So this is this Vixenatrix idea. It's a little bigger & complex than the Beth or Hilde idea.
Vixenatrix Arc Idea
Dragon Pregnancy & Births
So Vix will announce shes pregnant on the 5th day & lay her eggs 20 days after that, so a 25 day pregnancy like other women. But in this case she lays eggs which take 5 days to hatch. Once hatched the new dragonlings will take 20 days to mature (get a lil bigger & develop wings)
at which point they remain in the nest for 5 more days before leaving the nest forever. This gives a nice overlap from her laying the eggs to you impregnating her the day she lays the eggs if you want to keep the cave filled with baby dragonlings at nearly all times.
I would say she could lay between 3-5 dragons a batch. When they hatch they start crawling around the cave.]
Quest Ideas
20 days after announcing her pregnancy & with "A Gift For A Lady" complete, she will lay her eggs. MC should go check on her (the 5 days to hatch are placed on hold for the 1st batch until MC has returned in "Check On Vix")
. Vixenatrix will tell MC to return in a few days if he wants to see them hatch.
Wait For The Eggs To Hatch
Requirments: A Gift For A Lady & wait 20 days after announcment.
Given By: Vixenatrix.
Difficulty: Easy Peasy.
Come back in 5 days (MC will prompt in thought that morning)
& witness the birth of you're lil dragonlings. On you're way there you'll see a man leave the Merchant's Inn & introduce himself. He will ask if you have seen any dragons latley, you say "no" & he tells you he will be staying at the Inn.
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Putting Out Fires!
Requirments: Complete Wait For The Eggs To Hatch.
Given By: Jacob
Difficulty: Medium
1 day after the eggs hatching, you'll find that Jacob's farm has been scorched! Help put out the fires. Afterwards he explains that some flying monster attacked his flock. The man from the Inn arrives & promises to kill the beast. MC has a bad feeling & travels to ask Vix what happend. When he gets there Vix explains she was hunting for food to feed the dragonlings but you're conversation is interrupted by Dragon Hunters attacking. MC & Vix fight them off but she notices the dragonlings are gone. The Hunters managed to take you're babies & you must get them back!
*The fight could be between MC & 2-3 Hunters. Vix would be dealing with the bulk (like how Shakala & Bhrute deal with everyone while MC kills the Goblin King).
The Dragon Slayer
Requirments: Completes Putting Out Fires.
Given By: Vixenatrix
Difficulty: Hard
You go to Greyport in order to inquire what's going on & find the Baron placed a bounty on Vixenatrix! MC learns that a Dragon Slayer, the man from the Inn, took his crew to some ruins south-east so MC travels to the Slayer's camp to do recon. The area is perfect for fighting a dragon as it will force Vix to land among the ruins where the Slayer's crew have set up traps & anti-dragon weaponry. So MC will have to save his kids solo (the Slayer's Camp can be set in some ruins down the south path from the Tower Ruins, I picture a coastal ruined fort)
. MC enters the camp & fights through the Hunters until he faces down the Dragon Slayer. He then frees the dragon young (they are put in you're inventory as Quest Items. Like the Dire Pups)
& he returns to Vix's Lair.
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To Fake A Slaying
Requirments: Complete The Dragon Slayer.
Given By: Vixenatrix
Difficulty: Easy
Realising the Baron wont recede the bounty MC speaks with Vix who comes up with a plan. MC will fake slaying her at Greyport's harbor for all to witness. MC orders a trebauche from Marcus but fashions his own "non-lethal" spear at the Blacksmiths (Requires: 4 Iron Ore, 12 Wood & 3 Bandages)
. He has Marcus set up the Trebauche at Greyport & as Vix flies by MC fires it. She is "hit" & fakes falling to her death in the harbor. MC then speaks with (someone)
about the bounty & is payed a great sum for killing the beast (This could allow MC to actually meet the Baron & his daughter in a small honourific meeting before being escorted out)
. He meets with Vix back at the lair in time to have some naughty fun but she refuses in case she gets pregnant again. She cant take anymore risks. Use Tasty Pastties to make her horny.
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If you get Vix preg again she will express concern that she will have to hunt once they are born & is worried that the trick wont work twice. MC is left to ponder how to avoid this again in the future. Pastries are no longer required.
Egg Theives!
