
Active Member
Feb 17, 2021
So this is this Vixenatrix idea. It's a little bigger & complex than the Beth or Hilde idea.

Vixenatrix Arc Idea
Dragon Pregnancy & Births

So Vix will announce shes pregnant on the 5th day & lay her eggs 20 days after that, so a 25 day pregnancy like other women. But in this case she lays eggs which take 5 days to hatch. Once hatched the new dragonlings will take 20 days to mature (get a lil bigger & develop wings) at which point they remain in the nest for 5 more days before leaving the nest forever. This gives a nice overlap from her laying the eggs to you impregnating her the day she lays the eggs if you want to keep the cave filled with baby dragonlings at nearly all times.

[I would say she could lay between 3-5 dragons a batch. When they hatch they start crawling around the cave.]

Quest Ideas
20 days after announcing her pregnancy & with "A Gift For A Lady" complete, she will lay her eggs. MC should go check on her (the 5 days to hatch are placed on hold for the 1st batch until MC has returned in "Check On Vix"). Vixenatrix will tell MC to return in a few days if he wants to see them hatch.

Wait For The Eggs To Hatch
: A Gift For A Lady & wait 20 days after announcment.
Given By: Vixenatrix.
Difficulty: Easy Peasy.
Come back in 5 days (MC will prompt in thought that morning) & witness the birth of you're lil dragonlings. On you're way there you'll see a man leave the Merchant's Inn & introduce himself. He will ask if you have seen any dragons latley, you say "no" & he tells you he will be staying at the Inn.
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Putting Out Fires!
: Complete Wait For The Eggs To Hatch.
Given By: Jacob
Difficulty: Medium
1 day after the eggs hatching, you'll find that Jacob's farm has been scorched! Help put out the fires. Afterwards he explains that some flying monster attacked his flock. The man from the Inn arrives & promises to kill the beast. MC has a bad feeling & travels to ask Vix what happend. When he gets there Vix explains she was hunting for food to feed the dragonlings but you're conversation is interrupted by Dragon Hunters attacking. MC & Vix fight them off but she notices the dragonlings are gone. The Hunters managed to take you're babies & you must get them back!
*The fight could be between MC & 2-3 Hunters. Vix would be dealing with the bulk (like how Shakala & Bhrute deal with everyone while MC kills the Goblin King).

The Dragon Slayer
: Completes Putting Out Fires.
Given By: Vixenatrix
Difficulty: Hard
You go to Greyport in order to inquire what's going on & find the Baron placed a bounty on Vixenatrix! MC learns that a Dragon Slayer, the man from the Inn, took his crew to some ruins south-east so MC travels to the Slayer's camp to do recon. The area is perfect for fighting a dragon as it will force Vix to land among the ruins where the Slayer's crew have set up traps & anti-dragon weaponry. So MC will have to save his kids solo (the Slayer's Camp can be set in some ruins down the south path from the Tower Ruins, I picture a coastal ruined fort). MC enters the camp & fights through the Hunters until he faces down the Dragon Slayer. He then frees the dragon young (they are put in you're inventory as Quest Items. Like the Dire Pups) & he returns to Vix's Lair.
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To Fake A Slaying
: Complete The Dragon Slayer.
Given By: Vixenatrix
Difficulty: Easy
Realising the Baron wont recede the bounty MC speaks with Vix who comes up with a plan. MC will fake slaying her at Greyport's harbor for all to witness. MC orders a trebauche from Marcus but fashions his own "non-lethal" spear at the Blacksmiths (Requires: 4 Iron Ore, 12 Wood & 3 Bandages). He has Marcus set up the Trebauche at Greyport & as Vix flies by MC fires it. She is "hit" & fakes falling to her death in the harbor. MC then speaks with (someone) about the bounty & is payed a great sum for killing the beast (This could allow MC to actually meet the Baron & his daughter in a small honourific meeting before being escorted out). He meets with Vix back at the lair in time to have some naughty fun but she refuses in case she gets pregnant again. She cant take anymore risks. Use Tasty Pastties to make her horny.
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If you get Vix preg again she will express concern that she will have to hunt once they are born & is worried that the trick wont work twice. MC is left to ponder how to avoid this again in the future. Pastries are no longer required.

