say anything about it, the story is forced on you in a way you get no say over any sexual scenes, meaning you will see exactly what the dev wants you to see without having any input into it, if it's going to be m/f/f etc and the mc 'enjoys all the women' or 'they all enjoy each other' that could be a choice, or when the sister forces herself on the daughter you as the player get no say over it when the daughter asks you when she doesn't want to kiss her the dev makes the decision for you this could be a choice. The story is put out there as a choice based game but it's not in my opinion the only so called choices you get are which one of the 5 different paths you wish to go down and only one of them is without corruption but you get raped for your troubles by the daughter who is egged on by the mc's sister. Like I said this game could have been great especially the harem ending if done correctly but the dev has used way to much of the sexual assault/corruption/rape aspects to get the story moving along instead of slowly building up the relationships between the family members. It's a pity as the characters are beautiful it's just the story and lack of what kinks/ sexual content choices you wish to see let this down for me.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Writing needs a serious amount of proofreading. Otherwise another erotic story that tries too hard to be deep and compelling while delivering the bare bones of what we come here for. Dropped after about thirty minutes of play.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    You are an estranged father, tentatively getting back with your ex-wife to see what develops ... but what already developed were your daughters! Are you a responsible adult and maybe future husband again? You haven't seen them all these years and now you're living under the same roof as these three beautiful, eager women (younger and older). What to do? But, wait - there's more! You and your sister have always been very, very close and your family has friends they are close with, too. This could go all over the place, fast. And it does, but you get to decide on who gets most of your attention, to see where things lead ... multiple paths and endings and this game already feels complete - but it's still in development and ready to offer at least one more ending, hinting for another. If ANY of these situations and concepts interest you and wanting to see what happens when characters in an adult VN can be brutally honest or deeply manipulative, then try this game out. The dialogue is smart, it is often irreverant while deadly serious and always entertaining.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my all time favorites and the first game that made me spend money on patreon, just because I fell in love with Elly and Ada :love:

    The girls are beautiful and all of them have their own charm.

    It features all the kinks I love:

    and Loli :sneaky:

    The story may be a bit over the top but that's why I love it!
    In which other games can you go from a family dinner to a topless fist fight in the ladies bathroom? xD

    It already has 3 endings with 5 planned when completed.

    If the kinks I mentioned are also something you like, then you should 100% play it!

    But don't forget to use the patch :WeSmart:
  19. H
    3.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the story of this game and the renders are okay, nothing points to 'ugly', however I have a big gripe with this game... The story is pretty good, but in comparison the sex scenes are really way too short... Most of the time I feel like I have barely time to get excited that the sex is over and I'm in for 10 more minutes of dialogue without action...
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    My first one star rating... yay!

    This is f'n ridiculous. Childish dialog. Blank one dimensional characters. Absurd (and cliche) plot. I barely made it through 3 days of this and had to shut it off...

    It's not the premise... or the theme... I came for those... it's the presentation... it's the writing... it's 110% the writing.

    Ok, you are estranged from your wife for 10 years or something like that, then you come back supposedly changed from your former dick ways... and within 24 hours you've totally boned your not-at-all apprehensive wife, slept with her, caught your elder daughter masturbating to you... and been told by your youngest daughter than she liked the tingly sensation she got when she thought about seeing you stoinking Mom. It's supposed to be a fantasy... I get it... sure we're supposed to get the taboo that you don't get in real life. But this is absurdly simplistic and right out of a 12 year old's mind.

    And then there is the situational story telling. In that same 24 hour period you fight off three would be rapists and a guy filming your daughter taking a leak in a restaurant bathroom. It makes you wonder how this nearly adult daughter made it all these years without being the victim of dozens of sexual assaults... the way she attracts them. One of these assaults would have been almost acceptable if the story had done more to make me care about these people before this happened, but it happened way too soon in the story... and having back-to-back episodes of the same situation... just bad story telling.

    And in the scene where the daughter is being filmed in the bathroom, you stand there and listen to a dozen or so lines of dialog from this guy while his arm is still hanging over the stall, camera faced down... and you're left there feeling like a cuck waiting for the chance to stop him.

    The main character is weak. But no so weak that he doesn't get the option to "SHOW OFF" via a button when you finally get a chance to stop the perv... there totally is a button that allows you to show off before you stop your daughter's assaulter. I felt that was worth repeating and clarifying.

    And all of these situations are strung together by mundane scenes of dialog about things that have nothing to do with anything. Inconsequential.

    "What are you doing today, Honey..." "I don't know, what are you doing..." "I was thinking maybe of doing..." "But shouldn't we do...?" Just mundane pointless drivel to string together obviously plotted situations. It's horrible. It's soooo bad.

    And then there is the choice system... three lines of dialog in you're given the option of "forgive her" or "don't forgive her" to your wife showing up at a bar... this immediately gives you the idea that you have an option of playing this nice or playing it mean... sound's cool right? But it isn't that... if you're a dick, it's game over two options later. It demands you play it nice while throwing chances to be a dick at you every five lines of dialog. It's a tedious and unnecessary mechanic.

    And the scenes where it gives you three options to cover a discussion (something I've seen before in games) is totally unnecessary, too. It gives the illusion of interaction, but in the end, we're going to see all three lines of dialog so what does it matter having to pick what we discuss? This would have been better served to just be one conversation where this stuff comes out. But even that would have been tedious because it's all so pointless.

