4.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Oct 15, 2024
oh nice little demo,have everything less a lwed scene but is fine,for a first update it has all,nice looking renders not awesome but really nice,models of the girls are fine,.you have one for each taste,your redhair,your thicc computer psycho,the well mannered social one,the shy but really cute ,and the china ming vase model,[she is georgeous btw] we miss the third triplet,mia,and the next update we will chek the cousin[if you use incest thoughts on the relationship] nice ,very nice start

p.s oh i forget the mc....he looks good in all the words.not an asshole,not a docuhebag,nd not a horny shota teengaer,...so what else you need.....
Hi, I'm sorry about the h-scenes, but they are under password due to an incident IRL. The code is not nor will it ever be pay-walled, it is in the dev notes with the instructions on how to use it. I know it's annoying but I had to do it, a meassure meant to CMA and CYA.


Oct 15, 2024
Off to a good start. There's initial conflict that sets the tone, good artwork and character design, solid writing with minimal errors. It has the set up for a gripping dramatic story instead of a common wish fulfilment fantasy. You can always have a bit of both if it is set up properly. Look forward to seeing what comes next.
Thanks. That the plan, carry a story but we all know what this site is for. I just hope to add a decent story with some H elements.


Oct 15, 2024
A few grammatical errors here and there, but not bad overall.

I have to ask though; why is the game in "SFW" mode by default? If you're trying to showcase the game I'd have thought you'd be better off actually enabling the demo's H-scenes, especially since the Melanie scene has animations and they must have taken a fair bit of work. :unsure:

Oh, and that "intro" stuff with all the 18+ bullshit is too fucking long. I'd also suggest not having that animated grey screen thing at the start. Looking at that wasn't pleasant and it'll probably give someone a seizure. Just saying.
Thanks on all points, I'll look into readjusting the intro. As for SFW mode, IRL safety. Kids (users under 18) are getting to damn clever. It's to cover my ass in case of future incidents. Already saw what a friend went through. Is it annoying? Hell yeah, but I gotta CMA so the project doesn't get destroyed cause of a dumbass incident. I want to complete the story so people can enjoy it without the fear of some a-hole trying to ruin it.
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Oct 15, 2024
the game obviously has some potential the very fact that it is not a typical style game: Son, “step-mom” and 2 or 3 “step-sister” is already a big plus, our MC also looks pretty good, and the renders are at a pretty ok level
the only thing I miss is some background music, because seriously am I the only one who thinks that some background music is something nice?
I am working on that, but even royalty free sounds and music aren't completely free.


Oct 15, 2024
So, I didn't see the Incest tag on the Planned Tags.. BUT I DIDN'T SEE IT IN THE NOT GONNA HAPPEN SECTION EITHER.

Based from the words of the DEV,

-There are a few relationships you can configure. Please for the love of all that is Holy, do not set them as your mother and sisters. You have those and are part of the story.

Is this the type of game where the Incest comes to be after many updates and story progression?
Or is it just implied that it is eventually going to be incest-themed, and we don't need tags for it in order not to attract "cough cough PATR......EON" from snooping on this project? and be like Where's the incest? will there be incest?

and Dev be like, GRINS and WINKS

and we just go GOTCHA
I can neither confirm nor deny these accusations (looks both ways while pointing to the dev notes).


Oct 15, 2024
Adjustment Mod

Hi...I compiled together a few useful 3rd party mod's as well completed a number of visual changes that compliment the look of this interesting title. (Improved visibility)

  • Changed the default clear textbox, to a custom dark bottom shaded version...which aid's with viewing the dialog text without blocking any of the background content.
  • Changed the original game_menu.png file, with a black brick image (visually improves the settings text) .
  • Edited the GUI.rpy file, decreasing some of the fonts sizes, and changed some of the hex colors...(which visually improves the display of the dialog, and other fonts with this title).
  • Included a modified version of the Universal 4+1 Textbox Mod, with a dialog opacity slider (This mod is used to bypass the default no textbox display settings, which forces the custom dark bottom shaded textbox as the displayed theme default choice).
  • Included the 0x52_URM tool, which allows a user to view as well edit Ren'Py titles. (Used to verify and see more data behind some of the story choices, as well it can display requirement checks as they happen through out a story. Using edit mode by pressing alt m keys together to bring up the search page.)
  • Also included a Universal Quick Menu mod, which hide's or display's the quick menu by pressing your Q key. (Used to help clean up the dialog area by hiding the quick menu from the bottom of your screen.)
  • Included a custom font outline script, which adds slight dark outlines around the dialog text and the character names...(Visually improves the dialog and name text, which compliments the text against the new custom dark textbox.)
  • Included the Universal Choice Descriptor Mod, which is used to display on screen hidden data that is behind SOME of the story choices (if there are any), which can offer game related info. (Most likely this is mod is useless with this title, but it's part of the Adjustment package that I create for all the titles I mod.)

Just extract and merge the game folder with this titles game folder (over write when prompted). Then run your game exe, and enjoy these minor changes and features.

Note: This mod compilation will not need regular updates, (providing no major coding changes are done to the original script of this title)...it should continue to work for future game releases.


Example images of the forced custom textbox and font outline change...along with the quick menu mod (QM hidden using Q key), and the Universal Choice Descriptor mod.
View attachment 4135621
View attachment 4135622
View attachment 4135626

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Nice, just a heads up, no choices were changed just fixed a misused variable where MC would refer to his mentor as Mentor instead of Judy. Doubt that will have any effect but just in case.

Other than that, love what you did.
Aug 9, 2022
This is a VERY interesting start! It really did check off all the boxes I really like in the AVNs that I like, but there seems to be some coming that haven't been confirmed yet that I really like too. I am most definitely keeping an eye out for this one! The story is solid, characters all have unique personalities, and the models look great (even the MC)! I really hope that this one can continue without any issues. Have a feeling that this could end up being another one of my favorite AVNs.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2019
OK, I will be honest, when I got caught up with the Dev on this game, I thought I would give it a try to see what happens if I pick to walk away. Specially because of how much of this game seems to be centered around helping her out. Then I noticed in the Universal Mods a PIWalkaway +1, so kept clicking on it. It seems all that happens is a number coming up when you do decide to help. Was a nice curiosity answered, but thought maybe at 100 it would just say Game Over or something. Still, was a nice game, really did enjoy it, even if at first I didn't notice to code for the NSFW version, and restarted so I could unlock that. I did enjoy this game, and I am looking forward for more. Thank you so very much for this!!!

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Sep 22, 2021
Turns out there is a sex scene in the game, you just have to enable NSFW first, not sure why the dev chose to have the SFW version the default though.
- huh? Where exactly is that mysterious button to switch to NSFW? I've looked & started the game twice: never saw it...

best regards
4.00 star(s) 2 Votes