Egg Theives!
: Complete To Fake A Slaying & wait for her to lay her second eggs.
Given By: Vixenatrix.
Difficulty: Easy.
After Vix lays her second batch of eggs MC can visit & find her distraught. The eggs have been stolen! Investigating a tunneled out cave nearby has MC fighting strange runty looking dragon-things (Kobolds) who are fiercely guarding the eggs. After reaching the eggs, their leader steps forth, promptly drops to his knees & begs you not to take them. Turns out Kobolds are the failed offspring of male dragons attempting to breed with mortal women. They worship dragons but sadly they are despised for being failures. Dragons either abuse or kill Kobolds but they hope that if they raised them then they will allow the Kobolds to worship them & serve without malice. MC manages to make a deal between the Kobolds & Vix. Vix will let the Kobolds remain in her Lair & worship her if the Kobolds hunt for & attend to the needs of her young until they are old enough to find their own lairs.
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Expansion! (This questline is ambitious & most likley would bener happen but I like it lol)
:Complete Egg Thieves!
Given By: Kobold Elder
Difficulty: Medium
With the Kobolds put in their place you can now put them to work expanding Vix's lair. Speak with "Head Kobold" about building new spaces into the cave. This will take up resources (Wood, Coin, Iron Ore, Meat, Bandages) for the Kobold workers to do the job. Once a project begins they should have it operational within 5 days (3 Days with certain upgrades).
-Private Chamber- this will give Vixenatrix a private space to sleep & lay her eggs. While she has eggs she will remain in the Chamber until after they hatch. While preg/not-preg she will alternate between being in the Main Chamber (existing map space) & here. You can also sleep here with Vix & unlocks a new sex scene.
*MC Bed becomes available. (THIS IS THE QUEST UPDATE YOU NEED TO DO)
-Kobold Village Upgrades- The village is a cavernous walkway of huts where the Kobolds live. You can upgrade this space with better structure & different buildings (a diner, shaman's hut, med bay, hunters hut ect..) to raise the Kobolds moral & make them work faster (more resources in quicker time).
*Med Bay (shortens work time by 1 day & health shop)
*Diner (shortens work time by 1 day)
*Shaman's Hut (Alchemy Desk & ingredients shop)
*Hunting Hut (Unlocks: Food Stores & Diner)
*Barracks (Put miners to work)
-Mine Shaft- a mine shaft where Kobolds mine for Iron Ore, Gold & precious Stones. This will essentially raise the amount of treasure Vix has & the more she has the more she is willing to let you take some. (If you're too greedy her Vault Guard Kobold will tell you you're cut off until they replenish the Vault).
-Nursarey- This is one of the 1st spaces Vix will want made & will not have sex until it's done. It's a space for you're baby dragonlings to live in while they are in the cave. Eventually they do leave so make sure to keep it filled with you're kids.
-Food Stores- the Kobolds dig into an icy part of the cave system. They use this to store food supplies. If you build Hunters shack in Kobold Village then every day they will place meat from Rabbits, Boars, Bears & Gaters into this cave & you can collect some when you visit.
-Vault- the Kobolds build a secure chamber to keep all of Vix's treasure safe within. If you ask the Vault Guard about taking some treasure he will ask how much you need. As long as the Vault is above 2000g then you can take up to 200g BUT once its is 2000g or lower then Vix will cut u off until the treasure is restocked (you can also put coin back into the Vault).

Dragon Lair
-Kobold Village- a small village of Kobolds that has been established in a smaller part of Vix's cave.
Slayer's Camp- a ruin that the Dragon Slayer & his crew have turned into their base.

