Nah mate, people see through you a mile off. You want continued arguments and discord because you enjoy that shit, you've just admitted to judging me and by your own words here wanting act also as executioner against what you perceive is hypocrisy, notwithstanding that appeal to hypocrisy is not an argument anyway, it is in fact, the fallacy of Tu Quoque. The difference between what I said originally and what I got in reply was a different layer of seriousness. It is perfectly fine to banter back and forth and to give and take but, and I think I said this before, you have to understand the different layers to that and not jump the gun. Since you cannot understand that or choose not to, it gives evidence you are trying to troll via either deliberately not understanding via choice, or through inability.
You also have the arrogance in your own post to admit that you are judging me and thinking you have the right to somehow 'expose me'. All you show to me and to others is that you but attack a strawman, I do not have to justify myself to you. Nor as I said do I want to play your game. You do not know me in real life, as you have said before you think I have middle child syndrome and an inability to be serious. But you only know my online persona, you only know what I choose to show, so you attack only a version of me that is incomplete.
The version of me you have in your head and seek to attack is not my concern nor my creation, it is entirely yours. And your need to attack phantoms to 'expose their hypocrisy' is entirely here for every readers to look and evaluate and refer to henceforth at their disposal.