I am not sure whether I was able to check out and find all possible ending variations or if they exist, but I made up my mind that I can't really make up my mind about this one.
Let's get started with the easy part. That would be music. There isn't any.
Graphics: surprisingly inconsistent. While the character models are generally good, sometimes lighting or positioning or whatever gives them a major drop in quality all of a sudden and goes right down into the uncanny valley. Wife Emily is probably most guilty here.
Gameplay: well, this is a VN with decisions. There is a kind of a mini game when you have to fight off some guys, but that's it. However I will include one of the strong points of this game under this section: while many VNs will have you collect some unseen relationship points and similar, but go through mostly the same routine no matter what you do, except for maybe a game over if you're doing too badly, here there are noticeable differences in dialogue and also in the available scenes. So multiple playthroughs do not feel as repetitive as in other games.
Story: Well, it depends a lot on which route you want to go down. The "honest husband" line is by quite some margin the shortest route but it generally works fine, if you will accept that this is the opposite of a "slow burner". After decades of not meeting you'll go to 100% family man (with unhealthy kinks) within a day, and even though there later is an explanation that you have had a lot of prior online contact with your wife (which should be pushed up a bit IMO, so players will wonder less), the pace of this is somewhat rushed. And by "somewhat" I mean "incredibly".
The story gets way more out of hand if you play Elly, and Ada even more. Also you cannot have (or I haven't found) real solo endings with both of them, there's always somebody around. Especially the Ada ending seems tacked on and you have to go full crazy harem to reach it. It's escalating rather quickly.
Characters: pretty one dimensional. MC is an asshole but the game doesn't really consider him one (and I don't mean the incest part, that was a given from the start). Wife wants you back because you have a big dick. Sister wants to fuck you and doesn't give a shit about anything because you have a big dick. Elder daughter is emotionally unstable and has no defining characteristics at all except for being interested in your big dick. Younger daughter at least has some perks like being an avid gamer but at the same time falls into one of the worst clichés: I get that 18yo virgins are more the rule than the exception, especially in this kind of game, but the utter lack of knowledge about anything sexual is stupendous and just doesn't happen, especially when the parents aren't any crazy religious people or similar (which they aren't). Never masturbated, never heard many expressions, doesn't know what sperm is? Quite unbelievable.
Even worse is her friend Sofi. A self declared lesbian, she claims to be immediately interested after seeing your big magic lesbianism curing dick. Which would be bad enough in itself but unfortunately the author forgot that she was overtly sexual towards you a couple of times before. Yes, she has a kind of (completely overdone) backstory which may help explaining this approach, but still there is a huge disconnect.
Also none of the characters have any development and apart from Ada's idea of qualifying for an online tournament no defining characteristics apart from "want to fuck MC". There is a quite ridiculous stalker story interwoven with the main plot but it doesn't really affect the way people are acting.
H scenes: they felt very off to me. Like the equivalent of IKEA sex in non visual novels. "He then inserted his penis into her vagina to her great pleasure." While they're ticking all the boxes, it never felt special, it never felt romantic or engaging to me. First time with your daughter? Same stuff. Yes, you go to some kind of romantic place (if you decide to do so) but there's no chemistry, no spark.
In the end still three stars, for me personally they would be fewer, since it does some good stuff like player feedback on decisions and it delivers on the stuff it promises. But if you're looking for a game where you will look back on the characters afterwards, reminisce the story, you're probably wrong here. It's just porn, and the graphics aren't good enough, the characters aren't interesting enough, the story isn't immersive enough to make it a viable alternative to real porn.