New Enemies?
Rivolt, The Dragon Slayer (Human)
The grizzled veteran leader of the dragon hunters. This guy has a history with the dragons but hasent had the chance to hunt one in a long time. He is the boss of the Hunters who must be killed to save the dragonlings. His base is in the old ruins (Slayer's Camp).
Dragon Hunters (Humans)
Dragon Hunters are the crew who work under the Dragon Slayer. These guys are equipped with "anti-dragon" gear (massive crossbows). Found only in Slayer's Camp during "The Dragon Slayer", after that they are gone.
Kobolds (Draconids)
Runty little failed dragons born from male dragons mating with mortal women. They start as aggressive, if pathetic, enemies who stole Vix's second batch of eggs but later become her loyal servants once the misunderstanding is sorted.
Sounds like a good quest series! Thank you for sharing :)


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
stop watching dragon heart... seriously, it's a great movie but you sound obsessed.. at least in your idea Vix didn't give MC a portion of her heart, that could've been problematic.

the kobolds in your idea look like just a different flavor of goblins, there has to be something that makes them more unique. instead of failed dragons, they should be dragon cultists that live to serve dragons.
as of Vix's offsprings. I think she should have a limited number as dragons would affect the ecosystem too much.
Dragon Heart is the BEST MOVIE!

Yeah I feel the same which is why they dont need to be bred into existence they just kinda exist to help serve Vix so she dosent have to hunt & reveal herself again. But i do see you're point.

Dragons are endangered i say its MC's duty to bring them back from the brink. Also I reckon not all Dragonlings will live long enough to be a prominent threat. Young dragons have many territorial adversaries & are easy pickings for knights.


Jun 24, 2017
It's not like Tinkerer has ever given us reason to doubt. He is pretty straight forward in his communication.
Doesn't make constant excuses, gives good status updates, delivers decent progress in reliable intervals even if not down to the day.
It's not like he says "soon" and then you don't see anything happening or hear from him for months, to find an urgently packaged "update" with nothing to show for.
Quite the opposite!

If only all projects would commence like this one...
I agree, at least he's not like the creators of summertime saga... which hasn't had an update in over a year.


New Member
Oct 9, 2021
Can anyone share save file 2.71vr Go Forth and Multiply im stuck
I triggered the go forth and multiply quest but I didn’t talk to Ziva after the ghost spawned and directly went to recruit Oksana, now I can’t finish the quest and the spread the word quest won’t trigger
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Sep 7, 2020
So this is the Giantess questline idea for anyone who is interested in reading it. Keep in mind non of this is cannon it's just a fan-made concept I did out of bordem.

Hilde Arc Ideas
Pregnancy takes a total of 25 days. Hilde will announce she is pregnant on day 5 & give birth 20 days after. She can birth either 6 or 10 children (she has the space for 10 in camp & the competitive streak to outdo her sister. Up to Tinkerer).

Mammoth Hunt
Hilde must be 5 days pregnant.
Objectives: Hunt A Mammoth. Return To Giants Camp.
Difficulty: Medium
Join Danghdangh & Thank in hunting a Mammoth. After killing 2 of these beasts take the meat back to the Camp.
When you return Frida is already at the camp. That night the celebration feast is interrupted by Cave Goblins. Defeat them!

