
Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
...just to make it clear before the Goblin Wars both Nergal and Qetesh had been the main gods in the land... calling their worship Cults is kinda unfitting, most of their Temples and conclaves got destroyed in the war and their Priests and followers killed admittently.
Nowadays they are fledgling Religions, a shadow of their former glory, but still religions.
They apparently never had shortcomeings of new Alcolytes that turned into Priestess before by what Zivah tells us.

More like he removed the eternal youth blessing or more likely inversed it's effects.
Makeing them seem like eternal Grannys ;)
Also Qetesh is still worshipped in some regions, same as Nergal, just not on the scale as before the war.

Have you tried talkeing to Zivah before heading out?
Well not entirely wrong to call them cults. The term "cult" just means a religious group that follows a particular Deity or Ideology. Hence in Ancient Greece you had the Cults of Dionysus, Zeus, Athrodite, Hera, Artemis, Hephaestus ect... sadly the media conflated the word "cult" with sects which is why we now picture them as either hedonistic or blasphemous people who worship demons, false gods or pagan figures.

By the proper definition both the Qeteshians & Nergalites are cults. But you're not wrong about how successful the religions were in the past. From what we learn in the game the Qeteshian faith had many women within who used Fertility potions to aid the women who struggled with pregnancy, while using Barreness religiously each morning to stop themselves from getting pregnant. Qetesh isnt just the goddess of Fertility but also sexual pleasure & ecstacy (possibly with kore enfasis on the later part. As such "sacrifices" of sexual pleasure were religiously given by the priestesses to Qetesh, and while the religion is matriarchal (only females could be Priestesses, mostly all men were stuck at the rank of acolyte) males were still importent members of the church who "assisted" with duties of the female acolytes & priestesses. The High Priest of Quelity Control was the highest rank a man could reach & he was essentially a glorified brat tamer (for those who dont know it's a specific type of dom who "tames" brats into more submissive girls through a mixture of punishment & reward).

The Nergalites were followers of Nergal who is essentially this worlds equivalent of a Devil Arch-type demon god. I reckon while his followers were widespread they probably acted more like secretive cobals in regions where his worship was deemed heretical. Dark Elves, Goblins, Orcs & other less than "nice" races probably have open worship of Nergal. Humans, Elves, Dwarves & Halflings probably ban his worship, with those who do acting in secret behind closed doors. If that's the case then the Goblin War was the first time his followers actively acted against a particular group & led to their direct destruction by the opposing forces (as seen with the previous owner of Erevi's Tower who died when the King laid a seige on his tower at the end of the war). I very much doubt it's a following most would announce to the world.

Both took major hits during the war, but Qetesh came out worse for wear.

Weather he reversed, illusioned or just revealed what they are dosent really matter. Point is the eternal "youth" was take by the curse, at least looks/physically as Ziva was still pretty spry for an "old lady" (like sneak attacking MC if he fucks up their first meeting).

I reckon the most prominent religion is the Lord of Light as his is the closest this setting has to a proper "organised" religion very close in look & nature to that of the Chatholic/Christian church. He is essentially the abrahamic god if paganised & exists to bring light & order to a sinful & dark world while having followers who are fanatical zealous in their mass delusions of what IS & ISNT heretical actions. The only reason Qeteshians were tolerated by them is (most likley) because their deities are siblings.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Yeah,but she popped these kids with the curse lifted
P.S:and with Quetesh crow,which allows her to have a direct link with Quetesh and her blessings
What I mean is while she may be in her 60s to 70s her body has remained "youthful". I reckon if she was physically her age instead of just cosmetically then she would have issues. The mother looks how she would pre-curse. Meaning she may have birthed MC before Nergal cast the curse & died of complications. Or perhaps they were attacked by Goblins & another sister new of the boys origin so she ran away & left him at the farm. Any number of things could have happened. We will have to wait for more info from Tinkerer before we truly know.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Nergal sent the familiar to the MC and Qetesh seems to be powering up her servants
Yeah but Erevi did say it takes a deity using immense amounts of energy just to tether ONE Familiar to a single mortal.

Nergal seems to be the one farming better from the war than Qetesh. As seen on multiple reactions.