Requirments: Complete To Fake A Slaying & wait for her to lay her second eggs.
Given By: Vixenatrix.
Difficulty: Easy.
After Vix lays her second batch of eggs MC can visit & find her distraught. The eggs have been stolen! Investigating a tunneled out cave nearby has MC fighting strange runty looking dragon-things (Kobolds)
who are fiercely guarding the eggs. After reaching the eggs, their leader steps forth, promptly drops to his knees & begs you not to take them. Turns out Kobolds are the failed offspring of male dragons attempting to breed with mortal women. They worship dragons but sadly they are despised for being failures. Dragons either abuse or kill Kobolds but they hope that if they raised them then they will allow the Kobolds to worship them & serve without malice. MC manages to make a deal between the Kobolds & Vix. Vix will let the Kobolds remain in her Lair & worship her if the Kobolds hunt for & attend to the needs of her young until they are old enough to find their own lairs.
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Expansion! (This questline is ambitious & most likley would bener happen but I like it lol)
Requirments:Complete Egg Thieves!
Given By: Kobold Elder
Difficulty: Medium
With the Kobolds put in their place you can now put them to work expanding Vix's lair. Speak with "Head Kobold" about building new spaces into the cave. This will take up resources (Wood, Coin, Iron Ore, Meat, Bandages)
for the Kobold workers to do the job. Once a project begins they should have it operational within 5 days (3 Days with certain upgrades).
Private Chamber- this will give Vixenatrix a private space to sleep & lay her eggs. While she has eggs she will remain in the Chamber until after they hatch. While preg/not-preg she will alternate between being in the Main Chamber (existing map space) & here. You can also sleep here with Vix & unlocks a new sex scene.
*MC Bed becomes available. (THIS IS THE QUEST UPDATE YOU NEED TO DO)
Kobold Village Upgrades- The village is a cavernous walkway of huts where the Kobolds live. You can upgrade this space with better structure & different buildings (a diner, shaman's hut, med bay, hunters hut ect..) to raise the Kobolds moral & make them work faster (more resources in quicker time).
*Med Bay (shortens work time by 1 day & health shop)
*Diner (shortens work time by 1 day)
*Shaman's Hut (Alchemy Desk & ingredients shop)
*Hunting Hut (Unlocks: Food Stores & Diner)
*Barracks (Put miners to work)
Mine Shaft- a mine shaft where Kobolds mine for Iron Ore, Gold & precious Stones. This will essentially raise the amount of treasure Vix has & the more she has the more she is willing to let you take some. (If you're too greedy her Vault Guard Kobold will tell you you're cut off until they replenish the Vault).
Nursarey- This is one of the 1st spaces Vix will want made & will not have sex until it's done. It's a space for you're baby dragonlings to live in while they are in the cave. Eventually they do leave so make sure to keep it filled with you're kids.
Food Stores- the Kobolds dig into an icy part of the cave system. They use this to store food supplies. If you build Hunters shack in Kobold Village then every day they will place meat from Rabbits, Boars, Bears & Gaters into this cave & you can collect some when you visit.
Vault- the Kobolds build a secure chamber to keep all of Vix's treasure safe within. If you ask the Vault Guard about taking some treasure he will ask how much you need. As long as the Vault is above 2000g then you can take up to 200g BUT once its is 2000g or lower then Vix will cut u off until the treasure is restocked (you can also put coin back into the Vault).
Dragon Lair
Kobold Village- a small village of Kobolds that has been established in a smaller part of Vix's cave.
Slayer's Camp- a ruin that the Dragon Slayer & his crew have turned into their base.
New Enemies?
Rivolt, The Dragon Slayer (Human)
The grizzled veteran leader of the dragon hunters. This guy has a history with the dragons but hasent had the chance to hunt one in a long time. He is the boss of the Hunters who must be killed to save the dragonlings. His base is in the old ruins (Slayer's Camp).
Dragon Hunters (Humans)
Dragon Hunters are the crew who work under the Dragon Slayer. These guys are equipped with "anti-dragon" gear (massive crossbows). Found only in Slayer's Camp during "The Dragon Slayer", after that they are gone.
Kobolds (Draconids)
Runty little failed dragons born from male dragons mating with mortal women. They start as aggressive, if pathetic, enemies who stole Vix's second batch of eggs but later become her loyal servants once the misunderstanding is sorted.