Played for a little bit. There's a bunch of spelling and grammars errors, some weird and repetitive writing issues, and have found a glitch.
Of note:
Concerning spelling, it's spelled "principal" when you are referring to a person who manages a school. You use principle when referring to beliefs/laws/theorems. Grammar wise, there is a lot of missing capitalization.
Now I didn't go far, but the writing had left a weak first impression. I got the Ryuko scene and just couldn't stop rolling my eyes. The character you play apparently is some super strong and tough guy with magic powers, and it immediately feels like a Mary Sue. Also I think Ryuko referenced how they're doing it in public like 7-8 times as well. Yes, I get it already, the penis is so good you are having short term memory loss. Hopefully this is just an outlier rather than what to expect.
I am experiencing an odd glitch where I can't enter the men's bathroom in the evening. When I click it, nothing happens except that the Library sign reverts to Japanese.
Gameplay wise it wasn't hard to grasp what to do and everything was easy to access at least for me. Would be nice to be able to obtain a better job.