•Nergal was able to manifest, speak & even electrocute Erevi through his statue to both save MC's life & to announce his wish she birth you're child. Qetesh needed to be reconnected with the crown & even after that can only really manifest as a glow when pleased during mass & the kost we have seen is her shift the statue to a pregnant visage while sending apparitions of children through the halls.
•Nergal blessed Erevi's conception to birth a Succubus with the express intent to bring about a powerful Champion on this plane of existence. If she is the "Ghost" Qetesh appears as an apparition that cant even speak with MC, hangs around a little & when he uses the ring can only hug him before disappearing again.
•Nergal gave MC a Familiar. Wheres our familiar Qetesh? An Putto or Cherub would be welcomed :p


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
Nergal sent the familiar to the MC and Qetesh seems to be powering up her servants
After he made a proper ritual,and i'm almost sure he cant do anything else to anyone outside his altar,Erevi explains to you that most of his blessings are way weaker after the war and his move to make MC father the Succubus is a strong proof of that...
Same goes for Ziva and Quetesh,however,the later is seeming to be already on the way of recover part of her strength,as she was able to reinstate the powers that Oksana had,probably becuz even with all the powers Erevi have,she doesnt seem share the same connection with Nergal that Ziva seems to share with Quetesh...and if i remember correctly,Erevi find strange the fact that even with a weak magic,MC omly manafe to receiv a Imp,considering he is Nergal champion


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
Yeah but Erevi did say it takes a deity using immense amounts of energy just to tether ONE Familiar to a single mortal.

Nergal seems to be the one farming better from the war than Qetesh. As seen on multiple reactions.

•Nergal was able to manifest, speak & even electrocute Erevi through his statue to both save MC's life & to announce his wish she birth you're child. Qetesh needed to be reconnected with the crown & even after that can only really manifest as a glow when pleased during mass & the kost we have seen is her shift the statue to a pregnant visage while sending apparitions of children through the halls.
•Nergal blessed Erevi's conception to birth a Succubus with the express intent to bring about a powerful Champion on this plane of existence. If she is the "Ghost" Qetesh appears as an apparition that cant even speak with MC, hangs around a little & when he uses the ring can only hug him before disappearing again.
•Nergal gave MC a Familiar. Wheres our familiar Qetesh? An Putto or Cherub would be welcomed :p
Me'sa like's your creativity,me'sa want a Cherub or a Putto too(read it on Smeagol voice)

P.S:even more if they manage to evolve to a little shortstacked hottie
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
Well,with the sums up of what Eva and Dom brought to the table,we can see that Quetesh is recovering her influence and power on her temple,but her powers are gentler and way more subtle than the ones Nergal works,as for Nergal,his investment seems to be focused on bring his pawns back to the material plan,i see however that since Tinkerer evolved a lot Quetesh side,he'll probably try to put more content involving Nergal side(oh yeah,forgot that are the patrons who vote the content)


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
Nergal seems to be the one farming better
I'd debate that because it's a poor battle tactic. He would need unlimited Wells of power to sustain an unnatural being in this world and still have power to fight later. Qetesh has the better strategy of just powering up natural creatures here. Meaning she'll be fully battle ready when needed.

Nergal was able to manifest, speak & even electrocute Erevi through his statue to both save MC's life & to announce his wish she birth you're child. Qetesh needed to be reconnected with the crown & even after that can only really manifest as a glow
Same argument she uses less power and gets the same results. Plus to save the MC from being banished she did alter the statue to convey her instructions

Nergal gave MC a Familiar. Wheres our familiar Qetesh? An Putto or Cherub would be welcomed
Qetesh has given him an army (check downstairs) and four priestess (so far) checking down stairs we see there's room for more


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
I'd debate that because it's a poor battle tactic. He would need unlimited Wells of power to sustain an unnatural being in this world and still have power to fight later. Qetesh has the better strategy of just powering up natural creatures here. Meaning she'll be fully battle ready when needed.

