Each dose increases your Blood Points by 3, max 10 points. Lose a point at the start of each new day. Higher gives access to more abilities, but too high and sunlight becomes your enemy.What are the effects of the “vampire blood potion”?
I know that the MC's strength and agility increase, and he gains Night Vision.
What else is there? Something about girl?
1+ - Nightvision.
2+ - Awe: Use on a girl to reset her Affection to max immediately.
3+ - +50% Agility.
4+ - +20% damage dealt on a hit.
5+ - Regenerate 3% of max HP every combat turn or every few steps outside of combat.
8+ - Take repeated damage from daylight. Not sure of the exact amount but more than you regenerate and you eventually burn up completely if you don't get indoors/underground.
After learning how to make Sun Lotion (during the giants' hunting grounds quests), you can use it to prevent sunburnination. A dose protects until the start of the next day.
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