Avenge Danghdangh
Complete Celebration Feast.
Objectives: Speak To Thank. Go To Cave Goblin Camp. Kill Cave Goblin Boss. Return To Giants Camp.
Difficulty: Medium
Danghdangh was fatally wounded in the attack & dies! Join Thank in attacking the Cave Goblins at their Camp in the Tundra. After killing the Cave Goblin Boss, return to the Giants Camp.
When you return there is a funeral for Danghdangh, then go check on Hilde (be sure to have a Phallus G. on hand )

Between Two Sisters
Complete The Chief's Funeral.
Objectives: Try To Talk To Frida. Try To Talk To Hilde. Find A Solution.
Difficulty: Medium.
Frida caught you & Hilde together! She refuses to let you into the house. Use Awe to convince both sisters to see each other (Frida must be found outside her house in the garden). Once at the meeting put Moonflower Pollen in their Meed to trigger a 3some. (MC will not go to the meeting unless he has a Phallus G. in his inventory)

A Bigger Tent For Hilde
Hilde must be on her 2nd pregnancy.
Objectives: Build A Larger Tent For Hilde
-Wolf Pelts ×5
-Bear Pelts ×3
-Mammoth Pelt ×2
-Mammoth Tusks ×4
-Wood ×10
Difficulty: Medium
Hilde wants a larger tent to raise her kids in. Once you have all the necessary resources build the new tent in place of her old one.

Old Locations (Importent)
•Giants Camp
•Frida's Place
New Locations
- A tundra zone where the Giants hunt Mammoths.
•Cave Goblin Camp- A camp established by Goblins tucked into a small crevice in the Tundra.
•Hilde's Tent

•Cave Goblin Scouts, Warriors & Reavers
•Cave Goblin Boss
- Thanks to Skyrim I now associate Giants w/ Mammoths so I think hunting them could be challenging but fun.
•Saber Cats- I also like the idea of the Tundra having saber-tooth cats running around trying to eat the player.
•Wolves & Bears (their pelts are needed for last quest)

New Resources
•Mammoth Carcass
•Mammoth Fat-
Perhaps this fat can be used to make fire bombs?
•Mammoth Fur
•Mammoth Tusk
•Saber Cat Pelt
•Saber Tooth
Nice I was thinking Tinkerer needs to have MC fight the Giant Chief at some point maybe after the Chief tries to claim Frida or a daughter of Frida & MC, but that's just copying the Goblin story.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
Nice I was thinking Tinkerer needs to have MC fight the Giant Chief at some point maybe after the Chief tries to claim Frida or a daughter of Frida & MC, but that's just copying the Goblin story.
Why is everyone on this thread so bloodthirsty all the time?? What wrong with a little deception from time to time.
We need to pretend to be his baby boy and get declared his heir... should be easy just need to creep out from between Hilde's legs as she's "giving birth" and call him daddy a few times (then we can finally have that incest moment everyone seems to be crying for all the time as we fuck our new mommy while she breast feeds us).


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2019
The amount of grind in this game is insane. Not hating, just saying ._.
overall yes, but at some point you get like the spider girl and batbreeder to give eggs,
lots of things can be bought at the goblin shaman or if you rent the fields easy money and items

start is bit hard but if you get in the flow of the game its become bit to easy .

if you have complaints or pin point issues with certain grinds just replay to me and why those are a problem
good feedback is golden for Tinkerer ofc.


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
overall yes, but at some point you get like the spider girl and batbreeder to give eggs,
If you keep them fed, and spend copious amounts of your (real-life) time and (in-game) energy keeping them pregnant. Plus, you’ll probably want to keep a fertility potion active, just to give yourself better odds … You’ll need to farm the ingredients for that.

The grind does lessen a bit once you have your gear and a place to heal up (so you don’t have to spend a week in bed every time you fight a single goblin), but it still remains grindy as all hell. Yes, planting food in the fields is “easy” money—it’s dependable, and there’s not skill or luck involved—but it’s a chore nonetheless. It’s busy work that’s keeping you from enjoying the game.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2019
If you keep them fed, and spend copious amounts of your (real-life) time and (in-game) energy keeping them pregnant. Plus, you’ll probably want to keep a fertility potion active, just to give yourself better odds … You’ll need to farm the ingredients for that.