Same argument she uses less power and gets the same results. Plus to save the MC from being banished she did alter the statue to convey her instructions

Qetesh has given him an army (check downstairs) and four priestess (so far) checking down stairs we see there's room for more
Considering the authority he holds with these armies(the HE here being the MC),i wouldnt bet on any of these,and while Quetesh presence is strong on her temple,outside of it she still needs powerful tools to guarantee even a small influence on the Material Plane,she has the Holy Fountain,the Tear of the Dragon and her Crown,and almost couldnt make in time to save MC to being punished by Ziva(and yet she couldnt act directly had to act by signals).
Nergal seems to be investing all the power he gathers to put more servants on the Material Plane(servants that serve as a direct beacon of his power and will),and while he lacks amount of powerful artifacts,he has Erevi making the MC stick his nose in the most various profane corners of the land,uncovering some of his lost servants knowledge,to manage to squeeze every now and them another creature from his plane into the material one.
I wouldnt bet on Quetesh becuz most of her muscle is Gabriel,Grug and Oksana...
Wouldnt trust on Nergal too,becuz well,lets be honest Nergal is Nergal,and becuz his Goblins are already ours anyway,and we are probably goin after his orcs after that,so unless he manage to bring his demons,we will probably own both of his strong arms for army,and some ogres and giants too ...i would put my bets on MC after some 3 or 4 updates
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
I'd debate that because it's a poor battle tactic. He would need unlimited Wells of power to sustain an unnatural being in this world and still have power to fight later. Qetesh has the better strategy of just powering up natural creatures here. Meaning she'll be fully battle ready when needed.

Same argument she uses less power and gets the same results. Plus to save the MC from being banished she did alter the statue to convey her instructions

Qetesh has given him an army (check downstairs) and four priestess (so far) checking down stairs we see there's room for more
I said he is fairing better (follower wise) never said hes making smart or strategically sound decisions. He is probably overpaying his hand cos he dosent realise yet that Qetesh IS making a come back. Yet.

Qetesh dosent have much influence (if any) right now so she couldnt do a bigger display of godly power. Yet.

These are still children so the "army" would have to wate. I think she is more preoccupied with gaining followers & worship again...


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
What should I do to get Victoria to come to my house?
If u mean to get her to start visiting for the first time. Then u need to successfully peep on her at her place. I suggest 2 pig fat on the fire at the lil shack near General Shop to couse a distraction.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
These are still children so the "army" would have to wate. I think she is more preoccupied with gaining followers & worship again...
Yeah,well,her power comes for love and pleasure,and his from domination and sheer force,it makes sense that she try to restabilish her cult,while he tries to make it to be feared again


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
The title screen has become a bit of issue for me, never thought much of it until an idea hit me. What if he's not striking a heroic pose? What if he's defending Ziva and Erevi? If he is from who? Pretty sure it's a heroic pose but it also makes sense because of everyone he has the most reason to not want the see the girls fight.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
I said he is fairing better (follower wise) never said hes making smart or strategically sound decisions. He is probably overpaying his hand cos he dosent realise yet that Qetesh IS making a come back. Yet.

Qetesh dosent have much influence (if any) right now so she couldnt do a bigger display of godly power. Yet.

These are still children so the "army" would have to wate. I think she is more preoccupied with gaining followers & worship again...
From babies to kids is uneven. They suddenly grew from babies to kids then stopped (plot hole). The goblins grew to warriors then stopped aging, hobbits, giants, elves same thing. If Molly's kid hits adulthood before all the another kids I'm calling a fowl.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
The title screen has become a bit of issue for me, never thought much of it until an idea hit me. What if he's not striking a heroic pose? What if he's defending Ziva and Erevi? If he is from who? Pretty sure it's a heroic pose but it also makes sense because of everyone he has the most reason to not want the see the girls fight.
Honestly think hes striking a heroic pose with Ziva & Erevi hanging off his legs like damsels.

Also have you noticed hes not holding a sword... it's a 2 prong fork.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
From babies to kids is uneven. They suddenly grew from babies to kids then stopped (plot hole). The goblins grew to warriors then stopped aging, hobbits, giants, elves same thing. If Molly's kid hits adulthood before all the another kids I'm calling a fowl.
That is just story & gameplay separation. The children technicaly grow in real time but condensed into days because GAMEPLAY wise it would be a drag to wate for children to grow up closer to real time. That relies on suspension of disbelief.

It's a detail that we are supposed to overlook for the sake of gameplay, not a plothole/inconsistency but a creative choice.

Molly's kid will grow up faster for 2 reasons:
1) She is a Beastfolk type so they (like real animals) will probably mature faster than humans.
2) Again Gameplay & Story separation. We wanna fuck the Cowgirl & she needs to grow up for that. The children aren't there to be fucked as that would be too much work. They just exist as a "consiquence" to MC's rampant dick.
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