I have zero issues with that. You were actually handing over money for a product, so of course, you should have a voice in the future of that product. My issue was with the people here who never have nor will hand over a penny but think they should have the right to dictate how things should go. For clarity, I agree that the current story is stale & needs a change but since I'm not supporting Pegasus I will never scream & shout that he's a dick & should make the comic I personally want.
p.s. I must admit to being a little confused. If as you said there are so many of his subs that feel the same way you do, then why would he not appease you by giving you the story you guys wanted? Is it possible that there are not as many paying customers as you think that want anything more than an incest comic?
You make a valuable point.
It's funny because the most vocal idiots are the absolute freeloaders. You stop posting these comics here and they'll leve this site too.
But I agree that P.S may stopped exploring new and risky themes due to the backlash and demand from his subscribers. In the end it's all about business. If anyone wants to have thier own ideas explored then make your own comics, if you have the guts.
If the writer stops listening to the subscribers then his works won't sell thus creating financial problems. Pigking suffers from this same problem. They used so much of their own preferred topic/ideas into comics repeatedly which ultimately made them loose hundreds to subscribers and now his comics are pure .
P.S probably knows about this so he's pleasing his subscribers. You want your kimd of story? Then go subscribe and tell him how you want it to be done. If he doesn’t listen then unsubscribe and stop reading instead of crying on internet about it.