Also, is there a cure for poison that spiders give you?
Potion of Cure Poison...
You can make it at Alchemy Desks. Either use the one in the Witches Hut (not sure if she teaches it right away or not) or buy one for you're house.
Once you breaks Ziva's curse she teachs you how to make potions.
You will need a Spider egg, so you have to kill the Spider Queen to break her curse.
Be sure to have lots of Bandages.
If you get poisoned, walk around until the poison wear off.
Basically, the first run in the Spider Cave you have to rely in your weapon, armor, bandages and your stamina.
Before you reach the Queen you can find a piece of armor (a open helm or a shield, I don't remember).
I recommend equipping a sword or an axe.
The Queen has around 70 hit points.