The grind does lessen a bit once you have your gear and a place to heal up (so you don’t have to spend a week in bed every time you fight a single goblin), but it still remains grindy as all hell. Yes, planting food in the fields is “easy” money—it’s dependable, and there’s not skill or luck involved—but it’s a chore nonetheless. It’s busy work that’s keeping you from enjoying the game.
yea the start is bit all over the place due you want to as much in 1 go if possible, cant disagree with that but at some point you powerfull enought also to run the badcave and spidercave for some easy items.

best healing items are the bandages due its 25% , and very cheap if you get enough money from the 4 pumpkin fields. and when you get childern with rosy you can put them on farms to do it for the player

that said, what would you chance than ? the item rate ?
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
The amount of grind in this game is insane. Not hating, just saying ._.
overall yes, but at some point you get like the spider girl and batbreeder to give eggs,
lots of things can be bought at the goblin shaman or if you rent the fields easy money and items

start is bit hard but if you get in the flow of the game its become bit to easy .

if you have complaints or pin point issues with certain grinds just replay to me and why those are a problem
good feedback is golden for Tinkerer ofc.
Or just activate the Cheat Chests by clicking on the pebbles next to the stump in Weirdwood to help speed up the process...
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Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
that said, what would you chance than ? the item rate ?
If I had been the one making this game, I would’ve drastically reduced the player’s reliance on items in the first place. I don’t think it’s good design to have certain basic functionalities of the game (e.g. sex with Freya and other giant-sized characters, knocking up the vampire girls) require a consumable item every single time the player wants to do them—especially when it’s a consumable item like a potion which itself has to be crafted using several other ingredients. Why not make Phallus giganticus a repeatable spell, since we have need of it so often? If we’re crafting potions of enhanced fertility, why not give them to the vampire girls themselves to cure them of their barrenness, instead of having the PC drink one every time he wants to have sex? And so on and so forth. I would’ve also striven to make crafting recipes more rewarding; you identified a significant problem yourself when you corrected observed that the bandage—the basic healing item in the game—is just more efficient than any other healing method, despite there being maybe a dozen recipes for restorative food items in the game …

But anyway, I’ve aired my grievances out plenty of times in this thread. If I had to propose a simple “fix” for the current game, it would be to increase the number of resources each spawn point gives you; similar to how the well gives you ten portions of magic water, I would make cave flowers give three to four portions of nectar, each egg sac five or six spider eggs, etc. Human semen is another ingredient that’s pretty annoying to farm; you can only get three a day, and doing so means giving up on having sex that day (unless—guess what?—you use another potion).
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Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
Or just activate the Cheat Chests by clicking on the pebbles next to the stump in Weirdwood to help speed up the process...
Unless Tinkerer changed this since the last time I tried using them, the cheat chests are worthless. They just give you a bit of gold (not even enough for a full set of gear), unless you’ve already made significant progress within the game, at which point you don’t need them anymore. (I’ll never understand why a cheat mechanic was implemented that required you to already have beaten the game before giving you what you needed to beat the game.)


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Unless Tinkerer changed this since the last time I tried using them, the cheat chests are worthless. They just give you a bit of gold (not even enough for a full set of gear), unless you’ve already made significant progress within the game, at which point you don’t need them anymore. (I’ll never understand why a cheat mechanic was implemented that required you to already have beaten the game before giving you what you needed to beat the game.)
It also makes another cheat available. Near the lake is a bramble that when activated let's you interact with sprites which are linked to the Dev mode so you can change some variables.

Also theres a mushroom cluster on a tree nearby the stump cheat that allows you to turn off the affection drop.


Sep 8, 2018
Can any one share a save prior to this release. I dont want to start to far back. TY in advance


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
you can get 9 human seed per day, mass restores that number.
Only 9?? :p ... back when I was a teen... well lets say I was permanently dehydrated.
I know the Anti-NTR crowd will facepalm me for this, but can't we use Gwen and the Temple girls to farm this?
hell the Temple girls don't even need to get personal, put a "font" at the temple and let pilgrims jack off into it as an offering.
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