woooow, just started the game when the latest update came out and i fucking love that game
are done with allmost every quest lol great game , just love everything about it
great jobb... couple more animations would be great
and everything is top notch
i hope children gonna grow up so MC can take care of the whole famyli
every "Woman" is soo fucking sexy, i would propably fuck them in RL lol
great renderings
have 1 problem.... in the crown quest, the 3 sigils go busted and 3 ghousts run away...
later on i talk to mayor and go to the cemetary... now im supposed to feed them under 7 days, and i did but nothing happends... they got like almost 7-8 humans left by the back door and nothing... theres this plate to press on the grave to the right, but when pressed, nothing opens, and its been almost 2 weeks since i began the quest... any ideas hot to trigger it? those wampires supposed to talk to me???? or what?