    (She's taking a long time)

    "I"m sorry for taking such a long time"

    "Don't worry, you didn't take a long time"

    That's three frames with their own renders in this game. Pointless extending of already inconsequential scenes just to get to the next chance to offer a damning lewd choice and a ubiquitous requital of affection.

    The characterization was hamstrung by too many characters being introduced at once and yet nothing learned about any of those characters (except that one attracts sexual assaults), implied backgrounds that you know nothing about because you just turned on the game, and blatant exposition.

    The fight mechanic was kinda interesting but again, pointless... once you got it down you will win every fight you encounter and then it's just another excuse to have you clicking buttons.

    I cannot imagine that any of the high-star reviews on this site actually read the story or gave it much thought... it had to be the visuals for them. It had to be.

    This is awful... just really awful. Oh... well, the two daughters are kinda cute. I guess it has that....


    EDIT TO ADD: Ok... two days later, still thinking about this turd, and a part of me thought "what if it's a parody? did I get it wrong?"

    So I loaded it back up today, and made it a few days further... I should be rewarded for that act of perseverance. Cuz it actually got worse...

    Ok... no matter what you do, you're going to bang everyone, I can see it now. I played with the choices, trying to avoid contact at all costs, even with the wife... it's impossible... they are throwing themselves at you.

    On day two when you deny your elder daughter's advances she basically breaks. And the only thing that will fix her is your cock.

    And there is another sexual assault... the younger daughter has some intruder break into her room and jizz on her face... which thankfully we don't see.

    So that's three sexual assaults in 48 hours. These daughters probably have a rare gene or something...

    But she didn't know it was jizz... so innocent... so without my input or control, I proceed to make sure my daughter knows it was jizz when she absolutely didn't need to know... she didn't even know what jizz was... of course I explained that too... and to further make my point, whatever that is, I tell her to go watch some porn and masturbate. Kid you not... immediately after she wakes with a stranger tugging it over her bed... she has to get my uncontrolled input.

    This shit...

    And now you meet your sister, which you have an already existing affair with--not your choice, you walk into the story with this baggage, and there is no way of avoiding the daughter's friend from knowing about it... and then the older daughter when she walks in on an unavoidable fling you're having with your sister in the bathroom.

    And on night three, the elder daughter tells the wife that she loves you and they both know she wants your body. And Mom isn't freaking out... this is the same Mom (and wife) that 48 hours earlier told you "game over" for having 1 drink in a bar in your first play-through and your first encounter with her.

    And meanwhile, even when totally playing it cool, the daughter's friend is throwing herself at you and is cool with you banging your sister. You're forced into meeting her a few times without your choice, advancing a relationship, without your choice... which leads to her to revealing that she's being sexually assaulted by a gang that her mother owes drug money to.

    So if you're keeping score... four sexual assaults in around 3 days...

    Maybe it's not genes... maybe it's in the water?

    And fittingly, my response to this girl who just revealed her horrors to me is to give it to her with 30 or so lines of "fuck this" and "fuck that"... berating her into making the right choice... while she is sitting there bleeding from the eye, hair all cut off... this isn't about her pain though... it's about HOW MAD I AM!!! Ra!

    This is so much worse than I originally credited it with. This is supposed to be a choose your own adventure type thing... but this adventure is pre-plotted, allowing for no deviation. You cannot avoid dramatic situations. You're a cheater with your own sister, and everyone is going to know about it. Your children are like bait on the end of a fishing line for every predator... which includes you. You're going to date your daughter's friend (and probably kill her mom? I bet it happens, this story... I'll never know)...

    And even though your wife has the personality of cardboard... you must love her.

    This should have just been one long (actually short because everything important about building these types of relationships comes in the first 48 hours) and pointless story without a single choice attached. It would have been boring, pointless, devoid of emotion or immersion... exactly like it is now. But at least it would be less clicks.

    Just scroll back through all I typed... all that happened in 72 hours of story. It's insane. World record speed.

    Throughout it all, me playing hard to get, my inner dialog is telling me that it's because I want to remain faithful to my cardboard wife. That's been my verbal justification for denying each come-on. It's never "I don't want to sleep with you because your my daughter...or my daughter's friend" rather it's "I don't want to sleep with you because I'd be unfaithful..." Meanwhile, my inner dialog is also more than happy to check out everyone's body every chance I get... and even flick the nipple of my topless youngest daughter while cuddling her in bed.

    "I only promised I wouldn't peak"

    His actions and thoughts and emotions are all over the map, and totally contradicting. Terrible main character... if you can identify with this guy, you're a 14 year old confused and angry kid who is probably going to kill his own father, if you haven't already... get help.

    And some might argue that I'm giving everything away... I've told the whole plot... and I'd answer, "But I only revealed 3 days... isn't your question making my point?"

    Still awful. It won't let me give zero stars... that's a travesty.

    And finally... the next morning the elder daughter rapes you with a handjob in your wife's bed while your younger daughter is asleep on your chest, topless, and your sister is on the bed egging on the handjob.

    Five sexual assaults in three days? It's definitely the water.

    Maybe it is a parody... the more I insult it, the better it sounds... my review reads like it's kinda genius... I swear it's not.

    (I was wrong... you don't get to bed everyone... by playing it straight, you get a "Good Ending" as the faithful husband... all I had to do was promise the cardboard wife I'd be faithful... this happens on day four with all those unresolved threads tied up nicely with my single line of conviction... I guess I did give the whole plot... sorry... but if you're a masochist, there are apparently four other endings...)